CHEIRANTHUS acutis inteprrimis SB pube bipartita appressa, siiiquis lioea s l “mat,slobls patentibus, caule fruticuloso angulato. ‘ q
CHEIRANTHUS C ten L ,m Sp. PI. p . 924. B u i,. Angl. p . 2 8 /. Light/. Scot, p 357
iM /m . G m i . c d m l . I. P . II. p. 53. fp ith, Bot A r r g j j ■ ■ l • Ppm
pjs'st B 1 f l i 72' ü
W U li.S p P I. m l 3Pp 616 P ' “ H orL K a o ' e i- US.
A ^ ^ ilK A N TH U S H H H H H Man t.p . 94. Smith Fl. B r it.p . 516. M n g t B o t t loid.
TF.M Sp. PI. ml. 3. p . 516. Pers. Syn. PI. m l. 2 .p . 200. S j l S c o t T i
1 H B f°‘iiS Skbr!s lallceolatis integerrimis. Hall. H dv . n. 443.
LtUCOJUM luteum, vulgo Cheiri flore siinpiici. Wall-flower or Wild Cheir. R a ü S y n . p .m
Ä P o , O^GcUcLachoJc. H
Welsh. Mchjn y gauaf. J Goivuio amarello. Span. Alheh amarello. Swed. Gutfiel.
[N atural O rd e r . CRUCIFERÆ, Jms., Decand., Bro
Gen. Char. Siliqua I
n, ffook.]
■ a tth e b a s
Radix lignosa, ramosa, fibrosa, biennis.
Caulis subpedalis, erectus, ramosus, lignosus, teres,
sulcatus, glaber, viridi-iuscus, ramis viridibus,
Folia numerosa, conferta, lanceolata, acuta, rigida
mtegerrima, basi in petiolum attenuata, apice
sppissime fusco-maeulata, sub lente subtus prte-
cipue pubescentia, pube bipartita, segmentis seti-
lormibus, patentissimis, arctissime appressis.
Fidiies corymboso-racemosi, majusculi, flavo-auranti-
Calyx tetraphyllus, fusco-purpureus
duobus oppositis basi saccatis.
Corolla tetrapetala petalislouge unguiculatis, limbo
patente, obcordnto, demum flaccido, reflexo.
■ H tatra^ ï l,a;” ‘a : Filamenta alba, quatuor
longiora flons tnbi Iongitudine, duo breviora
™ir P “ dula .vmdl a "ota: Anthene obiongæ,
S u m flavo'vlrescentes: Pollen ovale, pellu-
Pistillum cylindricum, staminibus vix Iongius • Oer-
men compressiwylmdraceuin : Stylus vix ullus ■
tigma biparti turn, lobis crassis, patentibus. -
P“ ICt■inLBIr iff ’eoiliq'Ja sabbiro ia lis, erecta, stricta, nan elevat,a l nnpoit'aeSt?isa,' cvaan veslsc ednotribsou sl.ines iongitudi-
rotundata, fusca, submargi-
Embryo sem.ioi conformis : Cotyledones hemisphæricæ
accurubentes : Radicula sursum curvain '
Root woody, branching, fibrous, biennial.
Stem about a foot high, erect, branched, ligneous,
rounded, with furrows, glabrous, greenish-brown,
I , , * ' bnmches Stoon and slightly scabrous.
L eaves numerous, crowded, lanceolate, acute, rigid
entire, narrowing into a petiole at their bise'
often spotted with reddish-brown at their points
appearing under the magnifier slightly downy
especially beneath, the pubescence bipartite i£
segments setiform, very patent, and closely ap-
EMWEltsuia branched corymb, rather large, orange-
Calyx of four divisions, o f a brownish red hue, its
aTfhe^base1’ 'W° °f tte opposite ones saccate
Corolla tetrapetalous, the petals having a long claw,
a^d reflexed!P & obcordate- «"ally la ccid
Stamens six, tetradynamous: Filaments white, the
four longest o f the same length as the tube of
the flower, the two shortest surrounded at Seir
base with a green gland: Anthers oblong, of a
pale yellowish green: Pollen oval, transparent
P is t il cylindrical, a little longer than the stamens'
trermen a compressed cylinder: Stylehaildlv
s 7 e a d m lvo’ the lote r
Pe r ica r p a pod, whichis about two inches long, erect,
straight linear, compressed, its valves marSed
hmjy °aCt Wlth “ ele'rated Icngitudinal ljL,
Seeds numerous, between ovate and round, b r o i l slightly margmated. ■ *
Embryo of the same form as the seed: Cotyledons hemispherical,
accumbent: Radicle curved upwards!
H | 10. Seed with its stalk. 1%. 7 ,. S ta y o ." , n 0i. ; WSBSm ar
showing the seed7s* ° F„i.<r. to seea-ves_sae.lns'. J- Single seed-vessel with its valves separating and
■ * *'■ structure of the pubescence.-
■ ., ,e petals do not as in Ch Chviri hnna 1««. . & . . sangulneous, and further observing, in E Tint
rigid and slightly recurved • » w \ hanS, a»d flaccid, but are rather, as the late Mr Pm ,L „ k
f f p o ;a$atha.gIhdo n « X K f K L X t c
ernpJT°h‘ H B i that Liun”us 50 iaten^ ia
i H H H ‘heCarIy ^ 1 8“m“ er’ “ d - — by a prolusion of seed,
of England,