f g l - B o t . t . 521 Bolt. Til. p . 74,. t. 40. Baffin. Germ. ed. S. m l . Z . p V W iM
Sp. PL p. 534. Decani. Fl. Fr. ed .S .m l.S . p .5 7 7 . FI. Gall. Syn. p . 117 . Alton
ƒ ed' 2' W ' S' P' 5S°' M°h r Ä C ry ft' Germ' p - 61- *' 1- / 8- “ *•*
GRAMINIFOLIA palustris repens, vaseulis granorum Piperis æmulis. Bail Syn. p. 136.
Boi. PUknkrmd. Fr. Mousse dorte. Boulette on Globule d'Eau. Germ. Der Pillenfarn It Pert
and Span. Ptlularia. Welsh. PelanUys gronynawg. r um jam . It. Port.
[Natural Ord e r . MARSILEACEÆ, Br. RHIZOSPERMÆ, Decani. FILICES Joss.)
Fructificaiiones radicales. Imolucrum subsphmricum, non dehiscens, coriaceum aut membranaceum uni
mulbloculare, organa utriusque sexus, deinde Semina plurima, fovens. \lle rb x aqmlicce. Decani.)
T n S ' r f ft!* ' I7nw,"cm soli.l“ria, subsessilia, globosa, coriacea, quadrilocularia. Decani.
Gen. Cha r. Involucres solitary, nearly sessile, globose, coriaceous, of four cells. Decani.
Caules horizontaliter repentes, cæspitosi, filiformes,
fusci, geniculati, ad genicula radicantes, radicibus
Folia ad genicula unum ad tria, juniora convoluta, re-
Jiqua tri- ad quadriuncialia, erecta, flex'uosa, fili-
formia, apice subulata, pallide viridia.
I nvolucra solitaria, axillaria, breviter pedunculata, exacte
sphærica, magnitudine seminis canabini,
f“sca) crustaceo-conacea, extus squamulis minu- 1
tis membranaceis obsita ; intus quadrilocularia,
dissepimento e membrana interna involucri.
Flores masculi et foeminei in singulo loculo, recepta-
culo longitudinali centrali parietali affixi.
Antheræ numerosæ, totam fere partem superiorem loculi
occupantes, obpyriformes, obtusse, membra-
naceæ, reticuiatæ, pellucidæ, sessiles, unilocula-
res, evalves. Pollen magnum, sphæricum, pellu-
Germina plusquam dimidium totius inferioris partis
loculi occupantia, numerosa, antheris majora.
Integumentum duplex, exterius late obovatum,
obtusissimum, membranaceum, pellucidum, vix
reticulatum ; interius subsphæricum, supra medium
constrictum, crustaceum, pallide cinereum,
stigmate minute conico radiate terminatum ; uni-
loculare, evalve. Intra integumentum exterius
et interius materies gelatinosa alba hyalina.
Semina numerosa, minuta, sphærica, hyalina, grandis
minutissimis pellucidis immixta.
Stems creeping horizontally, csespitose, filiform, brown,
jointed, a t the joints throwing out fibrous roots!
L eaves from one to three at the joints, the younger ones
convolute, the rest three or four inches high, erect
flexuose, filiform, subulate at the apex, pale
green. r
I nvolucres solitary, axillary, shortly pedunculate, exactly
spherical, of the size of a grain of hemp,
brown, between crustaceous and coriaceous, co-
vered externally with minute membranaceous
scales; within four-celled, the dissepiment bein*
formed by the internal membrane of the involu-
Flowers, male and female, in each cell, affixed to a
longitudinal central parietal receptacle.
An thers numerous, occupying nearly the whole superior
part of the cell, obpyriform, obtuse, membranaceous,
reticulated, pellucid, sessile, one-'
celled, without valves. Pollen large, spherical
pellucid. ’
Germens occupying more than half of the lower part
o f the cell, numerous, longer than the anthers.
Integument double, the exterior one broadly
ovate, very obtuse, membranaceous, pellucid,
scarcely reticulated; the interior one somewhat
spherical, above the middle contracted, crustaceous,
pale-grayish, terminated by a minute conical
radiated stigma, one-celled, one-valved.
Within the exterior and interior integument there
is a white transparent gelatinous substance.
seeds numerous, miuute, spherical, transparent, mixed
with very minute pellucid granules.
. e'*— ■ '1- 5pcn,k= J t "
v jc iiiiiiuy lb peinaps tne best; yet even that is very
any others hitherto known, and which,are at
.°y Motor in his valuable little Crypto;
I S l S w J f f ! antS R f dlffer. so remarkabTy in their organs nom any others hitherto known, am
■ H B U H
| j H I has considered’
dollc decidedly says of it, « non del,items " 6 m an>' of lts « » « “ <*• Decan-
Rhimperma alontr with tin» mniora ' ■/ „ A c t “““**\7* taxes it into the natural order of
tlioso the B W 8 M 8 H S°,le'“ P M B Solemn, natives of tlie South of Europe. Brown added to
1 o “ uiai.
1)88 adopted.
great iS ■f°Und’- and portion of the year, in various panrotst ourfn ctohme mkionngldyo>m «. boggy places, and such ; erflowed durir