eryngium m a r it im um . se a e r y n g o , or sea
ERYNGIUM maritimum • foliisradit-alibus aubrotundU plicatis spinosis, superioribus lobatis nalmatis
' amplia capitula ovata ^ r o u fib u s, c a u I e U ^
ERYNGIUM maritimum. Linn.Sp. PI. p, 337. Hudo.Angl.p. 109. Lightf. Scot. ». 153 H
f i ï i f r - ci,* - " P•ä7s- Ä Dan. t. 875. Baffin. Germ. cd. 2 . ml. 1 . P . H p ,2 6
H Sp. P/, w/. I. IS58. jknrt P/. BnV. p. 288. .Erçgf. Bai. <.7 18 . Decand
W K B m w Ê ml- * P - 35s. PI-Gall. Syn. p . 316. Fers. Syn. PL ml. 3 . p. 399. Delà-
roche H ist. E ryng. p. 35. Ait. Hort. Kent. ed. 2 . ml. S. p. 116. Hook Fl Scot P T
P- 87. Roem. et Schults Syst.Veg. vol. 6. p. 322. ' '
ERYNGIUM marinum. Sea Holly or Eryngo. RaiiSyn.p. 222.
Class a nd O rder. PENTANDRIA DIGYNIA.
; ' [Natural Ord e r . UMBELLIFERiE, Jus*., Decand., Hook. ■
q»e, staminibus altemantia, d lco inseria Z c abordva E l i lB B H f lB I B I ““ ’
receptaculo central! plerumque bipartito affixa. Semen solitarium r*endens Fmbrun™? ? a* , Acie™a d.uo,
„“Tail“ - * &*”; » ^ p S . f e r & f x s
Div. I. Umbella: subcapitat®.]
Ge s . Char. Floret capitati. Receplaculum paleaceam. W a c r a sobspinosa. Corolla: inflexte F™«m „alea
ceo-squainati. Spreng. F
Geh. Char. Flamers capitate. Receptacle chaffy. Incolucre* subspiaous. Corolla* iuflected. Fn«Y with chaff
like scales.
Radix longissima, subfusiformis, crassa, teres, tortuosa I
Caulis subpedalis, erectus, rigidus, sulcatus, albidus,
glaber, superne ramosus, ramis patentibus, sub-
Folia radicalia petiolata, subrotundata, lobata; cau-
lina iis simillima, sed sessilia; suprema, vel invo-
lucra universalia, plerumque ternata, lobata atque
palmata, amplexicaulia; omnia insigniter undu-
lata, rigida,, marginata, spinosa, pallide glauco-
vindia,;. pulcherrime reticulatim venosa. venis
Pedünoüli bini vel terni, etiam solitarii, sulcati.
Involucua (partialia) penta-ad hepta-phylla, magna
honzontaliter patentia, anguste ovata, spinosa’
superne pulcherrime amethystina. '
r lores dense capitati.
Paeeje floribus iongiores, subulatas, versus apicem iri-
cuspidataj, cffirulem.
Calyx e foliolis quinque lanceolato-acuminatis, rigidis
cwruleis, glabris. 6 ’
CoROLLjE Petals erecta, oblonga, bifida, sinu insigniter
_ B elongato, amethystina.
L amina quinque: Filamenta corollam excedentia, pri-
mum meurvate, demum erecta, tortuosa, cterulea:
PisTTrrtHther^ Cffirule® : Pollen flavüm.
n u l l u m : Germen ovato-rotundatum, utrinque sulcatum,
paleis numerosis albidis tectum: Styli
FRUCTTrs0^TeC^ . filif0rm®S : Sti§ma obtusum. TUS rotundatus, echmatus, fuscus, ealvee coro-
natus. J
same^lpo!f ^jW{ ’ nat‘ s*ze‘ fig?!'] 3. Stamens. Fit
eprived of its scale, petals and stamens. Fig.'
I Root very long, subfusiform, thick, rounded, tortuose
Stem about a foot high, erect, rigid, furrowed, white
glabrous, branched upward, with the branches
patent, subcompressed.
Leaves : radical ones petiolate, somewhat roundish
lobed ; cauhne ones similar to them, but sessile’
the supreme ones, or universal involucre, gene^
ralyternate,,lobed and palmated, amplexicaul:
all of them remarkably waved,, rigid, margined
spinous, pale glaucous green, beautifully retied
lated with veins, with the veins white.
Peduncles two or three together, sometimes solitary,
I nvolucres (partial ones) of from five to seven leaves
large, horizontally patent, narrow-ovate, spinous!
above of a beautiful amethystine blue.
F lowers densely capitate.
Scales longer than the flowers, subulate, towards the
extremity tricuspidate, blue.
Calyx of five lanceolate-acuminate, rigid, blue elabrous
leaflets. -- ’ ®
Petals of the Corolla erect, oblong, bifid, bright blue
with the sinus remarkably elongated. '
Stamens five: Filaments exceeding the corolla, at first
incurved, afterwards erect, tortuose, blue: Anthers
blue: Pollen yellow.
Pi s t il : Germen ovato-rotundate, sulcated on both
sides, and covered with numerous white chaffy
scales: Styles two, erect, filiform: Stigma obtuse
F ruit roundish, echmate, brown, crowned with the
f* I f jH | 5‘ P,0wer with Fruit. its scale. Fi°g. 6. The
arenaria. floweriruHn Sranc^ shores o f Great Britain, in such situations as produce the Carev nrpnnrin h a but i, U0Meillg gg June and July. It inhabits various m w . r r armaria,, and Arundo
, . ls n°t met with in Iceland or r ?ther, raailt,me Pai‘ts o f Europe and the north of Africa •
theTh00 Ware • li“ cahdied with