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E R I G E R O N alpinum.
Alpine Flea-bane .
S T N G E N E S I A Polygamia-fuperjlua.
G en. Char. Recept. naked. Seed-down fimple. Florets
of the radius linear, very narrow.
Spec. C har. Stems almoft fingle-flowered. Calyx
flightly hairy.
Syn . Erigeron alpinum. Linn. Sp. P/. 1211. Dick/, in
Lirm. Tranf. F. 2. 288. With. 718. Fl. Dan. t. 292.
F I R S T difcovered by Mr. Dickfon upon moift rocks o f the
mountain Ben Lawers in Scotland. Our fpecimen was fent
by Mr. Mackay. It is perennial, and flowers in July.
T h e root confifts o f many long Ample round fibres. Stems
feveral, ere£t, leafy, angular and rather hairy, naturally fimple,
and bearing one or, at moft, two flowers; but in a luxuriant
foil, or when by accident broken, they Ihoot out into many
fingle-flowered branches. Leaves fpatulate, ribbed, h a iry ,
thofe on the Item alternate, feflile, and dilated at their bafe.
Flower ereft. C aly x o f numerous linear upright leaves, flightly
hairy, often reddifh. Central florets very numerous, tubular,
yellowifh, hermaphrodite, but with the thickened ftigma that
according to Dr.. Stokes indicates barrennefs; a point we have
no means o f afeertaining. T h e feeds o f thefe florets however
look as i f perfect. Florets o f the radius numerous, ligulate,
very narrow, fpreading, pale purple, furnifhed with a ftyle and
flender ftigmas, no ftamina. Seeds o f all the florets h a iry
Seed-down turning reddifh, and, when very highly magnified,
rough. Receptacle naked, marked with minute depreflions.
L ik e moft alpine plants, this varies very much in fize according
to foil and fituation. T h e E. uniflorum, i f diftin£t,
is to be known from it chiefly by the calyx being woolly, or
clothed with long thick-fet white hairs. -ALaf! /. dyÿ'' Antis#.