EPIPACTIS latifolia; foliis ovatis amplexicaulibus; bracteis inferioribus flora longioribus, floribus pen-
dulis, labello integerrimo acuminato petalis breviore, germinibus pubescentibus. Willd.
EPIPACTIS latifolia. Swartz de Orchid, p. 64. Willd. Sp. PI. v. 4. p . 83. Aiton Hort. Kero, ed 2.
voL 5. p . 201. Decand Fl. Fr\ cd. 3. ml. 3. p. 259. Fl. Gall. Syn. p. 172. Richard
m Mem. du Museum, m l. 4. p . 60.
EPIPACTIS foliis amplexicaulibus ovato-lanceolatis, labello lanceolato.. Hall. Helv. n. 1297. t. 40.
SERAPIAS latifolia. IAnn. Syst. Veget. ed. 14. p. 814. (fide Smithy. With. Bot. Arr. ed. 4. m l . k
P- 4°. Oed. Fl. Dan. t. 811. Light/. Scot. p. 526. Huds. Angl. p. 393 Hoffm
Germ. a . 2. ml. 1 . P. II. 1 8 1 . Smith Fl. Brit. p. 943. Engl. B it. t. 269. Pert.
Syn. PL ml. 2. p .5 1 2.
SERAPIAS Helleborine «. Linn. Sp. PI. p .1344.
HELLEBORINE latifolia montana. The most common Bastard Hellebore. Rail Syn.p. 383.
HELLEBORINE altera atro-rubente flore. Bastard Hellebore with a' blackish flower. Rail Svn
p . 383. - ' y
Class a n d Ord e r . GYNANDRIA DIANDRIA.
[N atural Ord e r . ORCHIDEJE, J uss. Decand. B r o w n ^ f
Gen. Char. Labellunt inferne ventricosum; superne vel indivisum vel tri-lobum, lobo medio majore articulatim
■ ■ . connexo. Pollen farinaceum. Br.
Gen. Char. Lip ventricose below; above either undivided or three-lobed, the middle lobe the largest, articulately
connected. Pollen farinaceous. Br.
Radix perennis, e fibris Jongis, simplicibus, fuscis, tor-
tuosis, carnosis, pubescenti bus.
CaULIS bi-etiam tri-pedalis, erectus, simplex, flexuosus,
. teres, angulatus, viridis, foliosus, sursu m præcipue
subpubescéns, inferne vaginis cylindraceis duabus
vel tribus tectus.
Folia alterna, patentia, subcarinata, multinervia, mar-
- gine undulata, inferiora late-ovata, acuta, basi
longe vaginata, éuperiora magis angusta, lanceo-
lata, acuminata, sessilia vel solummodo semi-
amplexicaulia, suprema bracteis simulantia:
Flores in spicam sublaxam, terminalem, simplicem, mul-
tifloram, dispositi, pedunculati, penduli. Bracteæ
lanceolato-subulatæ, carinatæ, glabræ ; inferiores
floribus longióres.
Perianthium sex-divisum, foliola conniventia, post
florescentiam subpatentia ; triaexteriora oequalia,
ovata, subacuminata, concava, fusco-viridia, extus
sub lente pubescentia, lineis longitudinalibus ele-
vatis instructa ; tria interiora valde inæqualia,
quorum duo superiora ovata, tenuia, exterioribus
subæqualia, pallide purpurascentia ; inferius seu
labellum reliquis vix brevius, medium versus
quasi articulatum, articulo inferiore (hypochilium
Eich.) late ovato, valde concavo, lateribus incur-
vis, vix lobatis,. viridi-purpureo, intus lineis obli-
quis fuscescentibus hotato; articulo superiore
(epichiliim Rich.) carneo, lineis saturatioribus
obliquis notato, cordiformi, apiculato, paululum
recurvato, margine pulcherrime undulato-crenato,
basi callo cruciformi corrugato fusco-purpureo.
f ColoMNA UxBo duplo brevior, basi subcylindracea,
superne dilatata, biloba, lóbis incurvis.
. Anthera terminalis, basi affixa, articulata, erecta, pal-
lide flavescens, punctis elevatis notata, bilocularis,
lOGulis longitudinaliter dehiscentibus. Mass®
1 olhnis albescentes, ovato-oblongoe, bipartibiles,
pulvere®, e spherulis ternis quaternisque.
