HORDËUM * * “ • ! lateriori * « * " “ latoa1“ ” S'"
HORDEUM B8H S B | Bot. Arr. ed. 4. HH p . 17S. Smith Fl. Brit. p . 156. Engl. Bot
t. 1205. . JVtlld.Sp. PI. vol. 1 . p: 475. Roth Germ. vol. 2. p. 150. Host Gram Austr
■ool.l.t.34. Decand. FL. Fr. ed. 3. vol. 8. p. 94. FI. Gall. *rc. p. 137. P e r ? Smv
P t. ml. l.p . 108: Schrai. Fl. Germ.p. 406. Alton Hort. K m . ?ed. * ü 17o
HORDEUM marinum. H u d s.A n g lp .5 7 , ' *
GRA MEN secalinum palustre et maritimum. Raii Syn. p . 892.
Class a n d Ord e r . TRIANDRIA DIGYNIA.
[Natural Ord e r . GRAMINEÆ, J uss. Decand.]
vel neutns. Corolla valvula e ri apice aristata. Semina corolla corticata. Schrader, l. i
• Radix annua, fibrosa, parva.
CüLMI,exeadem radice, plures, quadri- ad sex-unciales
teretes, aseendentes, geniculati, ad genicula in-
fracti et sæpe decumbentës, foliosi.
Folia uncialia, superiora brevissima, linearia, angusta,
acuminata, flexuosa, glauco-viridia, sub lente vix
pubescentia, margine scabriuscula, vaginata; va-
ginis longis, cylindraceis, supremis longissimis
SPlCAterminalis, vixbiuncialis,oblonga,disticha, erecta
vel paululum inclinata, viridis. Rachis flexuosa’
ad inargines scabra.
Flores disticho modo imbricati, terni ; intermedio hermaphrodite,
sessili ; lateralibus masculis v. neu-
tris intermedio subbrevioribus, pedunculis minu-
tis insidentibus.
Glume. calycin® (Jig. 1 . 3.) setace®, scabr®, flosculis
quadruple longiores.
Glume corollin® (fig- 2.) lanceolatre, striat®, exteriore
concava, marginibus incurvis, apice in aristam lon-
gam scabram, calycinas glumas excedentem, terminate
(Jig. «.) : interiore (Jig. b.) planiuscula,
acuminata, margine scabra, apice bifida; ad basin
dorso aristata, arista scabra, gluma duplo
breviore (Jig.'c.).
Stamina: Filamenta tiia, alba. Anther® oblongs,
Ovarium oblongum. Styli duo plumosi.
Masculino v. N eutro (fig. 3 .)
OLUM2E calycinas imequales; exteriore setacea, scabra
(Jig. c.), interiore (Jig. a.) e basi semilanceolata
longe aristate, arista scabra.
Glume corollin® omnino ut in hermaphrodite, sed val-
. vu'*® exterioris arista brevior. ‘
Stamina, si adsint, ut in hermaphrodite.
Ovarium, si adsit, abortivum.
Root annual,, fibrous, small.
Culms many from the same root, from four to six inches
long, round, ascendent, geniculate, bent at the
joints and often decumbent, leafy.
Leaves about an inch long, the upper ones very short,
linear, narrow, acuminate, flexuose, glaucous-
-green, even under a microscope scarcely pubescent,
the margin roughish, sheathing; the sheaths
long, cylindrical, the upper ones very long and
somewhat inflated.
Sp ik e terminal, scarcely two inches long, oblong, distichous,
erect, or a little inclined, green. The rachis
- flexuose, rough at the margins.
Flowers imbricated in a distichous manner, in threes;
the intermediate one hermaphrodite, sessile; the
lateral ones, male or neuter, somewhat shorter
than the intermediate one, and situated on small
In the H ermaphrodite flower
The Glumes of the Calyx are (Jig. l. 3.) setaceous,
rough, four times as long as the florets.
The G lumes of the Corolla (Jig. 2 .) are lanceolate, striated,
the exterior one concave, the margins incurved,
terminated at the apex by a long rough
awn, longer than the calycine glumes (Jig. 0.):
the interior one (Jig. b.) nearly plane, acuminate,
rough at the margin, bifid at the apex ; at the
base, on the back, awned, the awn rough, twice
as long as the glume JJig. c.).
Stamen s: Filaments three, white. Anthers oblong,
yellow. 05
Ovary oblong. Styles two, plumose.
In the Male or N eut er flower (fig. 3.)
The G lumes of the Calyx are unequal; the exterior
one setaceous, rough (jig. c.), the interior one
(Jig- a-) .from a half-lanceolate base, is terminated
by a long rough awn.
The G Humes of the Corolla are exactly as in the hermaphrodite
flower, but the awn of the exterior
one is shorter.
Stamens, if existing, as in the hermaphrodite flower.
Ovary, if existing, abortive.
ji umiic ■•■^...euueone. Mg. 2. Hermaphrodite floret removed, a tl snume. . me inner entto.
1 3 ^ ■
but from s“ys. Curtis this grass with the Hordeum murinum 1
of that plant * TIm or.desfnPt,?I,.,iboth “f which are admirably illustrative
grass (upon the anthoritv o f h ibS. h h b :m,e Ml“ “ where, in his account of it, he has referred to this
i f lS m ith observes* m I S t S S l t h ^ ““»ledges,) the Squirrel-ta.1 grass o f the Isle of Thanet, which, Sir
Withering, who^further adds fmm f V n ' an g g H H we S B first made by
vory common modeT 7 ,MaJor J f * * } H | lhis Srass 1 1 tnaritimtm) is
Thitis i s the speciues nso ^ttrroouuhblrleRsnommre» 1tn0 tihl e mouith sS opf hporise sI etn0 mtl?iex efds lwe.i t°hJ hTahy.a net; | hence probablyJ inferring6
ti,and p their r ouuu8t'nou gh «ieessss,,n e ss^ wwhniulee S ^ tthhoossee temptt ooff 0 'JlsPu^e- ° « the contrary, considering the rigidity of the awns o f our plant
H. murinum are rather ciliated than scabrous, wea/e moreinclined to c o ld e r
the remark nfWithering as correct.
factoribdi^I!.^t tH tW0speciesare vei7 »early allied,....
e the most essential characters of them to be satismentioned
mentionp.fl nf lu! _2Vlt ,0iIt the.a,d of a pocket lens. These marks consist in the greater degree of roughness d r^dy
of the awnsof I S tuIls,fL “ “ e greater degree ot roughness already
Cet?m“ d ^"°,cUilted^ ^ n a y
glaucous green ^ There is flk!>wispS ^ s‘nal,el^,°f the two, its ears and awns are shorter, its colour a
places of growth a
. . . , , ---------— .MvcuiLuiatt uuicia, uj, wuicn in n . mar it inearly
equal in length to the exterior glume of the corolla, while in H. murinum they
» o . unenes II-maritimum, as its name implies, being confined to pastures,
'6 durineg the ssuummmmeerr mmoonntthhss . We gaitMhe Hred Soaunrd ’s pneecairm thene ss eaat iS aonudth mw osuldc hin August, it is very■ fre'qut enot, flower- .