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C R E P I S foetida.
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Stinking Hawkweed or Crépis.
S T N G E N E S I A Polygamîa-aqualis.
G en. Char. Receptacle hifpid. Calyx furrounded with
deciduous fcales. Down fimple, generally on a
Spec. Char. Leaves runcinato-pinnatifid, hairy; their
footftalks toothed. Calyx downy.
Syn. Crépis foetida. Linn. Sp. PI. 1133. Hudf. Fl.
■ An. 339. With. Bot. Arr. 852. ed. 3. 689. Relh.
Cant. 296.
Hieracium Caftorei odore Monfpelicnfium. Rail
Syn. 165.
(jrA TH E R ED at Barton in Norfolk by the Rev. Mr. Hem-
fted. It always grows on a chalky foil, flowering in June or July,
but is not of frequent occurrence.
Root biennial, fmall. Stems feveral, branched, fpreading (the
central one only being ere£t), round, hairy, leafy. Radical
leaves fpreading in the form of a ftar, deeply pinnatifid in a
runcinate manner, and toothed, running down into a bordered
toothed footftalk: thofe on the ftem feffile ; and the uppermoft
generally undivided. Flowers terminal, folitary, drooping when
in the bud, then erect, rather fmall, yellow. Calyx clothed
more or lefs with foft hairy down, not glandular. Receptacle
(as Leers juftly remarks) furnifhed with ihort hair, fringing the
margins of its little cavities, as Gsertner alfo, tab. 158, has ob-
ferved it in C. alpina and biennisy fo that we have ventured to
alter the generic character from Receptacle naked to hifpid.— The
feed-down is Ample, fcarcely perceptibly feathered under the
higheft magnifier, and Hands on a footftalk.
Every part of the herb fmells like bitter almonds, but much
ftronger, approaching to opium, or the juice of wild lettuce.