I STroi“ .»»tiuuiui quadratum, glutinosura. angulis infè-
ïioribus subtuberculatis, apice tuberculo rotiin-
P_n dato. {Proscolla Rich.)
men pyriforme, lineis elevatis, viride, vix tortum,
oasi m petiolum desinens.
I Fig. !>■ Flower. Fig, q,
I «•«. the lobes of the
VJew of the labellum.
Root perennial, consisting of long, simple, brown, twisted,
fleshy and pubescent jb’bres.
Stem from two to three feet in height, erect, simple,
flexuose, round, ribbed, green, leafy, above-especially
subpubescent, below covered with two or
three cylindrical sheaths.
L eaves alternate, patent, somewhat keeled, with many
nerves, undulated at the margin, the lower ones
widely ovate, acute, much sheathed at the base,
the upper ones more narrow, lanceolate, acuminate,
sessile or only semiamplexicaul, the extreme
ones resembling bracteas.
F lowers disposed in a somewhat lax, terminal, simple,
manyflowered spike, upon footstalks and pendent.
Bracteaslanceolato-subulate, keeled, smooth; the
lower ones longer than the flowers.
P e r ia n t h six-cleft, the leaflets connivent, after inflorescence
rather patent; the three outer ones
equal, ovate, subacuminate, concave, brownish
green, appearingexternally pubescent when viewed
through a microscope, furnished with longitudinal
elevated lines; the three inner ones very unequal
; o f these the two superior ones are ovate,
thin, nearly equalling the exterior ones, of a pale
purplish colour; the lower one or labellum scarcely
shorter than the rest, near the middle somewhat
jointed, the lower joint (hypochilium Rich.)
widely ovate and very concave, with the sides
incurved, scarcely lobed, of a greenish-purple co
lour, marked within with oblique brown lines; the
upper joint ( epichilium Rich.) flesh-coloured,
marked with deeper-coloured oblique lines, heart-
shaped, apiculate, slightly recurved, elegantly
waved and crenulated at the margin, having at
the base a cruciform, wrinkled, brownish-purple
Column but half the length of the labellum, subcylin-
drical a t the base, above dilated, two-lobed, the
lobes incurved.
An th e r terminal, fixed by its base, articulated, erect,
of a pale yellow colour, marked with elevated’
dots, two-celled, the cells opening lengthwise.
Pollen masses whitish, ovato-oblong, splitting in
two, farinaceous, composed o f spherules adhenno-
together by threes and fours.'
Stigma anterior, quadrate, glutinous, the inferior angles
slightly tuberculated, at the apex having a roundish
tubercle. (Proscolla of Richard.)
G ermen pyriform, marked with elevated lines, green,
scarcely twisted, terminating below in a footstalk!
Side view o f labellum and column of fructification. Fig. 3. Front view of the column
superior part. 4. the anther, c. the stigma, d. the proscoUa(of. Richard). Fig. 4 . Interior
J-ig. 5. I ollen masses. Fig. 6. Globules of pollen—all more or less magnified.
| var>es somewhaHn°thePdp^p/ England, and even in Scotland, Epipactis latifolia is not unfrequentlv met with It
I sent to me by Mr i t t S f P f Pubf c.enc^ and remarkably in the colour of its flowers, some o f which have been
I -own or bloyod colon ° f Box;hill> » B with the blossoms of a deep purplish
I b“t. as the «tro-rubente fo r e of Ray, and the (2 of Sir James Smith ;
I f l § ’ Decandolle the intermediate tints, it seems hardly worthy of notice as a distinct
I serration which we have SM nnGountsf f v thlsr circumstance by saying that age renders the flowers darker; an ob-.
I Haller’s figute of i ? °PPortuillty of verifying. ’
S S f ® are. The Jfrm 38 « I S f S I S S° characte''istic f *he generality of his plates of
H H the nearer 10 tbose ° f * • * * « * ■ ■ « « * I jjji Hie feaflete™ ilL'^ttérinnfte#10" 11’’- JOttU'C ! “ !“ ° f.lhis sPecira are m“cli smaller than those of E: pains.
I lll c M in E. — are nonmvent until the perfect state of Dowering is past, when they spread out a