CAREXpuhcaris; spica simplici ondrogyna pauciflora, fructibus distantibus obloneo-lanceolalis acu-
mmatis rectis renexis, stigmatibus duobus.
CAREX pulicaris Linn. Sp. P l.p . 1380. Gooden, in Tr. o f Linn. Soc. ml. 2. p. 140. Huds. Ami.
p.4,02. Light/. Scot. p. 543. IVith. Bot. Arr. cd. 4. ml. 2 . p. 86. FI. Dun. 1. 166. HoWm
Germ, ed 2 m l I P . II. p i 89. m ild . Sp. PI. ml. 4. 913. Smith FI. Brit. p. 965.
Engl. But. t. 1051. Decand. FL Fr. ed. 3. ml. 3. p . 10 1. Ft. Gall. Son. p. 139. Host
Gram. Am tr. m l 4 p 75. Pe rs Syn. PI. ml. 3. p. 535. Ait. Hort. Kao. ed. 2, ml. 5 .
p . 238. Hook. FI. Scot. F . I. p. 9,61.
GRAMEN cyperoides minimum, seminis deorsum reflexis puliciformibus. Plea-grass. RaiiSyn.p. 424.
Dao. Loppcsteer. Dut. Vloozadige cyperlics. F r Laichepulicaire. Germ. Flohried. Span. Corea de SemiUa
comopulga. Sired. Loppstarr. Welsh. Chwain Hessen.
Class an d O uder. MONOECIA TRIANDRIA.
[Natural Ord e r . CYPERACEÆ, Juss., Decand., Brown, Hook.]
Gen. Char. Flares in amento imbricato dispositi.—Maso. Cal. Ghana univalvis. Cor. nulla__Fcem Cal Gluma
umvalvisr Cor. monophylla, urceolata, ventricosa. Stigmata duo vel tria. N i a triquetra, corolia peraistente
Gen. Cha r. Flowers arranged in an imbricated catkin.—Ma le. Cal. Glume one-valved. Cor. none.__
EOEM. Car. Glume one-valved. Cor. monopkyllous, urceolate, ventricose. Stigmas two or three N u t tri
quetrous, covered by the persistent corolla.
Radix perennis, subrepens, fibrosa; fibris ramosis,
Gulmi nunc solitarii, nunc plures ex eadem radice,
teretes, graciles, glabri, inferne foliosi, floriferi
palmares, fructiferi spitbamæi et ultra.
Folia culmo plerumque breviora, capillaria, canalicu-
lata, glabra, vel minutiin scabriuscula, basi va-
Spica solitaria, terminalis, androgyna, superne mascula,
gracilis, inferne foeminea, pauciflora: Masc.
Squamæ ovato-oblongæ, fuscæ, dorso linea viridi
notatæ; Stamina tria (2 Host.): Fcem. Squamæ
oblongo-ovatæ, fuscæ, dorso linea viridi, margine
membranaceo, scarioso ; Germen oblongo-acumi-
natum ; Stylus exsertus ; Stigmata duo, pubes-
centia. $
Fructus oblongo-lanceolatus, glaber,- basi apiceque
præcipue attenuates, intense fuscus, dorso con-
vexus, facie planus, primum erectus, demum re-
flexus : Semen ellipticum, stylo terminatum.
Root perennial, somewhat creeping, fibrous; the fibres
branched and brown.
Culms sometimes springing singly, sometimes several
together, from the same root, rounded, slender,
glabrous, leafy below, the flowering ones about
four, the fructiferous ones of 8 inches and more
in height.
Leaves generally p o rte r than the culm, capillary,
channelled,, glabrous, or minutely scabrous,
sheathing at the base.
Sp ik e solitary, terminal, androgynous, above male-
flowered and slender, beneath bearing a few female
flowers : Male Scales ovato-oblong, brown,
marked on the back with a green line; Stamens
three (2 Host.) : Female Scales oblongo-ovate,
brown, having a green line on the back, their
margin membranaceous, scariose ; Germen ob-
longo-acuminate ; Style exserted ; Stigmas two,
Fru it ojilongo-lanceolate, glabrous, chiefly attenuated
at the base and apex, of an intense brown, convex
on the back, plane on the face, first erect,
afterwards reflexed : Seed elliptical, terminated
by the stylé.
the^atter eS a sf e?.es of single-spiked androgynous Carices, the present one and the C. pauciflora;
The nimA * ? S" W l hed by ,ts muc l sorrower and-pale yellowish fruit with three stigmas,
appearance asPff1111T “ost ?PlI,7 11 when ripe hanging downwards, having much the same
upon the statk J f * 6 6 Creatures whlch «lve rise t0 * e appellation had alifhted and .settled
and'marshy^tnatimis S ^ h f n t Cneat M a in ! ^ “ °St 1 “ bcin8 found “b“"d“ tl7 “ »et