CAREX ptecox, spicis o&ongis, approximatis, masc. Sölitariis, fern. Subternis; bracteisSubsetaceis va-*
gims peduteulq brevi subfcquantibus: squamis masciilinis ellipticis; fccmiiicis ovatis, acumV
nlilatis : fructibus ovato-triquetris, pubescentibus.
CAREX pnecox, spica moscula solitaria; femineis geminis approximatis oblongis. seasilibus, stismati-
bus tubusi fructibus subgloboso-triquetris.pubescentibus squamam ovatam acutam tequanti-
bus. mtldenaw Sp. PI. ml. 4.p . 26s . Alton Hart. K e w . e d . i .m i 5 . p. 345. q
CAREX prascox, vaginis abbreviatis pcdunculo subfequalibus, spicis ovatis approximatis, «lumis mu-
cronulatis, iructibus subrotundis pubescentibtis,. Smith FI. Brit, ml. 3.p . 994. 0
CAREX prfficox. Jacq. FI. Austr. t. 46. Good. Act. Soc. Linn. col. 2 . 170 Schrank Panter
p 385 m ild . Act Acad. Bcrol. 1794, p. 46. Host. Gram.
Schkuhn Gances (ell. Delamgne) p. 87. t. F. n. 37. Wahl. Act. Holm. 1803, 1 15 7 U
' w ' "• H Q Lam■ D id . col. 3. p. 386. Lam. Fl. Fr. nl. 3 m l 3 0 1 1 5
FI. Gall. S1/11. p .U l , Deslongch. FI. Gall. p. 646. All. FI. P e i. n. 33 37 E n U Bat
*• '®9®- ’l ' 11'- B * . A rr. t i . 4. mb St. p. 97. Hull H j j t S H H B H w H jjell? Can i
Pa i T m l T P. m ■ p -* 9 - * ” * « * ?& ■ ;* • * * ■ G on e .Colter,
CAREX saxatiiis. Huds. p. 408. '(fiele 6»,.)
CAREX verna. Pcrs. Syn. PI. vol. 2 .p. 541.
CAREX montean Light/. Scot p . 5 5 \. Huds. Angl. p. 407. Host Ft. Austr. p. 506. Poll
Cam „ Su 5 i Tmm- MeSat - II- 19 6 .. ,Gunn. Nor-o. „. 70S. lletr..Smml.p. ISO. Scop.,
CAREX filiformis. Roth Germ, ml: 1 . 3 9 7 . ml. I . p . 445. Willi. Bcrol. p. 3 3 . /* //; ,, Germ
p. 339. Leers Herb. p. 304. t. 16. f . 5 .
CAREX stolonifera. Ehrh. Gram. 99. Hoffm Germ p 328
CAllEXu^ r » f
CAREX spicis confertis, peiiolis erectis, bfevibus, capsulis ovato-triquetris.
GRAMEN cyperoidcs spicatum. Ger. Emac. p . 22. Moris. Hist. vol. 3. s. 8. t. 12 f .U
GRAMEN spicatum foliis caryophyUeis. Park. TAeatr. 116 0.
Class a nd Ord e r . MONCECIA TRIANDRIA.
^N atural Ord e r . CYPERACEM, D e Cand. Br. CYPEROIDEiE, Juss. CALAMARIM, lin n .]
Gen. Char. Masc. Amentum imbricatum. Cal. squama solitaria. Cor. nulla
squama solitaria. Cor. ventricosa, monopetala apice bi-
dentata. stigmata duo vel tna. Nux tnquetra, corolla persistenti inclusa. JVilld.
Radix perennis, crassiuscula, repens, foliis putrescenti-
bus, squamosis obtecta, nigrescens, stolonifera,
hie illic fibris longiusculis, ramosis, fuscis, in-
Folia cæspitosa, tri- ad sex-uncialia, culmo breviora,
ngidiuscula, linearia, acuminata, planiuscula, v.
parum carinata,, subrecurva, marginc carinaque
aspera, glauco-viridia, apice fusca.
f 'raMI “ “ 6. palmares et ultra, subsemicylmdracei,
striati, glabri, nudiusculi.
