/ 2 4 [ 1772 ]
Stinking Mayweed or Chamomile,
SYNGENESIA Polygamia-superflua.
G en. Char. Recept. chaffy. Seeds scarcely bordered.
Cal. hemisphserical, nearly equal. Florets of the
radius more than 5, oblong.
Spec. Char. Receptacle conical; its scales bristleshaped.
Seeds without any border. Leaves doubly
pinnatifid, smoothish.
Syn, Anthemis Cotula. Linn. Sp. P l. 1261. Sm. Ft.
Brit. 906. Huds. 373. With. 738. Hull. 188.
Relh. 336. Sibth. 259. Abbot. 186. Curt.
Lond.fasc. 5. #.-61.
Chamsemelum foetidum. Rail Syn. 185.
W e have alluded to this disagreeable weed in describing
A . arvensis, t. 602, a much rarer plant. A. Cotula is one of
the most common of this tribe, in fields and waste ground,
flowering from July to September, and is known by the strong
scent and acrimony of its herbage and blossoms.
Root annual, small. Stem upright, much branched, leafy,
smooth, many-flowered. Leaves alternate, sessile, doubly
pinnatifid, cut, narrow, flat, bright green, nearly or quite
smooth. Calyx more or less hairy, with narrow, slightly
bordered, scales. Disk of the flowers lemon-coloured, convex.
Rays white, numerous, elliptical, 3-toothed, reflexed
at night. Seeds obovate, furrowed, roughish, quite destitute
of any crown or border. Receptacle not merely conical, but
almost cylindrical, beset with narrow bristle-like scales, which
are shorter than the florets.