COCHLEARIA officinalis ; siliculis globosis, foliis radicalibus cordatis obtusis pedolatis, caulinis ovatis
COCHLEARIA officinalis. L im . Sp. PL p. 903. H u d s .A n g lp .W 3. Lightf. Scot. p. 342. (Ed.
p it W m & m m . H e i- *■m l 3- f - s s °- H 9 G ‘™. d . 2. mi. 1 P . H. p. 39. TVdid. Sp. PL ml. 3. p. 448. Smith FI. Brit. t. S88. Engl. Bot.
W B & W B U Med. Bot. t. 39. Wahl. FI. Lapp. p . 177. Decand. Fl. f r . ed. 3.
■ ol; P- 700- Fl- G “T}- SP>- 879. Spot. Vcgct. ml. 3. p. 36.5. P m . Sun. PL
; : m t t . f i . 185. Alton Hort. K ew .ed .s . ml. t .p .s 9 . Hook. A Scot. P . L p. xss.
COCHLEARIA officinalis ß . grcenlandica, foliis caulinis subintegris.
COCHLEARIA grcenlandica. L igh tf \ Scot.p. 344. With. Bat. A rr. cd. 4. ml. 3 .p . 625. Smith
Bngl. Bot. t. 2403.
NASTURTIUM foliis radicalibus subrotundis, caulinis oblongis subsinuatis. Hall. Helv. n. 503.
COCHLEARIA. Common round-leaved Scurvy-grass, or Garden Scurvy-grass. Rail S yn.p. 302.
COCHLEARIA minor rotundifolia. The lesser round-leaved Scurvy-grass. Rail Syn.p. 303.
COCHLEARIA rotundifolia*. Dill, in Rail Syn. p. 302.
B B H B H H B Ft. LeCransm officinal. Germ, Des Gemeine Lef-
wya/Tmeddygawl*' Sp“n' C°c,car“‘• N 0™- Fokleare. Swed. Slcor^uggs-gncs. Welsh. M trl-
[Natural O rd er. CRUCIEERrE, Juss., Decand., Brown, Hook.']
C IS . Chau. SUicula snbovata polysperma: valvis ventncosis. Semina inemarginata: cotyledonibus accum-
DenUbus. Filamenta breviora, edentula. Calyx patens. B r. °
Gen. Char. Pouch subovate man,-seeded, with the valves ventricose. Seeds without margins - cotyledons
:r,f accumbent. F,laments short, without teeth. Calyx patent. P cotyledons
Radix annua, parva, subfusiformis, fibrosa.
Caulbs numerosi ex eadem radice, spilhamæi et ultra,
- adscendentes, ramosi, ad basin quadranguli, su-
perne multangulati.
Folia mdiculia mugnitudine variant, pleiumquc parva,
cordata, carnosa, obtüsa, integerrima, longe pe-
tiolata ; caulina ovata vel oblonga, sessilia, remota
basi semiamplexicaulia, margine dentato-angulata!
Fiores numerosi, albi, terminales, primum corymbosi,
demum in racemos elongati.
Calycis foliola quatuor, ovata, obtusa, concava,
pallide vindia.
Corolla tetrapetala, petalis oblongis, patentibus, sub-
undulatis, basi unguiculatis, flavis.
Stamina sex, tetradynamia, adscendentia, quatuor pis-
tilli longitudine, duo paulo breviora : Filamenta
alba : Antheræ rotundatoe, didymæ, flavæ :
1 ollen oblongum, pellucidum.
PiSTiLLUM : Germen globosuln, viride : Stylus brevis :
otigma capitatum.
Pericarp,™ : Silicdlaÿobosa, vis duos lineas longa,
pediLcllo duplo brevior, ltevis, fusca, stylo persistente
terminata, loculis tetra- pento-spermis,
- yalvuhs ventncosis.
emina ovata, badia, punctis elevatis obsita : Embryo
semini cönfórmis. J
COTYLEDONES accumbentes, coinpresso-plante. Radi-
cula sursum curvata.
