xr [ 2082 ]
H I E R A C I U M murorum.
Wall Hawkweecl.
SYNGENESIA. Polygamia-cequalis.
G en. C har. Recept. nearly naked, dotted. Cal. imbricated,
ovate. Down simple, sessile.
Spec. Char. Stem branched, corymbose, one-Ieafed.
Leaves ovate, inclining to heartshaped, wavy ; with
radiating teeth chiefly at the base.
Syn. Hieracium murorum. Linn. Sp. PL 1128. Sm.
Tr. o f L. Soc. v. 9. 236. With. 686. Hull. 176*
Sm. FI. Brit. f3. 830. Huds. y. 345.
H. macrocaulon hirsutum, folio rotundiore. Rail
Syn. 169.
Pulmonaria gallica, sive aurea, latifolia. Ger. em. 304.
T h e wild specimen drawn in our plate was gathered in May
last upon Chedder cliffs* Somersetshire, by Mr. E. Forster.
The plant is perennial, and usually flowers again in the autumn,
as mentioned under H. sylvaticum, t. 2031, which
latter we presume to be the murorum of all our local Floras,
as it was also mistaken for such in FI. Brit.
The present Hieracium is known by its numerous roundish-
ovate, or somewhat heartshaped, radical leaves, which are
hairy, wavy at the edge, more or less toothed about the base,
and the teeth are radiant, the lowermost pointing backwards,
and being sometimes remarkably elongated. The footstalks
and backs of the leaves are often purple. Stem erect, round,
furrowed, hairy, branched, in a corymbose manner, with
several flowers, at the top, bearing one leaf only, usually
much toothed, in the lower part. Flowers full yellow, rather
larger, and with a thicker blacker calyx, than in H. sylvaticum,
as well as rather more corymbose. In fading all these
flowers turn of a tawny orange.