ARTEMISIA maritiraa.
Drooping-jlowered Sea Wormwood.
SYNGENESIA Polygamia-superflua.
G en. Char. Recept. naked or downy. Seed-down
none. Cal. imbricated, the scales roundish and
closed. Florets of the radius awlshaped, undivided.
Spec. C har. Leaves downy, pinnated : the uppermost
undivided. Clusters drooping. Receptacle naked.
Flowers oblong, downy, sessile.
Syn. Artemisia maritima. Linn. Sp. PI. 1186. Willd.
Sp. PL v. 3. 1833. Sm. FI. Brit. 864, «, (3. Huds.
358. With. 709. Hull. 182. Relh. 321. Woodv.
Med. Bot. t. 122.
Absinthium marinum album. Rail Syn. 188. n. 2. also
3, 4 and 6.
A t the persuasion of Mr. Turner and Professor Willdenow
we have been induced to reconsider the Sea Wormwoods, and
it appears that two distinct species are common on our muddy
shores, distinguished by having drooping or upright flowers,
which differences seem to be constant, and to be accompanied
with differences in the general aspect of the plants.
This is the A. maritima of the Linnaean Herbarium, and of
all authors, being the more common of the two. It is subject
to varieties in the breadth and hoariness of its leaves, and
when our t. 1001 was published, we thought we had found
the posture of the flowers also variable. We take the first
opportunity of correcting this mistake, and would substitute
for what is given in v. 14, at t. 1001, the following character
and synonyms.
ARTEMISIA gallica.
Upright-Jlowered Sea Wormwood*
S pec. Char. Leaves' downy, pinnated ; the radical
ones capillary : the uppermost undivided. Clusters
erect. Receptacle naked. Flowers oblong, downy,
partly sessile, of few florets.
Syn. Artemisia gallica. Willd. Sp. P l .v .3. 1834.
A. maritima y. Sm. FI. Brit. 864.
Absinthium seriphium tenuifolium marinum narbo-
nense. Dill, in Rail Syn. 189.