convallaria™i« o, ■
+ i «9 7?.,,// lx,,.;, « onn t " 1 1 , V ' •£'“ r. jyuu. Herb, t. 309. Lam. Encycl. ml. 4. ». sg' s* • ®J7V9.i lldO Seidn erP Ff l.B BDS a«n,
Ae“ . eft- 2 . p. 280. Aoif/i Germ. ml. 2. ». 388.
POLYGONATUM mùjtiflorum. Desfont, in A m . du M is . ml. 9.
POLYGONATUM cade simplici cemuo, foliU ovato-lanceoiatis, petiolis mifltiflcms. Hall. Helv.
POLYGONATUM. Rail Syn. p. 263.,
Fr. Muguets. Russ. Kuprena.
Class a n d Ord e r . HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
[Natural Ord e r . SMILACEÆ, Br. ASPARAGI, Juss. ASPARAGEÆ, Decandolk.']
Gen. Char. Perümtiium ghbosuwi autcylmdramim, sex^entatum; S tam in a s . Bacca globosa, ante maturita-
tem maculata, tn-loculans, loculis monospermis. Decand.
Ge n Char. Perianth globose Stamens six. Berry globose, spotted beforeitis ripe
tnree-celled, the cells monospermous. Decand. ' 7
Radix horizontalis, crassa, carnosa, nodosa, alba, hie
illic fibris paucis remotis instructa.
Caulis simplex, pedalis,bipedalis etiam, teres, basi vagi-
nis cylindraceis, fuscis, nervosis munitus, inferne
denudatus, erectus, superne foliosus, curvatus.
Folia bi-tnuncialia, subsecunda, alterna, ovato-elliptica
paululum undulata, tenera, nervosa, hervis tri-
bus dorso prominentibus, basi contracts, semi-
amplexicaulia, supra viridia, subtus glaucescentia.
PêDüNculi axillares, solitarii, ramosi, bi-quinqueflori.
Flores secundi, retrorsum (seu ad latus posterius) spec-
tantes, nutantes, albi, apicibus viridibus. I
Perianthium monopetalum, cylindraceum, tubulo-
sum, basi incrassata, apice sex-divisa, laciniis
erecto-patentibus, barbatis.
Stamina sex, tubi longitudine, versus ejus medium inserts
: Filaments alba, hirsuta, pilis horizontali-
Dus, articulatis, ß g . 4. Anther® oblong®, bin
,r loculares, ß g . 2 . Pollen sph®ricum.
Ovarium ovatum, subtriangulatum. Stylus staminibus
wx longior, filiformis, flexuosus, albus: Stigma
trigonum, expansum, hirsutum, fig. 6.
erigarpium : Bacca supers, pendens, sub-globosa,
cffiruleo-mgra, lineis tribus elevatis longitudina-
hbus. notata, trilocularis, loculis monospermis
non raro abortivis.
SEMINA subrotunda, glabra.
Root horizontal, thick, fleshy, producing knots or swell
mgs, white, here and there beset with a few re-
mote fibres.
Stem simple, one or even two feet high, round, a t the base
clothed with brown cylindrical nerved sheaths,
below naked, erect, above leafy, curved.
Leaves from two to three inches, mostly inclining one
way, alternate, between ovate and elliptical
somewhat waved, thin, nerved, with three prominent
nerves on the back, at the base contracted
partly embracing the stem, above green, beneath
Peduncles axillary, solitary, branched, from two- to
Flowers inclining one way, pointing backwards (or to
the posterior side), nodding, white, with their
apices green.
Pe r ia n t h monopetalous, cylindrical, tubular, thickened
a t die base, at the apex having six divi-
sions, with the lacini® erecto-patent, bearded.
stamens six, as long as the tube, and inserted near its
middle: Filaments white, hairy, with the hairs
standing out horizontally, jointed, fig. 4 An
there oblong, two-celled, Jig. 2 . Pollen spherical
u v ary ovate, somewhat triangular. Style scarcely
longer than the stamens, filiform, flexuose, white:
Stigma trigonous, spreading, hairy, fig . 6.
P e r ica rp : Berry superior, pendent, somewhatgiobose
blueish-black, marked with three elevated longitudinal
lines, three-celled, the cells monosper-
1 mous, not unfrequendy abortive.
Seeds roundish, smooth.
ry and Stam®n‘ Pollen, ß g . 4. Hairs of the filaments, ß g . 5 Ova- ■ K « H é ^
“ may be seen by the numerous stations
hood of Newbury, where it is L S .Ml • Pmlieno has sent me fine specimens from the neighbourgathered
in full flower in a clay-pit much ovei^-own wit? ? 16 i°f S l P Ladder- The specimen here figged we
June Ripe berries are produced though rerelif 1 1 ! h ,buSheS’ ? GorlestoJ?e nf r Yarmouth,in the montuof
^ nted § S annexed plate. Two out of the t h r e /S u ^ ^ J® B °5 ,g^Lt0 Mr' Graves for that repre-
Uecandolle as well as by Sir r U i H H H n° Seed, These berries are described by
The roots M , I ied ’ but we have never seen them otherwise than here figured.
“ C: Pol'Jgonatum. Halb^speaHne^o^their a*p^ p.arap s > and they are likewise made use of instead of bread,
tur m cataplasma, quod Fuchsms ndlnflan medicinal qualities, says, “ Inter resolventia, ut Lilii radix, recipi-
j? et f » ™ s medicos Paulus God i c ^ Z S aT c™ ndabat> sua auctoritate celebre reddit Id.
c r ad hernias
wise, from Esipov, a^Hlv^ °m Conmllis, a valley, from the usual place of growth. TMis adds likemdixgebrogeniculata^
it: vufro Sigillum Solomomsh™a T w “ 7roXv7 i.y.0‘T0.v pioscoridi,” is so called, “ quod
9 664. In France tiie specie areTcallpiI ves?gus Plu[ bus radici sigim ^ imprests.»
g to the Glossaire de Botamque. P Muguets, from their smell resembling, that o f musk, accord.