g e r a n ium l u c id u m . SHINING-LEAVED
GERANIUM luciihlm; pedun'culis bifloris, foliis rotunda* quinquelobis, calycibus pyramidatis an-
gulatis, dentato-tuberculatis; capsulis rugosis, dorso hirsute.
GERANIUM lucidum. Linn. Sp. P I.p.955. Huds.Fl.Angl.p.SM. Lightf. Scot. p. 370. With.
Bot. Arr. ed. 4. vol. 3. p. 594. Relh. Cant. p. Q62. Sif/tk. Ox. ».214. Roth Germ,
Ä 1 p ‘ i 4 ! • Ä Ä - Germ- P- 244- 0e(kr FL Dan, t. 218. W i l l i Sp. Pi. vol. 3.
p . 709 Smith F . Brit, p.733. Engl. Bot. t. 75. Decand. Fl. Fr. ed. S. vol. 4. 0.850.
Decand FI. Gall. p. 408. Lam. Diet. vol. 2 . p . 660. Deslmgch. Fl. Gall. p. 428.
Pers. Syn. P i. vol. 2. p. 236. Ait. Hort. Kero. ed. 2.'vol. 4. p . 189.
GERANIUM caule herbaceo, foliis oppositis pilosis Iucidis rotendato-lobatis, calycibus pyramidalis
transversnn rugosis. Cavan. Diss. 4. p. 214. t. 80. f . 2 .
GERANIUM foliis subrotundis, semiquinquelobis, lobis obtusis, calycibus transversim rugosis. Hall.
Jtielv. ti. 942.
GERANIUM luqidum saxatile. Bauh. P in .p . 318.
GERANIUM saxatile. Ran Syn.-p. S6 l.
Welsh. P ig y r A ran diselacr.
[Natural Order. GERANIEiE, Decandplle. GERANIA, Juss. Adans. GERANIOIDEjE Vent
Ge s . Chae. Cal. p e n ta p h y llu s .Cor. pentapetala regularis. Neet. glandulte quinque mellifene, bnsi lon«io-
W M Ê Ê B Ê m B Ê , ‘ 1 “ln<l"c monosperini arislati ad basin receptaculi rostra«; aristis nudis sunplicibus
nee spimlibus nee barbatrs. - Willi.
Radix annua, parva, fibrosa, ramosa, fusca.
Caülis spithamæus ad pedalem, teres, primum viridis
demum purpure'us, glaber, nitidus, fragilis, valde.
ramosus, ramis plerumque dichotomis, divarica-
tis, basi tumidiiisculis.
Folia, inféra præcipue, longe petiolata, opposita, glabra,
nitida, subcamosa, reniformi-subrotunda,
quinqueloba, lobis ovalis ; color viridis, ætate
Stipule parvæ, ovate, squamiformes.
Peduncoli solitàrii in axillis foliorum, divaricati, gla-
bri, furcati, biflori.
Flores parvi, rosei.
Caltx pyramidatus, qüinquepartitus, segmentis ovatis,
acutis,glabris, viridibus, purpureo-lmeatis : duobus
uninerviis, fig. 4. 5. tribus binerviis, fig. 2 .—
unineivia concava, margine membranacea carinate,
nervo prominente, in hoc nudo, in altero
utrinque tuberculis dentiformibus, decurrentibus
armato ; reliqua tria dorso insigniter canaliculate,
et nervis duobus lateralibus instructa; nervi utrinque
tuberculis dentiformibus decurrentibus arma-
ti, ut nudo oculo calycis segmenta quasi transversim
cörrugatj appareant.
Corolla pentapetala: petalorum ungue angusto, limbc
ovato, patente.
Stamina decem; Filamenta Corolla breviora, ipferne
dilatata, membranacea, hinc linea elevata,fig. 7 .
Anthera rotendata, biloba, flava, biloculanst se-
• mipellucida.
Pollen pro ratione anthene magnum, flamm, sphsri-
n „, ™"> fuberculis tribus instructum, fig. 16, 1 7 .
AKIIIM quinquelobum; Stylus staminibus longitudine
ffiqualis, striatus, sursum attenuates et scaber;
otigma qumquefidum.
