geastrum s t r ia t u m , s t r ia t e d g e a s t r um .
GEASTRUM striatum, minimum, volva septèm- vel octo-fida; peridio pcduncululo, globOso, ore acu-
minato, plicato. •. ,
GEASTRUM striatum. Decancl Fl. Fr. .eel. 3. vol. 2. p. 287. Fl. Gall. p. 55.
GEASTRUM nanum. Persoon in joiprn. de Bot. vol. 2. p. 27. t. 1 . f . 3,
GEASTRUM cöronatum/3. Woodwardu Pers. Sun. Fung. p . 132.
PLECOSTOMA nanum. Desvetux in Journ. de Bot. ml. 2; p. 100.
LYCOPERDON stellatum (2. minus. Woodw. in Linn. Trans, ml. 2.* ».. 58?
GEASTER asper, parvus, umbilico coronato, pediculo perbrevi donatus. Mich. Nov Gen Pi
t. 100. ƒ 2 ?
[Natural Order. FUNGI. Linn. Fuss. Decand.]
Gen. Char. Volva persistens, demum.stellatim fissa, explanata vel reflexa. Peridium!globosuin.. Semina n
tissima, pulverifor
VoLvA septem-t vel octo-fida, coriaceo-membranacea,
supernefissuris su brugosa, rüfescens, inferne Ice vis,
subcinerea j ubi explanata, uncialis ad sesquiun-
cialem diametro; laciniis ovato-lanceolatis, ssepe
irregulariter fissis, demuih reflexis. ....
., fills intermixes.
Volva seven- or eight-cleft, between coriaceous and
membranaceous, above rough with clefts,reddish,
beneath smooth, subcinereous; when expanded,
an inch or an inch and a half in diameter; the
segments ovatb-fanceolate, often irregnlarly cleft,
a t length reflexed.
Head about the size of a hazel-nut, globose, pale brown,
darker at the apex,- smooth, membranaceous, on
a short footstalk; the mouth membranaceous,
acuminate, longitudinally plicated, brown.
Seeds numerous, very minute, mixed with simple, long,
flexuose filaments, Jig. 4, 5. magn. '
side, nat. size. _ Fig. 3. Mouth,of ditto, magn.
| Peridium nucis Coryli Avellanfe magnitudine, globo-
I . sum, pallide fuscum, apice saturatius; glabrum.
membranaceum,brevi-pedicellatum; ore membra-
naceo, acuminato, longitudinaliler plicato, fusco.
I Se m i n a numerosa, minutissima, filis simplicibus, longis,
flexuosis, immixtis, 'Jig. 4 ,5 . auc.t.
I Fig. 1 . Plants of Geastrum striatum. Fig. 2. Infer
I It will scarcely admit o f a doubt whether or not the Fungus here figured be the plant intended by Decandolle
E although he describes the moutli to be furnished with elongated cilice, Whilst in ours it is a plicated membrane much
I resembling the peristome of Diphyscium-foliosum (see the figure in Fl. Land, New Series). Persoon also quotes
I Decandolle’s synonym without hesitation, changing unnecessarily the specific name of striatum to the scarcely more
I applicable one of nanum; but giving at the same time a most excellent figure of i t ; ' •
I This author has referred under his G. nanum to the Lycoperdon stellatum 12. minus of Mr. Woodward in the
I LinneanTransactions-, but although the character there given corresponds very nearly with our own, and entirely
I as much so. as that of the Flora Gallica, we cannot persuade ourselves that so acute an observer would ever con-
• sitler the two plants as one and the same species: and unfortunately the work of Bryant on this family of Lvco-
Ipeijon, to which MrAVoodward refers for a figure admirably well expressed, we have never seen. We quote doubt-
| fully the synonym of M.icheli, because he describes the peridium as rough, which is smooth in our plant
I The species to which the present plant is most nearly allied is the &. rufescens figured in Schmidei’s leones
IT. 37. ƒ 11, 12, IS, and 14; and by Persoon in the Journal de Botanique, vol. 2. t. 2. f . 4 : and from both the
■ representations as well as the descriptions of the respective authors, they differ only in size and colour. In these
i two particulars our plant borders very closely upon the Lycoperdon recolligens o f Sowerby, t. 4 0 1 ; but that species
has the peridium sessile.. r
I the genus Geastrum, so well distinguished by the outer covering or volva bursting in a stellated manner, and
I “ f becoming horizontal and then recurved, was established by Micheli, though adopted but lately by Persoon.
—Of it Desv
>n the sandy Denes-r
s has, we think needlessly, made three genera.— Geastrum striatum has hitherto been found only
moe ""r Yarmouth, where it was first detected by Mr. D..Turner and Mr. Wigg.
GEASTRUM colitbrme. Pers. &
t anS ^ um- Desvaux in Journ. de Bot. vol. 2. p. 103.1__
LYCOPERDON cohforme. Dicks.. P i. Crypt. Fasc. ml. 1. p. 25. t. 3. / . 4. Woodw. in Linn.
F T T N 'rm l 59‘ So™erby Engl. Fung. # .3 1 3 . Wit/i. Bot. Arr. ed. 4. vol. 4. p . 366.
r uinOUo pulverulentus coli instar perforatus. Raii Syn. p . 28. : -
Among the largest species of this genus, jig . 1 . nat. size.;
Volva four or five inches in diameter, spread out, afterwards
reflexed, between coriaceous and membra-
, naceous,_ above brown, paler beneath, multifid;
the segments long, ovato-lanceolate, unequal in
width. . ' .
:Iead large, three inches in diameter, globose, <
pressed, dusky brown, minutely punctulated, above
perforated with numerous small orifices, which
e at the edge; placed on footstalks; the
footstalks numerous, short, slender, brown, rigid,"
often broken..
Seeds numerous, like dust, brown, mixed with short
flexuose fibres, Jig. 2. magn.