t 978 ]
ARTEMISIA vulgaris*
SYNGENE SI A Polygamia-ftiperjltid.
G en . C h a r . Recept. naked or downy. Seed-down
none. Cal. imbricated, the tcales roundifh and
clofed. Florets o f the radius awl-fhaped, undivided.
S p e c . C h a r . Leaves pinnatifid, flat, cut ; downy
beneath. Clutters Ample. Flowers ovate. Receptacle
S y n . Artemifia vulgaris. Linn. Sp. PI. 1188. Sm.
Fl.Brit.%6$. Hudf. 359. With. 710. Hull. 182.
Relh. 31 i. Sibth. 250. Abbot. 179. Woodv.
Med. Bot. t. 121. Rati Syn. 190.
v'E R Y common in watte ground, hedges, and borders of
fields, flowering throughout Augutt and later.
Root woody and perennial. Stems 3 or 4 feet high, eredt,
branched, leafy, marked with numerous longitudinal purplith
ribs, fmooth. Leaves alternate, pinnatifid, fomewhat lyrate,
unequally cut; fmooth and dark-green above; cottony and
very white beneath. Flowers in axillary fimple leafy fpikes or
clutters, ereft, or divaricated, ovate, fetfile, downy. Tubular
florets feveral, 5 -cleft, purplith, furnithed with 5 ttamina and
a cloven pittillum, and furrounded by 5 awl-thaped female
flowers which conftitute the radius. Receptacle naked. Seeds
angular, without down or wing.
The whole plant has a weak aromatic fcent, and a flightly
bitter flavour. Its medical virtues deferve no notice.— There
is a variety deftitute of all rednefs about the Item or flowers,
equally common with that we have delineated.