$ fo n a b u t/ .A ife k r u c a fi
FUNARIA Hibernica, foliis ovato-lanceolatis, planis, sensim acuminatis, serratis, nervo
evanescente; seta recta.
FUNARIA Muhlenbergii. Mohr Fl. Crypt. Germ. p. S80.
rte apice
Class a nd Ord er . CRYPTOGAMIA MUSCI.
M o h r.y :•
Gen. Char. Calyptra inferne ampullacea, hinc lateraliter fissa. Caps, obconica, ore obliquo. Perist. duplex,
ext. dentibus sedecim, obliquis; int. ciliis totidem illis oppositis, horizontalibus.
Funaria, Schreb. Koelreutera, I le dw Mnium, Linn.
Radix parva, tomento.so-fibrosa, fusca, annüa.
Caules laxe crespitosi, tri- vel quadri-lineares, sim-
plices, vel innovatione inferne tantummodo di-
Root small, between tomentose and fibrous, brown, annual.
Stems loosely cmspitose, three dr four lines long, simple,
or divided only below by ah innovation.
FoLIA pauca, remota, inferiora erectiuscula, superiora
stellatim disposita, omnia ovato-lanceolata, plana,
vel margine solummodo undulata, sensim acuminata,
serrata; riervo ante apicem evanescente.
Substantia reticulata, areolis grandiusculis, ovatis.
Fbuctificatio feminea terminalis.
Seta recta, parum fiexuosa, ltevis, flavescens.
Capsula cernua, obovato-pyriformis, dorso parum gib-
boso, longitudinaliter siccitate lmviter sulcata,
flavo-fusca; ore obliquo.
Operculum conico-obtusum, rufo-fuscum.
Calyptra quadrangulata, matura, e basi ovato-ampul-
lacea, subulata, pallide fusca, hinc basi longitudinaliter
fissa, apice aristata, intense fusca.
Peristomium duplex-: ext. dentibus sedecim, obliquis,
acutis, transversim striatis, rubris, marginibus in-
tegerrimis: int. ciliis totidem, membranaceis,
flavis, transverse, striatis.
Fig. 1, Plants of Funaria Hibernica, nat.
Leaf shoeing the reticulation. Fig: 5. Capsule.
L eaves few, remote, the lower ones nearly.erect, the
upper ones disposed in a stellated manner, all of
them ovato-lanceolate, plane, or with the margin
only waved, gradually tapering to a point, serrate
: the nerve disappearing below the apex.
The substance is reticulated, with tire areolas rather
large, ovate.
Fru ctification : Female terminal.
Fru it -stalk erect, a little flexuose, smooth, yellowish.
Capsule cernuous, between obovate and pyriform,
above a little gibbous, longitudinally slightly
sulcated ; mouth oblique. , -
Operculum conical, obtuse, red-brown.
Calyptra quadrangular, when ripe, from an ovate am-
pullaceous base, becoming subulate, pale brown,
on one side longitudinally cleft, a t the apex aris-
tate, deep brown.
P eristome double: the exterior with si-xteen oblique,
acute teeth, transversely striated, red, having the
margins entire: the interior with as many cilia,
membranaceous, yellow, transversely striated.
Fig. 3. Leaf. . Fig ', 4.
Fig. 8., Peristome.
Specimens of this new species of Funaria were communicated to me by Mr. Drummond, the Curator o f the
Botanic Garden at Cork, a zealous botanist, who gathered'them on the roof of a thatched cottage at Blarney near
Cork. Of its being what Dr. Mohr intended for bis Funaria Muhlenbergii, his description leaves me no reason
to doubt. It is certainly not the Funaria Muhlenbeigii of Mr. Turner’s Annals o f Botany, ml. 2. p . 198., whose
description Dr. Mohr justly observed did not well accord with his plant. I likewise possess a specimen of the
American F. Muhlenbergii, from Dr. Muhlenberg himself, and can answer for its being the plant of Mr. Turner.
Whether or not our F. Hibernica be the F. calcarea of Wahlenberg in the Stockholm Transactions, and cited by
scribed * Cann0t sa^ ’ or A ether that be the true Muhlenbergii, as I do not possess the work in which it is de-;
From F. Muhlenbergii our plant differs in the elongated stems, in the leaves being more distantly placed, ovato-
mnceolate, plane, gradually acuminated and strongly serrated; while the former has tire leaves ovate, concave, and
so su enly acuminated as to bear the appearance of a piliferous point, which is scarcely at all serrated.
*vo FUNARIA hygrometrica; foliis ovatis, apiculatis, concavis, integer excurrente: seta ar
cuata, fiexuosa; capsula cernua, sulcata.
FUNARIA hygrometrica. Hedw. Spec. Muse. p. 172. Roth FI. Germ. ml. 3. p. 225. Sibth. Ox.
p. 288. Turn. Muse. Hib.p. 105. Smith FI. B r it.p . 1338. Engl. Bot. t. 342. Web
et M°hr Fl. Crypt. Germ. p. 378. Sturm Deutsch. Fl. Voit Hist. Muse. Herb. p. 124
WAil. Lapp. p. 350. Decand. Fl. Fr. ml. 2. p. 496. Decand. Fl. Gall. Syn. p. 103.
KOELREUTERA. hygrometrica. Hedw. Fund. ml. 2. p. 95. t. 10.
MNIUM foliis ovato-lanceolatis, conniventibus, capsulis ovatis reflexis. Hall. Helv. n. 1852.
MNIUM hygrometricum. Linn. Sp. PI. p . 1 575. With. Bot. Arr. ed. 4. ml. 3. p. 787. L k h tf.
Scot. p. 709. Relh. Cant.p. 417. Oeder Fl. Dan. t. 648. f. 2. Hoffm. Germ m l 2
p. 40. Lam. Diet. ml. 4. p. 200.
BRYUM hygrometricum. Hud». Fl. Angl. p. 488. Scop. Cam. n. 1303. Web. Sfiic. Fl. Goett
P- 113. Hull Br. Bot. p . 265.
BRYUM bulbiforme aureum, calyptra quadrangulari, capsulis pyriformibus nutantibus. Dill. Hist.
Muse. p . 407. t. 52. f . 75.
BRYUM aureum, capitulis reflexis pyriformibus, calyptra quadrangulari, foliis in bulbi formam con-
gestis. Raii Syn. p. 101.
USCUS capillaceus, folio rotundiore, capsula oblonga incurva. Rupp. Sen. p. 400.
■ SCUS foliis scutellatis, capitulo pyriforme nutante. Fin'll. Bot. Par. p . 13 5 . t. 26. f . 16.
Class a n d Ord er, E tc. See FUNARIA HIBERNICA.