/ / (p C 540 ]
Corn Marigold.
S Y N GE N E S I A Polygamla-fuperfiua,
G en . C h ar. Receptacle naked. Seed bordered. Cal.
hemifphaerical, imbricated ; fcales membranous at
the edge.
Sp e c . C h ar. Leaves embracing the Item, glaucous,
jagged upwards, toothed at the bafe.
S yn . Chryfanthemum fegetum. Linn. Sp. PL 12 5 4 .
Hudf 3 7 1 . With. 73 5 . Relb. 3 2 1 . Sihth. 2 5 7 .
Curt. Lond. fafc. 6. t. 60. Dickf. H. Sicc. fafc. 6. 1 3 .
Mart. Fl. Ruß. t. n o . Raii Syn. 182.
A C O M M O N weed in corn-fields, particularly troublefome
(as Mr. Woodward remarks) among tumeps on a fandy foil.
I t is an annual o f quick growth, lafts a long time (from June to
Auguft) in flower, and is very prolific. Our Englifh agricultu-
rifts agree that it is only to be eradicated by the hand.
Root tapering, flender, not much branched. Stem 3 or 3
feet high, ereft, alternately branched, leafy, angular, fmooth
and glaucous, as is the whole herb. Leaves alternate, embracing
the ftem, oblong, pointed, more or lefs cut and jagged, fome-
times pinnatifid, in the upper part, while their dilated bafe is
more finely toothed or ferrated; very rarely they are quite entire.
Flowers fohtary, terminating each branch, which is gradually
thickened and naked upwards ; they are large and handfome,
o f a bright golden yellow. Calyx o f numerous fcales, o f which
the mnermofl: are largeftand moft membranous. Tubular florets
o f the difk very numerous and fm a ll; ligulate ones o f the radius
in a Ample fenes, broad and almofl inverfely heart-fhaped,
with a tubular bafe. Seed grooved, and crowned with a mem-
-branous border.