[ 74-8 ]
S E N E C I O fylvaticus*
Mountain Groundfel.
SYNGENESIA Polygamia-fuperjlua.
G en. Char. Recept. naked. Down fimple. Cal.
cylindrical, many-leaved, equal, fcaly at the bafe ;
fcales dead at the tip.
Spec. Char. Radius revolute. Leaves pinnatifid,
lobed, toothed. Scales of the calyx thort. Stem
eredt, ftraighr, corymbofe.
S vn. Senecio fylvaticus. Linn. Sj>. P I 1217. Sm.
FI. Brit. 883. With. 722. Hull. 186. Sihth. 2 <2.
Abhot. 18a.
S. vifcofus /3. H ud/. 365.
S. minor Iatiore folio, live montanus. Dill, in Raii
Syn. 198.
HUDSON was almoft Angular in the opinion that
this plant was a variety of the S. vifcofus of Linnams, delineated
in our firft vol. t. 32, to which we fee no reafon to
aflent. That fpecies has a branched fpreading Item about a
foot high; flowers lefs corymbofe, twice or thrice as large
as thefe, with a much more confpicuous radius, and the
calyx-fcales nearly equal to the calyx itfelf; this on the contrary
has a ftraight upright wand-like ftem, about3 feet high;
upper leaves more finely divided; flowers corymbofe, numerous,
much fmaller and paler, with a thort fmall recurved radius,
and the calyx-fcales fmall and Ihort as in moll of the genus
; the herb, though almoft equally unpleafant in its fcent, is
however much lefs vifcid.
S. fylvaticus' is annual, and flowers in July. It loves a
gravelly or fandy foil, and is found in bufhy fpots upon heaths,
where trees or furze have been cut down; efpecially where
brakes or other plants have been burnt in the preceding