PAPAVER « d u w t ! ; capsule hispida obovato-oblonga, sepalis setosis,. pediculis radicalibus longis-
sinus, ioiiis pinnati-lobatis, lobis dentatis incisisve acutis. 6
PAPAVER nudicaule. iinn. Sp. PI. p. 735. (Ei. PI. Dan. t. 41.Willi. Sp. PI. ml. 3. p. 114 5 to“ f’ƒB ü Sim',Bot' M M *■ liÉ £ü M i K» • 12 .
I p 63 Deca"i ' B j m 2- P- 70. Prodr. p . 117. Pers. PI.
[Natural Order. PAPAVERACEÆ, Jms., Br., Hooi.}
Gen. Char. Calyx diphyllus. Corolla quadripetala. Capsula unilocularis, sub stigmata persistente poris
Gen. Char. Calyx of two leaves. Corolla of four petals. Capsule on<«elled, opening with pores beneath
the persistent stigma.
Radix subfusiformis, descendens, parce fibrosa.
Cadlis nullus vel obsoletus.
Folia radicalia, numerosa, subfasciculata, petiolata, ubi-
que villoso-hispida, pinnatifida magis minusve
profunde, laciniis erecto-patentibus, lanceolatis,
integris vel incisis, basi in petiolum folio lon-
giorem attenuatis.
Scapus palmaris, simplex, teres, pilosus, pilis horizon-
talibus fusco-ferrugineis, apice uniflorus.
Calyx diphyllus, foliolis ovalibus concavis, extus fusco-1
setosis pilis patentibus.
Corolla tetrapetala, fiava, petalis subrotundatis, patentibus.
Stamina numerosa, fiava, pistillo l subtetragorias. ongiora. Anther®
Pistillum. Germen ovale, hispidum. Stigma sessile
I in nostris exemplaribus quadri- ad sex- radiatum!
U rsula obovata, hispida, pilis appressis, sub stigmate
poris (tot quot radiis) dehiscens.
Root somewhat fusiform, descending, sparingly fibrous.
Stem none or obsolete.
Leaves all of them radical, numerous, somewhat fasciculated,
petiolated, entirely villoso-hispid, pin-
natifid more or less deeply, with the lacini®
erecto-patent, lanceolate, entire or cut, attenuated
at the base into a petiole, which is longer than
the leaf.
Scape four to six inches high, simple, rounded, hairy,
the hairs horizontal, fusty brown, bearing a single
flower at the extremity.
Calyx of two leaves, the leaflets oval, concave, externally
clothed with brown hairs, which hairs are
Corolla of four, petals, yellow, the petals roundish
Stamens numerous, yellow, longer than the pistil. Anthers
Pistil : Germen oval, hispid. Stigma sessile, in our
specimens from four- to six- rayed.
Capsule obovate, hispid, the hairs appressed, opening
under the stigma with as many pores as there
are rays.
3 1. Anther. Fig. 2. P i s t i l . ^ . 3 Capsule. Fig. 4. Capsule with its pores, by means of which the
seeds were discharged :—all more or less magnified.
S H a B B H ‘f e figu,re °,f a plant new t0 Ireland and ‘o Great Britain, discovered by Professor
B B l i E ■ we !ave “f of representing another equally interesting novelty in tL p a p a™
W8S ki“dlr ° , mmUnica?ed ■=yP™fesso?,GiesecyK6, g a t h e ^
especiallv M m I “ d “ !in§le. Plants among rocky glens in the hills.” It is in other countries abundant
Greenland and o f H B ° f E-T°-Pe Araenca- 1 adorns the dreary wastes o f Spitzbergen, Iceland’
■ Ä l Ä i S f i W *od f o l l o w blossoms, and the tops — rnn^ of
andIt i ni sLlaibMradolr ’ aanndd. DDrr* .RR ichardson ffo unÄd it Son® the nSolbretLhrmer’n 0 snh othrees A olft aA,cm meroicuan.tains, in Dahuria, Unalaschka,
to 1 — H B l eK allY n a “ 1«™^ state In a garden, Siberian specimens have attained
anative entirely of the Southern Aim*.? ,h"J”Cl,!nSrC marks ?f ‘.l,e sPec,es remain constant. Papaver alpinum,
in all its parte W i — B B k"°™ .‘Ins by its more delicate habit, in being more glabrou
variety M B j l l l i g B l dl,,ded leaves and u>af narrower segments. My native specimens of that
sine, 1 2344' “ fe’ led 8 * “br°-aurantiacum, are much redder than the specimens figured in Bat. M aga