H Y P O C H i E R I S macukta.
Spotted Hawkweedy or Caf s-ear.
S T N G E N E S I A Po/ygamiatequafts.
G en. Char. Recept. chaffy. Cal. fomewhat imbricated.
Seed-down feathery.
Spec. C har. Stem naked, folitary. Leaves ovato-
oblong, undivided, dentated.
Syn. Hypochasris maculata, Linn. Sp. PI. 1 1 4 0 .
Hudf. FI. An. 346. With. Bot. Arr. 858. Relh.
Cant. 300.
Hieracium primum latifolinm. Raii Syn. i6j .
Ger. em. 301.
O n E of our rare chalk-country plants, difcoyered hitherto
only about Newmarket heath, Burnack heath Northampton-
fhire, and in the fequeftered country about Malham Cove
in Yorkfhire. Mr. Hemfted gathered our prefent fpecimen
near the Devil’s ditch, where Ray mentions its growing. It is.
perennial, flowering in July.
The root is thick and long, abounding with milky juice, as
does the reft of the plant. Leaves all radical, except the plant
becomes luxuriant from cultivation, oblong, fomewhat pointed,
very irregularly toothed, rough, fpotted with red or brown.
Stalk commonly Ample and Angle-flowered, roughilh, with one
or two diftant lanceolate bratlese. Outer fcales of the calyx
rough with black prominent briftles, intermixed with fcattered
white ones. The Flower, not much unlike that of Dandelion,
clofes in the afternoon, and “ turneth into a downie blowball,”
as Gerarde fays, “ that is carried away with the winde.”
The feeds, according to Linnaeus, are wrinkled. We have not
feen them in a ripe ftate.