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H I E R A C I UM paludofum.
Succory-leaved Hawkweed.
SYNGENESIS Potygamia-aqualh.
G en. Char. Recept. nearly naked, dotted. Cal. imbricated,
ovate. Down Ample, feffile.
Spec. C har. Stem panicled, hollow. Leaves
toothed, fmooth, embracing the ftem with their
heart-fhaped bafe. Calyx rough.
Syn. Hieracium paludofum. Linn. Sp. PI. 1x29.
Sm. FI. Brit. 831. Hudf. 345. With. 686.
Hull. 176. Lightf. 438.
H. montanum cichorei folio noftras. Rail Syn. 166.
T T J ——
VV ILD fpecimens of the plant here delineated were fent
from North Wales by Mr. Turner, and from York (hire by
Hailftone, in July and Auguft laft. It is generally
efteemed a rare fpecies, and indeed is only to be found in our
moft mountainous counties, where it delights in moift fhady
places. We have formerly feen it cultivated with fuccefs even
in a fmoky London garden for fevera.1 years; and it is remarkable
that fome of the moft alpine plants, as Angelica
Archangelica, thrive beft in fuch an atmofphere.
The root is perennial, formed of many downy fibres.
Herb fmooth, intenfely bitter. Stem angular, leafy, hollow,
panicled above but fimple in the lower part, leafy. Leaves
alternate, fomewhat elliptical, toothed, {harp-pointed, clafp-
ing the ftem with their heartlhaped bafe. Panicle corym-
bofe, fpreading, fumiftied with a few fmall ciliated bradteas.
Calyx rough with black prominent hairs. Corolla bright full
yellow. Receptacle naked. Seed pale-brown, Down rough.