ERICarpidm : Cocculi quinque, ovati, fusci, coriaceo-
membranacei, uniloculares, dorso rugis longitu-
naiibus ti-ansversisque notati, facie anteriore rima
ongitudinaliter fissi, apice rinne marginibusque
■ ■ ■ H 11, IS. supra arista Ionia-
sima glabra elastice dissilientes. Hi Cocculi in
eceptacuh parus inferioris sulcis quinque vel ca-
Qbus circa axem communem positi sunt. ~
Semen unicum, ovatum, pallide cnmosnn. „. fnscnm,
w # 13. glabrum. .
omentum simplex (duplex, Gart.) membrana-
AEBEMWnullum. , ,,
**■ Pallide Haves-
P ,-’ Çotyledones foliaceoe, convolute, fig. 15;
S ia * SUmmilate basin — ^ «
IRoot annual, small, fibrous, branched, brown.
Stem from a span to a foot high, round, a t first green,
then purple, smooth, shining, fragile, much
branched, with the branches generally dichotomous,
divaricating, swelling at the base.. *
L eaves, the lower ones principally, on long footstalks,
opposite, smooth, shining; somewhat fleshy, between
reniform and round, five-lobed; lobes ovate:
the colour green, becoming reddish purple with
Stipules small, ovate, resembling scales.
P eduncles solitary in the axils of the leaves, divaricate,
smooth, forked, two-flowered.
Flowers small, rose-coloured.
Calyx pyramidate, quinquepartite, with the segments
ovate, acute, smooth, green, with purple lines:
two of them are one-nerved, fig. 4, 5. three are
two-nerved:—those with one nerve are concave
having a membranaceous margin, carinated, and
a prominent nerve, in one naked, in the other
armed on each side with tooth-like decurrent tubercles
; the remaining three are remarkably canaliculate
on the back and furnished with two lateral
nerves; the nerves, ou each side, armed
with tooth-like decurrent tubercles, so that, to the
naked eye, the segments of the calyx appear to
be transversely winkled.
Corolla of five p etals: the claw o f the petals narrow,
the limb ovate, patent.
Stamens ten; Filaments shorter than the Corolla, below
dilated, membranaceous, on one side having
an elevated line, jig . 7. Anther spherical, two-
lobed, yellow, two-celled, somewhat pellucid.
Pollen large in proportion to the size of the anther; yellow,
spherical, having three tubercles, Jig. Ifi, 1 7 .
Ovary five-lobed; Style equal in length to the stamens,
striated, attenuated upwards, and rough; Stigma
Pe r ica rp : five Coceules, ovate, brown, between coriaceous
and membranaceous, one-celled, on the
back marked with longitudinal and transverse
wrinkles, cleft on the anterior side with a longitudinal
opening, at the apex and margins ciliato-
hirsute, jig . 1 1 , 12 . above bursting elastically,
by means of a long smooth arista. These Coc-
cules are lodged, about a common axis, in five
furrows or cavities in the lower part o f the receptacle;
Se ed one, ovate, pale flesh colour, or brown, ji<*. 13 .
and smooth.
I ntegument simple, (double, G e e r t l ) membranaceous.
Albumen none.
Embryo of the same size as the seed, fig. 14 . pale
yellow; Cotyledonsfoliaceous, c o n v o lu t e , 15 .
Radicle arising from the summit, bent downwards
towards the base, and thus adverse.
'% 4 mid“ ' ? " cn°f Ü i '“ 5er cdycine exterior view. Fig. 3. Inner view of ditto.
s> - Fig. 9. PerfM Co ,ClnC .ses ,nenf ■ S. Petal. Fig. 7. Anther. Fig. 8. Ovarium and
Coccrule. f “11 ™ the persistent calyx. Fig. 10. Beceptacle for the seeds. Fig. 11. A single
'«wlycut to T h ow th T e ^ T " '. tamS' A - 13- Seed- -%• Embryo. Fig. IS. Coccule traSs- "»gniSed. ■ me conduplicature of the Embryo. Fig. 16. Anther. Fig. 17. P o l l e n a l l more or less
li u “e9™ parts of tlte kinlZrn 8 m “t 90;? and somewhat mountainous countries of Great Britain,
i &*«•"> Suffolk whichlsnefr R 'V ° ^ 1 know of no sta«on in the county of Norfolk, and
; it is well known to B y: * grows abundanfly in the hedge-banks at Lakeiiham near
Known to have been planted there some years Since by the late Mr. Crowe of that place.
I ll