LUZULA arcuata; foliis canaliculate, spicis umbellatis Dedunculatis „i„i •„ .
bractea squamacea fimbriata. Wahl. P lecuivis globosis pauciflons
JUNCUS arcuatus. Wahl. Fl. Lapp. p . 88. t. 4 .
JUNCUS campestris, var. spicis globosis densis, foliis midis :_ a n sp. distinct»? Fl. Dan. t. m S i
Class a m i Ord er . HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
[Natural Ord er. JUNCErE, Decani!., Brawn. JUNCI, J im .]
Gas. Char. Perigonium sex-partita,glamaceum. Stamina sex. Capsuta unilocularis, Irivalvis t
valvuhs septo destitute. Folia plana, hinc inde pilosa. ’
GEN. Char. Perianth six-partite:, glumaceous. Stamens six. Capsule oue-celled, three-valved tare,
valves without dissepiments. Beanes plane, generally hairy.
Radix perennis, repens, stolonifera, fibrosa.
CuLMUSsolitarius, erectus, teres, glaber, foliosus, spitha-
Folia præcipue radicalia, nùmerosa, lineari-subulata,
varie curvata, rigida, canaliculata, basi sub-vagi-
nata, nitida, margine parce pilosa, viridia. Cau-
lina duo ad tria, sensim minora, magis vaginantia.
Flores in capitulis tri- ad quinquefloris, subumb’ellatis
dispositi. Umbellalaxa, composita, pedunculata.
Pedunculi valde inæquales, rarius breves, erectiusculi,
plerumque unciam longi, insigniter recurvati,
omnes ad basin bracteati; bracteisovatisvel ovato- |
lanceolatis, versus apicem piloso-fimbriatis, fus-
co-purpureis, inferioribus majoribus, vaginanti-1
bus. . .
Periantiiii Foliola ovato-lanceolata, fusco-castanea,
dein versus apicem diaphana, tria interiora pal-
lidiora, basi bracteis tribus vel quatuor, fimbria-
tis, munita.
Stamina : Filamenta sex : Anther» oblongæ, flavæ.
1ISTILLÜM : Germen subrotundum. Stylus longius-
cuius. Stigmata tria, pubescentia, viridia.
bAPSOLA subglobosa, mucrone brevi terminata, foliolis
penanthii brevior, unilocularis, trivalvis, trisper-
Root perennial, creeping, stoloniferous, fibrous.
Culm solitary, erect, rounded, glabrous, leafy, about a
■ span high.
L eaves chiefly radical, numerous, linear-subulate, bent iu
different directions, rigid, channelled, somewhat
sheathing at their bases, shining, a little hairy at
their margins, green. Those of the stem two to
three in number gradually smaller, more sheathing.
Flowers disposed in three to five-flowered slightly um-
bellated heads. Umbel lax, compound, pedunculated.
P eduncles very unequal, rarely short, rather erect, generally
an inch in length, remarkably recurved,
all having bracteas at their base; the bracteas
ovate or ovato-lanceolate, fimbriated with hairs
at the points, reddish brown, the lowermost the
largest, sheathing.
L eaflets op t h e Pe r ia n t h ovato-lanceolate, of a
chesnut-brown colour, afterwards diaphanous at
the points, the three inner ones paler, furnished
a t the base with three or four fimbriated bracteas.
Stamens : Filaments six; Anthers oblong, yellow.
Pis t il : Germen roundish. Style rather long. Siig-
mas three, downy, green.
Capsule subglobose, terminated by a short mucro,
shorter than the leaflets o f the perianth, one-
celled, three-valved, three-sceded.
Seeds obovate,Semina obovata, glabra, fusca. smooth, brown.
■%. 1. Single flower with its bracteas.' Fig. 2 . Pistil and stamens 7?;„. <? t>- S B , , , . perianth and bracteas. Fig. 4. Capsule with the valves ^ 2 5 ? ' i j 3> (M l caPsule, surrounded with its
■ ■ ■ ■ f c f s i a 8» B 1 t s Lr: r i
alps in that S i 5 “ th“t “ l5’ a11 Probablbty. 1'Wy to be detected upon all the extensive chain of grata»
Schmidt of Norwav r °PP°»lca> aad of which we had ourselves received specimens from the late Professor
hther d""l'y tl,r0"8l,0"t I “Ips of Lapland in wet and sterile spots, there
«•ntfrost and snow. Seleva5tfo'n, and bearing' ^a ggrreeaatteerr ddeeggrreeee ooff ccoolldd,, uuppoonn ppllaacceess rreennddeerreedd bbaarrrreenn bbyy aallmmoosstt ci onand
Dr' ve8etable- . In Norway, Hon,emann found it upon turfy mountains ,
w,?_i . r*. cbm1^ bat Slv™ 'ao, as its station in the same country, “nnoi the highest alas. „„
all our n ^ h u',utu a,low. 1 ne i
Its P*i‘enogamous plan
Hie latter end of Tu)00 'S probab1^ tlle montl1 of June,
flowers here figured are from Norwegian specim
s “ upon alps,i
e found ripe seed-vessels, and these only, upon i