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S O N C H U S paluftris.
T a ll Marjh Sow-thijlle.
SYNGENESIS Polygamia-aquaUs.
G en. C har. Receptacle naked. Calyx imbricated,
fwelling at the bafe. Down Ample, feffile.
Spe c . Char. Flower-ftalks and calyx briftly, fome-
what umbellate. Leaves runcinate, arrow-fhaped
at the bafe, rough in the margin. -
Syn. Sonchus paluftris. Linn. Sp. P i. 1116. Sm.
F I Brit. 816. Hudf. 337. With. 674. Hull. 177.
Relb. 292. Curt. Lond. fafc. 5. t. 59.
S. tricubitalis, folio cufpidato. Ran Syn. 163.
G a t h e r e d by Mr. Groult on the banks of the Thames
between Greenwich and Woolwich, late in July laft. The
plant from which our fpecimen was taken meafured 7 feet in
height, it being the largeft of the Syngenefious clafs, and perhaps
the tailed: herbaceous plant, climbers excepted, that this
country produces.
Mr. Curtis has well diftinguifhed this fpecies from the ar-
•venjis, fee v. 10. t. 674, in oppofition to the opinion of Haller.
S. palujlris has a perennial, flefhy, and branched, but not a
creeping root. The whole herb is twice or thrice as large as
in the arvenjis, though the flowers are rather fmaller, and
generally a little paler. The ftem-leaves are longer, and their
bafe is arrow-fhaped, terminating in a pair of long narrow
divaricating lobes, inftead of being heart-fhaped. Their margin
is minutely toothed. The panicle aflumes nearly the
fhape of an umbel or cyme, varying in the number of flowers:
its {talks, as well as the calyx, are rough with denfe {hort black
glandular hairs or briftles, in which refpe6t, as well as in the
feeds and their down, it much agrees with S. arvenjis.