[ 973 ]
CARDUUS acanthoides
Welted Thijlle.
f / .
SYNGENESIS Polygarrda-eequalh.
G en. C hA.R. Cal. fwelling, imbricated with fpinous
fcales. Recept. hairy. Down deciduous.
Spec. Char. Leaves decurrent, finuated, fpinous.
Calyx globofe, not quite leflile; its fcales linear,
Syn. Carduus acanthoides. Linn. Sp. PL 1150.
Sm. FI. Brit. 848. With. 698. Hull. 179«
Sym. 176. Relh. 304.
C. crifpus. Hudf. 350. Light/. 45a.
C. polyacanthos. Curt. Lond. fafc. 6. t. 34. Sibth.
245. Hbbot. 175.
C. caule crifpo. Rail Syn. 194;
T h IS fpecies of Thiftle, though not common, is rather
more frequently to be met with, about hedges and dry wafte
places, than the tenuiflorus, v. 6 . t. 4 1a, with which fome
of its fynonyms have been confounded, Hudfon and Light-
foot took it for the crifpus of Linnaeus, which is not a Britifh
C. acanthoides flowers in June and July. Its root is annual,
fpindle-fhaped. Whole plant more green and lefs hoary
than tenuiflorus. Stem 3 feet or more in height, branched,
furrowed, clothed on every fide with fcalloped wings formed
by the decurrent leaves. Thefe' wings, as well as the leaves
themfelves, which are deeply finuated, have all their edges
fringed with innumerable divaricating fpines of various
lengths. The flowering branches are elongated and a little
fpreading, terminating in irregular clufters of purple eredt
flowers, generally on fhort partial ftalks. The calyx is globofe,
very different from that of tenuiflorus; its fcales linear,
a little recurved at the tip, efpecially when old, terminating
in flender fpines, and but flightly woolly. Wing of
the feed deciduous, briftly, rough.
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