3 . [ i o oi ]
ARTEMISIA maritima. 4 M /t
Sea Wormwood.
SYNGENESIA Polygamia-fuperflna.
G en. Char. Recent, naked or downy. Seed-down
none. Cal. imbricated, the fcales roundith and
clofed. Florets of the radius awlfhaped, undivided.
Spec. Char. Leaves in many deep divifions, down)'.
Clutters drooping. ' Receptacle naked. Female
florets about three.
Syn. Artemifia maritima. Linn. Sp. Pi. i x 86. Sm.
FI.'Brit. 864. Hudf. 358. With. 709. Hull. 182.
Relb. Suppl. 2. 14. JVoodv. Med. Bot. t. 122.
Abfinthium marinum album. Rail Syn. 188. n. 2.
alfo n. 3, 4, 5 and 6. j
N O T uncommon in muddy places about the fea coaft,
flowering in Auguft and September.
Root woody, perennial. Whole plant clothed with a grey
cottony down. Stems eredt or proftrate, panicled, leafy, a foot
or more in height. Lower leaves pinnate; leaflets three-cleft;
upper ones varioufly, but for the moft part deeply, divided;
fegments all entire : uppermoft leaves often Ample. Clutters
of flowers generally more or lefs drooping. Flowers ovate.
Calyx woolly; its fcales brownifti, with a membranous edge.
Receptacle quite naked. Florets of the radius never more than
2 or 3 , and often wanting.
This plant has the qualities of the Common Wormwood,
but is lefs bitter, and more agreeable in its flavour. Some
occafional variations in this reipedt, as well as in the breadth
and hoarinefs of the leaves, denfity of the clutters, and flze
-of the flowers, gave occafion to our botanifts in the time of
Dillenius to make feveral fpecies, which he judicioufly con-
fiders as varieties. We have adtually traced moft of them to
their origin, and ftrongly fufpedt the A. carulefcens of Hudfon
to have been no other than the maritima, with broader and
more Ample upper leaves than ufual.