t 349 ]
H I E R A C I U M fabaudum,
Shrubby tiawkweed.
3 3,
S Y N G E N E S I A Polygamia-aqualis.
Gen. C har. Recept. naked. Cal. imbricated, ovate.
Seed-down Ample, fefflle.
Spec. Char. Stem eredt, many-flowered. Leaves
ovato-lanceolate, dentated, hairy beneath, half-
embracing the ftem; the lower ones elliptic-
Syn. Hieracium fabaudum. Linn. Sp. Pi. 1131*
Hudf. FI. An. 345. With. Bot. Arr. 849. Relb.
' Cant. 298. Sibth. Ox. 241.
H. fruticofum latifolium hirfutum. Rail Syn. 167.
F R E QJJ E N T in coppices and groves, efpecially on a gravelly
foil, flowering from July to September.
The root is perennial. Stem ereft, 2 or 3 feet high, round,
ftrong and woody, hairy in the lower part more efpecially, leafy,
panicled more or Iefs at the top. Leaves alternate, broad,
acute, very diftindlly dentated (of which kind of margin they
afford a good example); dark-green and almoft fmooth above ;
paler, fomewhat glaucous, and very hairy beneath : the lower
ones are of a lanceolate-elliptical form, and elongated at their
bafe; the greater part of thofe on the ftem ovato-lanceolate,
half-embracing the ftem; the upper ones gradually fmaller,
and the floral ones entire. Flower-ftalks eredf, downy, forming
a thin corymbus, which is liable to many different appearr
ances, either from the injuries of animals, or different degrees
of luxuriance. Flowers ere£f, open in the forenoon only.
Calyx downy and hairy. Anthers greenifh. Stigma fet with
blackifh hairs. Receptacle cellular, often a little hairy. Herb
milky. In fhady damp places the whole plant is fometimes
fmooth, but always rigid and firm in texture.