g er anium s a n g u in e um . b l o o d y c r a n e s b il l .
GERANIUM ^ ; ^ p e d „ „ c U,is u„ifloris, foliis suborbicularibus qui„qMpartitis, Iobis ^
GERANIUM sanguineum. A im Sp. PI. p . 958. Huds.Angl.p. 305. Light/. Scot p 372 With
g H -.ed.4,. ml. 3.p .387. JV. Z>M. r. 1107.Hi B W Hoffm W S M K B k P it 697. B « . B rit.p . 738. ^Engl. Bo't. M i
M « 3' «'■ ?• 845. « . Gaft p. 407. A™. M PI. „ . M — I
Hart. Kew. ed. Q.vol. 4.p.,l84. ifto/r. J57. Scot. P . I. p. £06. P' A t '
pedunculis unifioris, foliis septemiobis, petalis bifidis. Hall. Heh. n. 930
GERANIUM haimatodes. Bloody Cranesbill. Rail Syn. p, 360.
p GERANIUM hjcmatodes foliis majoribus pallidioribus et allies incisis. Bloody Cranesbill with
PO P «m t i iu . larBer> paler' and moreH I d i v i d e d leaves. Ran Syn.p. 360. 3 ’ ■
7 GERANIUM elegmter striato. Bloody Cranesbill, with a variegated
lancastrie"se- E H Rot. Arr. ed. 4. m l.S .p . 588. '
(i JiKAJnJUM prostratum. Cavan. Diss. p. l Q6. t. 76. f . 3.
Germ. D e r blutige Storckschorabel. Swed. Ormgr ds. Welsh. P ig y r Aran rhuddgoch.
[Natueal Oed eb. GERANIACEfiE, Hook. GERANIA, Juts. GERANICjE, Decand. GRUINALES,
G2£ZX c?SsTotopqSonos^l 2 ^ %hlZ£j£lZdu‘*mf rif-rxr T e- B H neque barbata) terminate. P a onSa» nu^a> simplice, (neque spirali
Root creeping for a considerable distance, perennial,
thick, knotted, here and there furnished with
strong descending fibres.
Stalks many, scaly at the base, weak, branched, hairy,
rarely dichotomous, jointed, the joints swoln.
L eaves springing from the joints o f the stalks, opposite,
upon foot-stalks, their outline orbiculate,
slightly hairy, cut into five, rarely seven segments
; the lobes cuneate, commonly trifid, obtuse,
Flowers axillary, solitary, large, showy, of a blood colour,
borne upon long foot-stalks; the foot-stalks
hairy, and above the middle o f their length bi-
Calyx permanent, of five divisions; the leaflets ob-
longo-ovate, ribbed, hairy, green, awned at the
Corolla of five petals; Petals oblong-heart-shaped,
very obtuse, veined, their claw pubescent.
Stamens ten : Anthers blue.
P is t il : Germen five-lobed, green: Style rather long:
Stigmas five, red.
Pe r ic a r p : Capsules (or Coccules) five, furnished with
long awns, dividing elastically, ovate, smooth,
bristly at the points, one-celled, internally dehiscent,
one extremity terminated by a fascicle
of white hairs.
Se ed ovate, glabrous, shining, bro
Radix longe repens, perennis, crassa, lignosa, nodosa,
hie lllic fibris magnis descendentibus instructa.
Cadles plurimi, ad basin squamosi, debiles, ramosi, pilo-
si, rarius dichotomi, geniculati, geniculis tumidis.
rOLlA ex geniculis caulium, opposite, petiolata, cir-
cumscnptione orbiculata, parce pilosa, quinque-
vel rarius^ septem-partita, lobis cuneatis, ple-
rumque tnfidis, obtusis, nervosis.
Flores axillares, solitarii, magni, speciosi, sanguinei,
longe pedunculati, pedunculis pilosis, supra medium
Calyx pentaphyllus, persistons ; foliolis oblongo-ovatis,
costatis, pilosis, viridibus, apice aristatis.
Corolla pentapetala : Petalis oblongo-cordatis, obtu-
^ sissimis, venosis, ungue pubescente.
oTamina decern : Antheræ cærulescentes.
RISTILLÜM : Germen quinquelobum, viride : Stylus lon-
giusculus : Stigmata quinque, rubra.
Rericarpium : Capsulas (vel Cocci) quinque, longe
anstatas, elastice dissilientes, ovate, lasves, apice
setosas ; uniloculares, intus déhiscentes, altera ex-
remitate pilorum alborum fasciculo terminate.
Semen ovatum, glabnmi, loeve, fuscum.
%■!. Petal. Fig. s . Ho„er deprived of its petals. Fig. 3. Fruit. Fig. 4. Single capsule'or coccule. Fig. 5.
This Geranium ™ i a ®ee(* :— more or ?ess magnified.
already figured in’th isT o * Bill Igi I s,ize’ “d far s“Pel'or ■“ colour to those o f Geranium pretense,
t M ■ I oV°£gp ° ;“di?s“ oky stony pi“cos in ^ °fiI n j
“«Ithc, anfmore H f l l l M i B l “ leavea a"d «“were. The former have from five to seven lobes,
flowreerr llaarrgaeerr aa ndd oaler h, „“r“ JW:,u ,e,u c: "whneennccee tthhee v<oaarr.. 00 .. WY hen the plant is more prostrate than usual, and tin
following gay and M en h ! 'T '‘ d<1 pcr v? ns* becomes the /A 3. Lancastr
Lancastrienseiwhich mod
>jjejgtb tfolt ev ariation^ mthcejr. nhrela’niStn™. e enlmeVna , ed t0 the rank of a spacies- __T_h e- mPie tals. 1 h“? "« otaetE. ed likew
■i -7 j ’ TV"" ^ « ic lams, o i a species. The petals,
tneir breadth, some being rotundato-cordate, others .oblongp-'
Mr r Z -ii ? rePresents the m<
Æ e, . ! r Salisbui'y Cmigs, Edinburgh, in the beginning o f fcptMtar. l i b » , t o î
Mr. G r e S ”fom S ' t ? the “ °?t common state o f the plant, and was taken fr
howeveri;5fa July
; which some modern authors,
lave observed likewise, are sub-
rdate, and much attenuated at
specimen communicated bv
1.— A A1___ : . J