S ^ tt5 S ® ë ö 5S ë ö 5<5>3ö B 2» iiS e ö 5Öi«?® «»5 0 6 o e o e « s xs>v '•*■••
LITHOSPERMUM purpnro-cicruleum, seminibus loevibns, coral lis calycem longe superantibus, foliis
lanceolatis, acutis, avenus, Sm. Fl. Brit. vol. l.p . 2 14 . ■ ' >
LITHOSPERMUM mrpureo^æruleum, seminibus lmvibus, corollis calycem multoties superantibus.
WiUdenm Sp. PI. vol. l.p . 754. Alton Hort. K m . cd. 2 . vol. l.p . £88.
LITHOSPERMUM purpureo-raeruleum. L im . Sp. PI. p. ïgo. ' Hort. Cliff: ». 46 Kou Lutrdb
p. 405. Jacq. Austr. t. 14. M>‘‘. Gard. Diet. PoiSchPal. n. 185 Hiuk
AngLp. 79. With. Bot. Arr. ei. 3. vol.,2. p. ££6. ei. 5. vol. s.,p. 289 E m i
Bot. t. 117. Scop. Carn. ed. 2 . n. 188. Roth Germ. vol. l.p . 84. mi. 2 » 2 14 '
Lamarck Die t vol. 3. p, 29, K Fr. cd 3. vol. 3. p. 624. » Gall. Sm. p. 239.
Deslom. FI. Gall. ». 105. Wahll. Helv.p. 32. Hoffm. Germ, p 62 Fillers
, Dauph. 2 . 451. Kroelt.Si/es. ,1. 27s. , -, «tWT
LITHOSPERMUM violaceum. Lamarck Fl. Fr. cd. 2. p. 2 7 1 .
LITHOSPERMUiM Dodonæi, flore purpureo, semine Anchusæ. RaiiSvn.p. 229 ___ «>V /, *ns
. Bauhin. Hist. 3. 592. i W 29. 6. . ' ' 5üa*
LITHOSPERMUM majus. Ger. cm. p. 609. Bod. Pempt. p. 83.
LITHOSPERMUM caule procumbente, radicato, ramis floralibus erectis. Hall. Hclv. n. 596.
LITHOSPERMUM repens latifolium. Bauh. Pin. p. 258. Dill.'Gies. ». 65. Rupp. Jen. » . 1 1 .
LITHOSPERMUM repens inajus. Clus. Hist.vol. 2. p. \63.
LITHOSPERMUM umbellatum, latifolium. Boccon. Sic. p. 75. t. 40. et 4 1 .
LITHOSPERMUM corollis calycem multoties superantibus, caulibus procumbentibus radicatis. Zinn
. Goet. p. 257.
LITHOSPERMUM caulibus sterilibus prociimbentibus, radicatis : floriferis erectis. Hall. Goet.p. 9,57.
LITHOSPERMUM perenne procumbens flore purpuro-cæruleo. Mor. Hist. s. 1 1 . t. 3 1 . / . 2 .
ANCHUSA repens, Lithospermi facie, floribus cæruleis secundum folia provenientibus. Pluk 30
|= 76. j . 2.
[Natural Ord e r . BORRAGINEÆ, Just. De Cand. ASPERIFOLIÆ, Linn. BORRAGINES
Gen. Ch a r. Cor. infundibuliformis; faucepervia, nuda. Cal. quinquepartitus. Sm.
Radix perennis, nigiicans, lignosa, profundè in terram
descendens fibris plurimis ramosis pennæ corvinæ
fere crassitie.
Caules ex eadem radice plurimi, teretiusculi, hispidi,
simplices, floriferî erecti, pedales et ultra, steriles
multum longiores, primum erecti, tandem versus
terram Moclinati aut etiam prostrati, et demum
juxta apicem radicantes, unde nova soboles gene-
Folia oblongo-lanceolata, duos et ultra pollices longa,
acuminata, alterna, remotiuscula, sessilia, aut bre-
vissime petiolata, integerrima, pilis appressis
e bulbillo ortis hispida, tactu aspera, avenia, lu-
ride viridia, subtus pallidiora, lateribus sæpe re-
Flores majusculi, racemosi, racemis sæpius ternis, ju-
nioribus abbreviatis, revolutis, adultis elongatis,
rectis; hinc^flores, qui primum aggregati, mox in
elongatis caulis divisi ramis distant ab invicem,
singdi brevissime pedunculati ad folii latus so-
litarii exorti, eodemque ut plurimum spectantes.
Calyx : Perianthium pentaphyllum, foliolis lineari-su-
bulatis, hirsutissimis, corolla multo brevioribus, !
sed hac decidua elongatis.
Corolla monopetala, tubulosa, tubo angulato sordide
albido aut purpurascente ; limbo patente, quin-
quefido, laciniis obtusis ; fauce per quinque gib-
bos introtrusos Stella alba insignita: Corollæ
color inapertoe rubro-purpureus, Heinde saturate
et vivide coeruleus.
tamina : Filamenta quinque brevissima, fauci tubi in-
serta; Antheræ subsagittatæ, lutescentes.
Fistillum : Germina quatuor : Stylus filiformis, lon-
SpmiwP1 • '?e II®! > Stigma leniter emarginatum.
nitida, albida, dura, pauca modo ad maturita-
m perveniunt; plurima abortiunt, sicuti in
P antis per radicem sese propagantibus accidere
Root perennial, blackish, woody, descending deep into
the ground, with a number of branching fibres
almost as thick as a crow's quill.
Stems many from the same root, nearly cylindrical,
rough, simple, the flowering ones erect, a foot
or more high, the barren ones far longer, at first
erect, then bending towards the ground, and at
last quite prostrate, and throwing out near the
apex a number of small roots which give rise to
new plants.
Leaves oblohgo-lanceolate, two inches or more long,
acuminated, alternate, rather remote, sessile, or
supported on extremely short petioles, entire,
rough with closely appressed hairs originating
from a tubercle, harsh to the touch, veinless, of a
lurid green above, pale below, their edges generally
F lowers rather large, racemose; racemes usually in
threes, short and revolute when young, iri a more
advanced state longer and' straight, whence the
flowers, which at firstgrow clustered, afterwards
are found standing a t a distance from each other
on the lengthened branches of the divided stem,
each growing on a very short peduncle at the side
of a solitary leaf, to which it usually points.
Calyx: A five-leaved perianthiuin, : its leaves
linear-subulate, very hairy, far shorter than the
corolla; but increasing greatly in length when
flowering is over, as is common in this family of
Corolla monopetalous, tubular, with an angular dirty
white or purplish tube; its limbus patent and
quinquefid, with obtuse laciniffi: the faux marked
with a white star by means of five gibbous swellings,
which protrude into without closing i t : the
colour of the flowers purplish red before they open,
but afterwards a deep bright blue. /w-. 2.
Stamens : five very short filaments, inserted in the
mouth of the tube; anthers nearly sagittate yellowish.
‘ -
P ist il : four germens: Style filiform, of the length of
the tube; Stigma slightly emarginate.
Seeds smooth, whitish, hard ; but only few of these
come to maturity: the greater part are abortive,
as usually happens in plants that propagate freely
by striking root.