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O R C H I S uftulata.
D w a r f Orchis.
G Y N A N D R I A Diandna.
G en. C har. Neilary a fpur behind the flower.
Spec. C h a r . Bulbs undivided. Lipof the neftary four-
deft, rough with points; horn obtufe, petals dif-
tw<y r
Syn. Orchis uflulata. Linn. Sp. PL , 3 3 3 . Hudr FL
^ « .3 8 4 . With. Bot. Arr. 9 n .
O. pannonica 4. Rail Syn. 377.
T H E Little Orchis figured on this plate has obtained its trivial
name of ujlulata, from the remarkable colour of its flowers,
which appear on a curfory view, and efpecially before they are
fully expanded, as if fcorched or blackened by heat. When
viewed narrowly they are by no means deftitute of beauty ; the
upper part of the flower being of a purple brown, while the
lower part or neftarium is of a clear white, fometimes flightly
tinged with purple, and fpeckled with dark brown points. It
frequently happens that the flowers are fomewhat more thickly
or «lofe!y fet than in the fpecimen hers figured ; but this is a cir-
cumftance which varies much in different individuals. 'The
Orchis uftulata occurs only on dry and chalky foils, and flowers
in June.