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H Y O S E R I S minima.
Swine s Succory.
S T N G E NE S I A Polygamia JEqualis.
G en. Char. Receptacle naked. Calyx nearly equal.
Down limple, or imperceptible.
Spec. Char. Stem divided, deftitute of leaves.
Flower-ftalks fwelled upwards.
Syn . Hyoferis minima. Linn. Sp. Pl. 1138. Hudf.
*%Fl. An. 346. With. Rot. Arr. 857. Relh. Cant. 300.
Hieracium minimum Clufii, Hyoferis Taberntemon-
tani & Gerardi. Rail Syn. 173.
•Xn barren fandy gravelly fields, but not common. Sent
June 30th laft from near Apfley and Ampthill, Bedfordfhire,
by the Rev. Mr. Abbott; alfo from "Walthamftow, by Mr. E.
Forfter, junior. It was long ago found by the fide of Arming-
hall wood near Norwich.
Root annual, but little branched. Leaves fpreading on the
ground, entire or irregularly toothed, rough, efpecially on their
edges. Stems three, four, or more, round, fmooth, taper and
purplilh at the bottom, fwelling gradually upwards, alternately
branched, ftriated, immediately under the flowers hollow and
inflated, with here and there a few fmall fcattered, pointed,
ere£f braftese. The flowers are folitary at the end of each
fubdivifion of the ftem, fmall, erect, bright yellow. Corollas
very obtufe and toothed. Seeds crowned with an elevated
rim, more rarely with fhort fimple down.
Like all field plants it varies extremely as to luxuriance, in
its molt abjedt Hate producing one fimple folitary ftalk with a
fingle [flower, while in a more favourable foil it fometimes
bears fix or more branched Items, many flowers, and leaves
proportionably numerous and large. Hypochseris glabra is remarkable
for the fame phenomenon.