OR CHI S bifolia.
Butterfly Orchis•
G T N A N D R IA Diandria•
Gen. Char. Neblary a fpur behind the flower.
Spec. Char. Bulbs undivided. L ip of the nedary
lanceolate and entire, the horn very long. Outer
petals fpreading..
S y n . Orchis bifolia. Linn. Sp. PL 13 3 1 . Hudf. FI.
Ann. 382. With. Bot. Arr. 967. Relh. Cantab.
Orchis hermaphroditica bifolia. Rail Syn. 380.
I N meadows and paftures throughout moft parts o f England,
but feldom in great plenty. The flowers appear about the beginning
o f June, and are highly fragrant, efpeciallyin an evening.
Their pale greenifh white colour, without any mixture o f red,
is unufual in this genus. T h e leaves are large, and o f a bright
unfpotted green, like thofe o f lily o f the valley.
T h e fynonym o f R a y above quoted feems to agree beft with
our figure and the ufual appearance o f the plant, though cited
as a variety by Mr. Hudfon 5 the Orchis alba bifolia minor cal-
carioblongo o f Ra y’s Synopfis, which is fmaller, and flowers later,
being confidered in the Flora Anglica as the original fpecies.
This is well figured in Flora Danica, t. 235, which is our principal
reafon for figuring the other.