KNAPPIA Smith Engl. Bo,. ,. 1127. Fl. Br!,. Supp. p . 1387. Gaudin Agrost.
AGROSTIS minima. Lbm. Sp PL p . s s . Huds.Angl. p . 33. With. Bot. Arr. cd. 4. m l 3
§ | 2. p. 87. Smith Fl. Brit. p. 82. JVilkl So P l »ml ü
p . 372. Alton Hort. K m . ed.2. ml. 1 . p . 149. 1 P' 1 L mL K
CHAMAGROOTS mrnma. Schröder Fl. Gorm. p . 158. Decani. Fl. Fr. ei. 3. ml. J. p. 77,
STURMIA minima. Sturm Deutsch. Fl. fa se . 7. t. 1.
STURMIA Verna. Fers. Syn. Pl. ml. 1. p . 76.
GRAMEN minimum Anglo-Britannicum. Bail Syn. Indic. P l. D u l.
Welsh. EiddilroeUtyn cynnar.
[N a t u r a l O r d e r . GRAMINEÆ, Juss. D e Cani. B rm n i\
am. Char. Gluma unillora, bivalvis, gqualis, trancata. Perianthium bivalve, inmquale, muticum, viilusiim
{flores in rachi flexuosä, alterni.)
Radix annua, longe fibrosa.
CulmI bi-triuuciales, cæspitosi, erecti, simplices, ca-
pillares, basi solummodo foliorum vâginis tecti
reliqua parte nudi.
Folia pauca, perbrevia, vix semiunciam longa, linearia,
obtusa, punctis elevatis conspersa, medio canaliculate,
basi longe vaginata, vaginis folio sub-
æque longis, ovato-oblongis, subinflatis, striatis,
membranaceis, pallide fuscis, fere albicantibus.
Ligula brevis, exserta, bipartita, lateribus cum
vagina unitis.
Flores alterni, nunc subsecundi, in spicam laxam
8-10-floram. Rachis fiexuosa, glabra.
Gluma bivalvis, uniflora, valvis subæqualibus, 'glabris,
nitidis, purpureo-viridibus, ovatis, uninervibus’
apice truncatis, subcrenulatis, diaphanis, ext.
paululum carinata.
Perianthium glumà brevius, membranaceum, pellu-
cidum, dorso margineque pilis longis albidis
obsitum, bivalve, valvis inæqualibus, nervosis,
superne latioribus, exteriore duplo majore, inte-
noretn semiamplectante.
Styli longissimi, filiformes, albi, pilosi.
otamina : Filamenta tria, perianthio duplo longiora.
Anthem oblongoe, flavæ, apice bicornes.
Semen perianthio téctum, obovato-ellipticum, ftscum,
punctatum, punctis in. lineis longitudinalibus
Root annual, consisting of long fibres.
Culms from two to three inches high, casspitose, erect,
simple, capillary, at the base alone covered with
the sheaths o f the leaves, the rest naked.
L eaves few, very short, half an inch long, linear, obtuse,
with elevated scattered dots, channelled
down the middle, much sheathed at the base,
with the sheaths about as long as the leaves*
ovate-oblong, somewhat inflated, striated, membranaceous,
pale brown, almost white. Ligule
short, exserted, bipartite, the sides united with
the sheaths.
Flowers alternate, sometimes subsecund, in a lax spike
o f eight ten flowers. Rachis flexuose, smooth.
G lume two-valved, one-flowered, valves nearly equal,
smooth, shining, purplish-green, ovate, one-
nerved, truncate a t the apex,, somewhat crenu-
late, diaphanous, the exterior slightly keeled.
P e r ia n t h shorter than the glume, membranaceous,
pellucid, on the back and margin clothed with
whitish long hairs, two-valved, the valves unequal,
nerved, wider upwards, the exterior twice
as large as, and embracing, the inner valve.
Styles very long, filiform, white, hairy.
Stamens three. Filaments twice as long as the perianth.
Anthers oblong, yellow, two-horned at
the apex.
Se e d covered by the perianth, obovato-elliptic, brown,
punctate, the dots disposed in longitudinal lines.
s - Spike of flowers. F,g. 3 . Siugle flower. Fig. 4 Glume & ( P ,
Smaller valve. L *
■ is 5,0 M H i i H i M l M l f t 01> -iUif S a L i°- pMpe ostia." SUlling-
Hudson says that it was in Wales The Rev Hn°h TW??"’ ,h d.“es, not H where he found it, though
pastures on the smith ™DC( a 1 i lte ‘ , ,?h ~ avies gatliers it, flowering m April and Mav in sandv
As a genus it is vp™ °f f .n§jese?> and li;om him the specimens here figured were received i l
valve. « B U M and in habit peculiar. Most authors describe ffe perianth as composed of one
to "seer [nit, its real ’nature T t T ’ t ° P ’ ° f ■ tbe texture is s0 extremely delicate, itis r e r y difficult
say■s.- . vim
in somcSnr a!',Uil°"®is “ “ Pl'oibu» ramosisve &c. compositie.”’ jv
colon,, and L u ’pecul?en8 ,ül? l°"'er «oscules had within the glume one and éven
Broun alone seems to l ave raTemtoÓd“toefrae'7 freseIn“ ed ,that of ‘he flower of AntHomnthum,J
valvesneutri: fpro r„mn„ u t l i ■ r- 1 re "'!,on he'says, “ Plosculi* laterales magis imperfecti u
S*eberquti Sectarian,^descriptum/’ ' auctonbus omnibus babili i) intermedins minor, perperam
two valves, like the glume in
lintho.vanthum, of which Mr.
For he considers it a three-flowered glume.