Ü É É Leafiet of the calyx.
shmînà ; St,,lT n- FiS- H Pollen. Fig.
f ? r sf ptum antl insertion of the seeds. Fi»-
n - Embifo.—allmagnified. 0
Root annual, small, somewhat fusiform, and fibrous.
Stems numerous from the same root, a span or more in
height, ascending, branched, quadrangular at the
base, above multangular.
Leaves, those springing from the root varying much in
size, generally small, cordate, obtuse, fleshy, entire,
upon long footstalks; the cauline ones ovate
or oblong, sessile, remote, semiamplexicaul at the
base, dentato-angulate a t the margin.
Flowers numerous, white, terminal, at first corymbose
afterwards lengthened out into racemes. '
L eaflets of t h e calyx four, ovate, obtuse, concave
Corolla of four petals, the petals oblong, patent,slightly
undulated, clawed and yellow at the base. J
Stamens six, tetradynamous, ascending, four as long as
the pistil, two a little shorter: Filaments white •
Anthers roundish, didymous, yellow: Pollen oblong,
Pi s t il : Germen globose, green: Style short: Stiema
1 capitate. 6
P e r ica r p : A globose pouch, scarcely two lines long,
twice as short as the pedicel, smooth, brown*
terminated by the persistent style, having thé
cells four- to five-seeded, the valves ventricose
Seeds ovate, brown, covered with elevated points: Em-
bryo o f the same shape as the seed.
Cotyledons accumbent, compressed and flatfish: Ra-
I dicle curved upwards.
Fig. 3. Petal. Fig. 4. Flower deprived o f its calyx and
7* Capsule. Fig. 8. The same cut through transversely,
■ 9. Uapsule with one valve bursting open. Fig. 10. Seed.
H | Cochlearia angliea, when the plants are
f e ° ther ,s elliptical. The affinity is s t ill^ e a ^ S tw e e ? ^ 7 / H Plant is 8lobose. while that of
Botany, t. 2403, and I really see no sDecific d .Hn«! Cochlear,a offiemahs and C. grcenlandica of English
mountain variety of the former C o c S n t 1 , • 1 V ntl “ "not helP eonsideriog the latter plant as a mere
‘Old, a„d even those of the stem pedotatad ' eS‘dcS a dl9ereace “ *>» W . has all the leaves nearly deline
common Scurvv-pmQQ ic o » , * .
This“ a t eeuTing !arga 'vhln ,ha P>a" ‘ « cullii ated: “ peC“harly incon3tanl “ aad
«ate of the expr^ed^uice-hand'p^-oviden^se^ employed by ships'crews, both as salad and for
* “ 8h‘g!i northern latitudes where the scurvTta l? .1,avef P0^ 0^ P1““^ it in the greatest profusion in
H dn“k bJ steeping this plant in milk o, Ih e v H U H fi:a).ue,nt »“ “mnee. The Icelanders pro-
winter. The sheep of that countrv „ j -i ' ’ 1 ^ ev®n Preserv’e it in large vessels, and keep it through the
!. Thewhhor he A f l , aCqUired “ and 500,1 bec0me VeT fet' b“ Sash
°f P^'ysisT and“ i l i l B a i i l i l M i i M sPirit' ;s sported to have been used with- success
hpoqnewort is hoate and dry and of . in l!-.” !hus 9ua,nt|y stated by the translator of Dodomeus •
me ec,n6 ^ , inst c0rraa“ j j * 0“ d » ^ ' « “ P tamg tast, almost like kresses. Boyled in water, it is a s Z t a
H B the i i i l i S I m M B B ‘he month, if it be often washed withall. Also if L d e
P The'reenericrWaid barfey meale/’ &c. 7 f kles’ the sTace of five houres, yet must these spottes be
Sp°lt Bo Tbe-French M i ™ 8 g M a fancied resemblance in its leaves to the form of a
«»wers spri„& and U]e se“ t onCfiowers L a ^ N e ““" “ hare ^ sa™ ^