RitACTEÆ semper spica breviorès, inferiores longiores,
omnes setaceæ, scabriuspulæ, vaginis scariosis,
superne dilatatis, fuscis, peduncuh longitudinem
Spica mascula terminalis, solitaria, erecta, oblonga,
norescentia clavata, multiflora, basin rarius flori-
us foemineis instructa. Squamoe ellipticæ, magi8
m!nusye obtusæ, convex», membranaceæ, om-
mno mtegerrimæ, ferrugineæ, basi nervoque dor-
sail vindibus. . j
tamïna tria, exserta : Filamenta squamæ lqngitudine,
alt)a : Antheræ oblong», flavæ.
CÆ FEMINEÆ ad basin masculæ, plerumque du»,
îarius très, approximate, ovato-oblongæ, erecte,
oreviter pedunculate, multifloræ, floribus sublaxe
aisposibs. Squamoe ovate, parum- convex»
acummulate, fere mucronulatoe, apice asperæ’
Corot t 3c?'f®rrugmeæ, nervo viridi.
a junior obovata, obtusa, obscure flavo-viridis,
_ pubebcens.
FßucTSrrqÜ?InatnUS fe'ibus’ Pubescentibus, albidis.
i W o °™ ia t,ectus) ovato-triqueter, pubescens,
integra ndlS> *** aPice<î ue Parum productus, ore
! • ^viridites nitens’ hisco-purpurea, angulis
Root perennial, thickish, creeping, covered with the
decaying scaly remnants of leaves, blackish,
stdloniferous, here and there producing longish
branched, brown fibres, i °
L eaves c»spitose, from three to six inches long, shorter
than the culms, somewhat rigid, linear* acuminate,
flattish, or a little carinate, a little recurved,
with tiie margin and keel rough, glaucous green’
brown a t the apex.
Culms erect, a span high or more, nearly semicylindri-
- cal, striate, smooth, almost leafless.
Bractes always shorter than the spike, the lower ones
the longest, all of them setaceous, roughish, with
brown scariose sheaths which are dilated upwards,
and nearly equalling the length of the peduncle.
Male s pik e terminal, solitary, erect, oblong, when
flowering clavate, many-flowered, at the base furnished,
though rarely, with female flowers. Scales
elliptic, more or less obtuse, convex, membranaceous,
altogether entire, ferruginous, at the base
and. on the dorsal nerve green.
Stamens three, exserted : Filaments the length o f the
scale, white : Anthers oblong, yellow.
Female spikes a t the base of the male, generally two*
rarely three, approximate, ovato-oblong, erect, on
short peduncles, many flowered, which are rather
loosely disposed. Scales ovate, slightly convex,
acuminulate, almost mucronulate, rough at the
apex, ferruginous brown, with the nerve green.
Corolla in a young state obovate, obtuse, of an obscure
yellow-green colour, pubescent.
Style having three hairy whitish stigmas.
Fr u it (covered with the corolla) ovate and triangular,,
pubescent, brownish green, a little producted at
each extremity, with the mouth entire.
N ut triangular, smooth, shining, brownish purple green
at the angles. 8
AnSer Bra?te? sligt>tly magnified. Fig. 3. Head of spikes, nat. size. 1 4.
*>■ Fig. 6. Scale o f T fro"; “ agn Pig. 5 . Scale of the same seen on the opposite side
•!>e pubescent corolla, do K v 'T Th" fl°m '" “J"?“*' * ’• .-%■ 7- Germen and Styles, the former covered by
* « . 0,1011 d in R TI .T " ™ 4 mtenortnew o f the scale. F ig .9 . Seed covered by the per-
I l f t h e s h e V ' out transversely, do.. E g . u . Seed cut transversely, do. P
., mg bractes of this Clarex be properly attended to, as the Bishop, of Carlisle observes in his admi