f I002 ]
GNAPHALIUM luteo-album.
yerfey Cudweed.
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SYNGBNE SI A Polygamia-fuperjlua.
G en . C h a r . Recept. naked. Down rough or feathery.
Cal. imbricated; with coloured membranous fcales.
Florets o f the radius awlfhaped. Some florets o f
the difk occafionally abortive.
Sp e c . C h a r . Herbaceous. Leaves half embracing
the ftem, Iwordfhaped, waved, woolly on both
tides; the lower ones blunt. Flowers, cluttered.
S y n . Gnaphalium luteo-album. Lmn. Sp. PI. 1196.
Sm. FI. Brit. 867. Hudf. 359. With. 712.
Hull. 183. DickfyH.Sicc.fafc. 5. 13,
Elichryfum tylveftre latifolium, capitulis eonglobatis.'
Rail Syn. 182.
R a y and his friends made no fcruple of allowing a place
in the Britifli Flora to the plants of Jerfey and Guemfey,
though thofe of Gibraltar might almoft as well be admitted.
The Gnaphalium now before us is faid to be very frequent in
dry barren places in the firft-mentioned ifland, flowering in
July and Auguft. Our fpecimen however is of Englilh growth,
and, as Mr. Relhan thinks, indubitably wild, having been
found by him in the road from Hanxtown to Little Shelford,
Cambridgelhire, far from any houfe (nor is it indeed a garden
plant), alfo in a gravel-pit a quarter of a mile from the road.
We give it on that gentleman’s authority; and the only queftion
can be, whether its very volatile feeds could have been wafted
thither from the botanic garden at Cambridge.
Root annual, fmall. Whole herb clothed with white lax
cottony down. Stems fpreading at the bafe, about a foot high,
or more. Leaves alternate, fomewhat revolute and waved.
Flowers many in a denfe terminal woolly duller. Calyx pale-
yellow, fhining. Hermaphrodite florets few, yellow, central,
5 -cleft; female ones numerous, redder, awllhaped, with a
red.ftigma. Seeds all fertile, fmall, rough.