[ 1195 ]
C 0 N Y Z A squarrosa.
Plowman s Spikenard.
SYNGENESIA Polygamia-superflua.
G en. Char. Recept. naked. Down rough. Calyx
imbricated, roundish. Florets of the radius three-
Spec. Char. Leaves ovato-lanceolate, downy. Stem
herbaceous, corymbose. Calyx-scales leafy, recurved
and prominent.
Syn. Conyza squarrosa. Linn. Sp. PI. 1205. Sm. FI.
Brit. 875. Huds. 363. With. 717. Hull. 183.
Relh. 325. Sibth. 251. Abbot. 180.
Baccharis monspeliensium. Raii Syn. 179.
A . F R E Q U E N T plant on dry, chalky, limestone, or marly
soils, but not on gravel. I t often occurs in shady situations,
sometimes in sunny ones, but seems to require shelter from
cold winds. It flowers in July and August.
Root biennial, branched and fleshy. The whole herb is soft
and downy; in flavour bitter and somewhat aromatic, with a
portion o f mucilage. Stem upright, 2 or 3 feet h igh, angular,
leafy. Leaves o f a broad lanceolate figure, veiny, so ft; the
radical ones large, tapering at the base, crenate; the rest
smaller, and often entire. Flowers numerous, in a terminal
leafy corymbus or panicle. Calyx ovate; its outer scales with
recurved green leafy tip s ; the inner erect, reddish, fringed.
Florets y e llow; those o f the disk regular, tubular; those o f
the radius ligulate, 3-cleft at the tip, without stamina; all
fertile. Seeds obovate, angular. Receptacle tuberculated.
The radical leaves bear some resemblanc to those of Foxglove.