o r n it h o g a l um n u t a n s , d r o o p in g s t a r of
...— , ..w. wuo luw u iu 010, ouuauvuut
tibus, al ternis- majoribus, bicornibus.
ORNITHOGALUM W M Linn Sp . PL p. 4 4 , f l * . Germ. p .u g . Roth G<Vm. ml. 2 . p. S95.
P f i f A / Z T p Î À i t o n lio rt. Kcw. r f *
ORNITHOGALUM lloribus spicatiÿ senescentibus.pendulis, filamonds staminum alternii maioribus
bicormbus. Hall. Helv. n. 1£16./ JünDUS>
ORNITHOGALUM Neapolitanum; theStarre Flower of Naples. Park. P a r ad. p. 138 . « . 137, ƒ 8.
Fr. Jacinthe de Mai.
Class a nd Ord e r . HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
[NATtmAt Ord e r . AsI>HODELErE, Juss. Br. LILIACEAJTrib.il. ASPHODELI, Decand.J
G m . Ch a r . PcrkMmmsex-pMlitnm, persistens, supra medium patens. Fihmcntti basi dilatata
Capsula tnlocularis. Semina subrotunda, nuda.
Bulbus tunicatus, ovato-oblongus, tunica externa fusca,
A rugosa, fibris paucis simplicibus instructa.
Folia pauca, tria ad sex, pedalia et ultra, viridia, basi
palidiora, flexuoso-erécta, linearia, striata, canaliculate,
dorso convexa, basi apiceque attenuate.
ScAPUS vix pedalis, erectus, basi solummodo foliis vaffinâtes,
Flores octo ad decern, racemosi, primura erecti, dein
patentes, demum penduli, pedunculati.
PEDUNgjJLl bfeves, uniflori, bracleati ; bracteis solita-
riis, pedunculo multo lóngioribus, ovato-lanceo-
latas, acuminatis, fere aristatis, pallide fuscis,
margine dilutiore, flori inaperto arete appressis,
demum reflexis.
Periantiiium hexapbyllum, foliolis æqualibus, ovato-
acuminatis, horizontaliter patentibus, post flore-
scentiam itérum conniventibus, extus virescenti-
bus, intus multo pallidioribus, marginibus albis.
Stamina : Filamente sex, valde dilatata, albida, mar-
ginibus in tubum cohasrentibus, alter pa majora,
apiceemarginata, biloba: Anthene in sinu lobo-
rum, oblongoe, biloculares, flavescentes : Pollen
minutum, ovatum, vel rotundatum.
Ovarium ovato-rotundatum, trilobatum : Stylus linea-
ris : Stigma breviter trilobatum, pubescens.
Fericarpium : Capsula ovato-rotundate, corolla persistente
obtecta et stylo terminât», tnlocularis,
trival vis ; valvis ovatis, dorso Jinea media longi-
tudmali notatis, intus medio septiferis.
P ee
Semina marginibus dissepimentorum duplici e hori-
- zon tali ter inserts, subrotunda, atra, rugosa.
ntegumentum coriaceo-membranàceum, suberusta-
Albumen camosum, album.
• 1BRy° fdbuininis basi inclusus, oblongus, parvus, erec-
• tl,S> strictes,• vel loeviter curvatus.
! Bdxb tunicated, ovato-oblong, the external coat brown,
rough, with a few simple fibres.
Leaves few, from three to six, afoot long and upwards,
green, paler below, flexuoso-erect, linear, striated,
grooved, convex on.the back, attenuate at the
base and at the extremity.
Scape scarcely a foot high, erect, at the base only
sheathed by the leaves, cylindrical.
F lowers from eight to ten, a t first erect, then patent, at
length pendulous, pedunculate.
'ncles short, one-flowered, bracteate; bracts soli-
tai-y, much longer than the peduncles, ovato-
lanceolate, acuminate, almost aristate, pale brown,
the margins paler, closely appressed to the i p
opened flower, afterwards reflexed.
P e r ia n t h of six leaves, the leaflets equal, ovato-acu-
minate, horizontally patent, after flowering again
connivent, green without, within much paler, the
margins white. *
Stamens : Filaments six, much dilated, white, the margins
cohering so as to form a tube, alternately
larger, notched at the apex, two-lobed : Anthers
in the sinus o f the lobes, oblong, two-celled, yel-
' low: Pollen minute, ovate, or round.
Ovary between ovate and round, three-lobed: Style
linear: Stigma shortly three-lobed, pubescent.
1ERICARP: Capsule ovato-rotundate, covered by the
persistent corolla and terminated by the style
three-celled, three-valved; the valves ovate, marked
on the back with a longitudinal line,’within
bearing dissepiments in the middle.
Seeds inserted in a double row along the margins of
. the dissepiments; roundish, black, rou«te.
I ntegument coriaceo - membranaceous,' suberusta-
A lbumen fleshy, white.
Embryo included at the base of the albumen, oblong
•’■nail, erect, straight or slightly curved.
\ L Si ; meiK- Fig. 3. Anther. Fig. 3. Pollen. Jfe-,4. Ovary Fur 5 S l i™ H r r ,
cut through horkomully. Fig%. CapsulJquSripe 1 — 1B U S
re Tt % 10' Seetl' “ ' 1 11'T te vertically Sissccted. 'Fig. , S E
it H T 1,ed?es ”,"d t o t ™ do not hesitate 1 allowing
this country a n d ; ' ?S T1 hrst pointed out the propriety of considering it as a plant of
finds« £ » 8 aS ,Stat,°nS ^ * E?™-f°.rd .field> St‘ Neot’s> Bedfordshire, Sir T. G. Cullum who E vise
aid u“ 0pP“ ,te “’e Chalk-p,ts ■" Bisby-Gale Sheet; Bury; Middleton. Suffolk, D. E Daiy
"»aita-aT S f S L T e W r n ° ? ded m y -0ther' !|P ® w r k a b le in its large and handsome, nearly
which are | i t r f dilated filaments M
■«oaneo campaniformi.1' J
. * . ° ......... ^ « niv u iia icu umiiienis alien
irgin^ into a lube, whence the Linnajan expression “ nectaric
hflowers in April and May; and the seeds are quite ripe in June.