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DORONICUM Pardalianches.
Great Leojiard's-bane.
S YN G E N E S I A Polygamia-fuperflua.
G en. Char. Recept. naked. Down Ample. Calyx-
Jcales in 2 rows, equal, longer than the difk.
Seeds of the radius beardlefs.
Spec. Char. Leaves heart-fhaped, denticulate; the
radical ones on foot-ftalks; the reft embracing;
the ftem.
Syn. Doronicum Pardalianches. Linn. Sp. PI. 1247.
Lightf 485. Hud/. 650. With. 732. Hull. 185.
Scop. Gam. v. 2. 174.
■ IVIr . L IG H T F O O T obferved th is p lant in feveral places in
th e L ow la n d s o f S co tland , bu t always near houfes, fo th at he
fufpe&ed it to b e on ly a naturalized fpecies. D r . W ith e r in g
mentions it as g row in g on the banks o f th e Severn, b e low
B r id g en o r th , and in fome othe r places. O u r fpecimen w a s
gathered b y the road fide near S a lin g -h a ll, E fle x, b y T . W a l -
tord, E fq . w h o believes it cer ta in ly never to have been planted
th ere . Y e t i f tru ly indigenous, fo confpicuous a p lant would fin e ly
n o t have efcaped th e n otice o f R a y and his correfpondents.
I t is perennia l, and flowers in M a y . T h e c row n o f the root
is w o o lly . Stem tw o or three feet h ig h , branched, furrowed,
h a iry , th e uppermoft hairs glandu lar. L ea v e s more or lefs
h a iry , lo ft and p liable , ir regula r ly and f lig h t ly toothed, v e in y ;
th e radical ones la rg e , hea rt-fh aped, on lo n g fo o t fta lk s ; the
ftem-leav es more ovate, feflile. Flow er s large, folita ry at the
end o f each b ran ch . T h e c a ly x and receptacle b o th c o n ic a l;
th e fcales or leaves o f th e former numerous, linear, in tw o
rows, all equal, m u ch long e r th an the difk o f the flower, and
indeed almoft as lo n g as the radius, w h ich confifts o f nea rly
an equal n um b e r o f linea r p a le -y e llow female florets, ftriped
e xte rna lly w ith green, and notched at the tip . T h e ir feeds
have no w in g or d ow n ; w h ile th ofe o f th e tubular florets in
the difk are crowned with lo n g rough briftles. S co p o li, from
w h om th e e xc e llen t defcription in L igh tfo o t is almoft entirely
ta k en, obferves, th a t it requires on ly a month to form and ripen
th e feeds. • r
T h e root has b e en fuppofed a poifon to beafts o f prey, b u t
its qualities are v ery p rob lema tical.