[ I l 31 ]
SENECIO aquaticus.
Marjh Ragwort.
SYNGENES1A Polygamia-Juperjlua.
G en. C har. Recepl. naked. Down Ample. Cal.
cylindrical, many-leaved, equal, fcaly at the b afe;
fcales dead at the tip.
Spec. Char. Radius fpreading; florets elliptical.
Leaves lyrate, ferrated ; the lowermoft obovate
and undivided. Seeds fmooth.
S y n . Senecio aquaticus. H ud f.^ 6 . Sm. FI. Brit. 8 8 5 .
With. 72.5 * Hull. 1 8 7 . Relh. 3 2 9 . Sibth. 2 5 4 .
Abbot. 1 8 2 .
Jacobasa latifoliapaluftrisfive aquatica. RaiiSyn. 178.
T 7
X b Q U A L L Y common with the preceding, but in different
fituations; preferring moift meadows and even ditches, where
it flowers from July to the end of autumn, and the root is
Linnaeus confidered this but as a variety of S. Jacob tea, and
indeed its leaves are fubjefit to fo many changes of form, from
ovate to deeply pinnatifid, that they fometimes approach
nearly to thofe of the foregoing; they are however always of
a lighter colour. The flowers are fewer, larger, with the
radiant florets mpre elliptical; fometimes indeed, when they
are but few in number, very much fo, and of a confiderable
breadth. Thefe circumftances authorized Mr. Hudfon and
others to confider this as a diftina fpecies. We are happy to.
have difcovered an additional charaaer in the fmoothnefs of
the feeds, in which'' this Senecio differs from every other we
have been able to examine; for in this the feeds of both difk
and radius are quite fmooth, except a little occafional rough-
nefs on the upper part of their edges, nor have they any of
thofe filky hairs found in other plants of this genus.
J?eb?lJ.803 P ubli/hed by J o * Sowerby.Lottdou.