:ipartitis. Alton Hort. K m . ed.
cilklis quiüque, caule Umfolio.
I AliJS ASSIA palustris, foliis radicalibus cordatis, nectariis mul
vol. 2. p. 177.
PARNASSIA palustris. Linn Sn P / /> <?oi <?, , >r . ' _r_ ÄA. iW fsi  Ÿ  £ Ü T n L S p ' P l «* I' ?■ WM.
t- 15. . Lam. Illustr / o ifi r„,„, Hag u a n .j. ób4. Mill. Illustr.
Fl: Succ. p. 252. 368.' c Hort Cliff ii i W A/w" Lapp. cd. Sm. p . 80.
p. 74..0. Rmp Lmdb o 410 ' n n p ^ at- Med. p.QQ., Reich. S yst.w l.1. 'go2 fi.»L4 UP ^: Smp: Ä f V , 9!'
>. 384. ƒ*//»,. G em ooi 1 » 141/ ’ cf ~ 'voL B /’• - s - -De Cm«/; Ä G«//.
ü o f c p l . Ä G r f » 182 ' Rf ‘ Gcvm ml. 1. 138. „ / . 2 . 36a.
/ '6 0 /.' 1 Phon. 7' ' £ ^turrn Deutsch. Fl. Gærtn. de Fruct. ml: I. fl. £ 86'
W f e . H i M^nmäTbt *■ B B B G
| GGMRMAPMN ■E N M■B HH ,lore- B Bgl SHOS. «I .H A. 6B03. B W- H 'H
BHEPABTICA Halba. CHonf. / /«I/ . 5H3 . KHH 8 I -
.PYßOLA rotundifolia palustris, flore unico ampliore. JA™. M 3 . 505. r. 1 2 . ,. 10. r I
IJan. Hv id leverurt. Leverblomster. Dut ParmiWÊffl /-.•„< - d „ -n
. nßssus. Hépatique blanche. Gern, Z > J i S n f ü I r /f f " " * - 1 1 P*r-
Pamassersgras. Wann. Fcibr Mâi-fû Tr v u ' P>lRw^ sstt Leberblume. TVeisse Leberkraut.
Norw. Höstsimmer. llviteimmer. Macaccme huand ^ P d H M M M g l Zaibmc.
Pereloi Irma. Pcrchimia trutva Z l ^ o i T n P ' S B B T ran a Parnaska. Russ.
£!; Flcmrt. J !>wed- Slotterbhmster. Härteblad. Hvilvisit. Härnacker.
S W q qUepart“ USglo^ 1l“,J3“ - q^ f ^ ^ ue cordata< apicibus
Radix fibrosa.
Folia cordata vel cordato-rotundata, venosa, inteaerri-
ma, glabra ; radicalia numerosa, longe petioÏata •
caulina solitaria, sessilia, basi amplexicaulia.
Cioms sæpe solitarii, nunc numéros!, simplieea, angu-
lab, erecti, glabri, medium versus folio unico in-
structi, apice unifloro.
Flos solitarius, terminalis.
/ALIX quinque-partitus, viridis/segmentis ovatis, bi-
| nembus, &y I
Corolla quinque-petala, petalis calyce longioribus,
ovato-rotundatis, concavis, subunguiculatis, apice
emarginatis, albis, pulcherrime venosis,y5g\ 2 , 3 .
Nectajii a quinque, squamiformia, petalis opposita mul-
toque minora, erecta, subcamosa, apice radiato-
ciliata, cihis quinque ad tredecim pellucidis al-
ws, globulo luteo pellucido te rm in a tis,^ . 4 .
tamina nectanis alternantia, segmentis calycinis op-
posite, brévia. Fil_amenta subulata! Antlieræ
ovatoe, luteæ, pistillo. gradatim incumbentes.
Germen ovatum, magnum, quadri-sulcatum. Stigmata
Pppro q tuor’ sessilia, obtusa, reflexa.
ahpium, capsula tetragono-ovata, unilocularis,
guadn-valvis.^ Eeceptacula quatuor valvulis af-
*UWnMeo erasa’ oblonSn' taca' m»gme membra-
Root fibrous.
L eaves cordate, sometitpes approaching to round,
veined, entire, smooth ; the radical ones numerous,
on long foot-stalks; the cauline ones solitary,
sessile, amplexicaul at the base.
Stems often solitary, sometimes many together, simple
angular, erect, smooth, furnished with a single
leaf near the middle, at the extremity one-flowered.
Flower solitary, terminal.
Calyx of five divisions, green, having the segments
ovate and two-nerved, Jig. l .
Corolla of five petals; the petals longer than the ca-
lyx, ovate-roundish, concave, somewhat ungui-
culate, a t the apex.emarginate, white, beautifully
veined, Jig. 2, 3. J
N ectaries five, squamiform, opposite to and much
smaller than the petals, erect, somewhat fleshy
at the apex radiato-ciliate, with from five to thirteen
pellucid white cilia;, terminated at their extremities
by a yellow pellucid globule, fo--. 4 .
Stamens alternating with the nectaries, and opposite
to the calycine segments, short. Filaments subulate.
Anthers widely- ovate, yellow, by turns
bending over the pistilluip. > .
Ge rm en ovate, large, four-sulcate. Stigmas four, sessile,
obtuse, reflexed.
Perica rp, a capsule ovate approaching to square, orie-
celled, four-valved. Receptacles four, fixed to
the valves.
Seeds numerous, oblong, browu, with a membranaceous