OPHRYS cordata.
Heart-leaved Mountain Ophrys.
G 1 N A N D R I A Diaitdria.
G e n . C h a r . Nedary confifting o f a lip only, flightly
carinated at the back.
S p e c . C h a r . Root of cluttered flefhy fibres. A pair
of heart-thaped leaves on the flem. Nectary
with four lobes.
S y n . Ophrys cordata. Linn. Sp. PI. 1340. Hudf.
FI. An. 388. With. Bot. Arr. 988.
Bifolium minimum. Rail Syn. 385.
* this raI e aJ.Pine P^nt we are obliged to Mr. Salt of
onemeld, a molt affiduous mvelligator of the vegetable creation,
who gathered it on the high turfy moors to the fouth-
weit ot that town, as indicated by Dr. Smith in WitherinSs
0° rT' * grows in moift, lhady fpots, flowering in June
J n / ° V Sr mUCh « W « * 4 Ophiogloffum vulgatum
an . Ofmunda lunana ; we fufped it to be, like thofe, truly per-
Z n ’ m "°! a Clufter of fibres one year Which are
totally obliterated (while a new duller is forming) the next.
Stem fohtary, angular, 4 or S inches high, ffmple, ered,
bearing about its middle a pair of oppofite, heart-lhaped,
pointed, fmooth, veiny leaves. Spike terminal, upright,
compofed of numerous green inconfpicuous flowers, whofe
petals are fpreading, equal in length, the 2 innermoft only
being narrower than the reft, and all often tinged with brown.
7 ? a a v lonR> dependent, yellowifh, having 2
extended linear lobes at the bafe, and being cloven half wav
into two longer ones of the fame figure. 13y thefe firft-men-
tioned lobes this fpecies is eflentially diftinguilhed from the
common Ophrys ovata (not to mention fize, or the form of the
leaves), which has only very flight prominences in that part of
its nedary. The capfule is globofe, purplilh, crowned with
the permanent withering corolla, and burfting by lateral clefts.