W ê Mè Mêm,
OPHRYS muscifera, labello trifido, lobo medio màjore bilobo, anthera obtusa. B r in Hort Mm,
ed. % vol. 5. p . J 96. '
OPHRYS muscifera. Huds. Angl. p. 39 h With. Bot, Arr. ed. 3. vol. 2. p. 37. Hull B r Bot
^.196. Relh. Cant. p. 339■ Smith Fl. Brît. vol. 3. p. 938. Engl. Bot, t. 64. Dicks
Dort, oicç.jasc. 13. n. 15.
OPHRYS ipyodes. Jacq. Ic. Rar. vot. 1 . 1. ,184, Jacq. MiscetC vol, 2 . ». 373, I tM i Germ » 318
R A Germ vol. I. p. 38% ml. 2 . p. 404. WiUd. Sp. PI. ml. 4. p. 64 Lamarck Diet.
m l . 4 .p . 5 n . Lam.Fl. I r . al. 3. vol. 3. p. 25». Lam. Fl Gall. Syn. p. I/o . Andrews
Bot. Repos-1 . 471. ,Dalongch, Fl. Gall. p. 6 12 . Swartz Gm. et Sp. Orchid.-p. 45.
Fers. Syn. vol. Q. p . 510. 1
OPHRYS insectifera «, myodes. Linn. Sp. Fl. p. 1342. Fl. Suec, p. 317 G u n n e rM rv . no. 967.
ORCHIS muscaria. Scop. Cam. n. 1 114. All. Fed, n. 1830.
ORCHIS radicibus subrotundis, labello sericeo, bisulco, brachioÜs brevibus subulatis. Hall Hclv
n. 1265. t. 24.
ORCHIS myodes galea et alis herbidis. Rdii Syn, p. 379. J- Bauh. vol. 2 . p. 767.
ORCHIS Muscoe corpus referens minor, galea et alis herbidis. Bauh. Pin. ». 83. Rudb. Élus, vol, 2.
P- 20‘l.j6 i l . ,VaUl. -Bot. Par,.p* 147. 't. .18«
Gci ûi. FUegcnblume. Swed. FlugblOniSter. Welsh. Caincirian y r cdhogyn.
C lass a nd Ord e r . GYNANDRIA MONANDRIA.
(®iv. 1 . Anthera adnata,'terminalis, persisùens. Pùllinis massoe e lobulis angulàtis élastice cohærenfcibus,
basi affixeo. Br.)
[N atural Ord e r . ORCHIDEÆ, Juss. Br. Decdndolleif. ,
Gen . Cha r. Cor. subpatens. Labellum ecalcaratum. Glanduloe;po\\m(s, cucüllis distirictis •
inclusæ. Br. in Hort. Kezo.
Radix bulbi duo, subrotundi, fibræque aliquot crassius-1
cula?, teretes, supra affixæ.
Gaums semipedalis vel etiam pedalis, teres, erectus, gla-
ber,basi præcipue foliosus, dilute viridis.
Folia cauli concolora, pauca, subbipollicaria ; radicalia
paulum majora, patentia atque obtusa, caulina
erectiuscula, magis acuta, omniaovato-lanceolata,
crassiuscula, nitida, striata, leniter carinata, basi
Bracteæ lanceolatoe, subfoliaceæ, viridi intensiore stri-
atæ, germinibus longiores.
Flores sex ad octo, in spicam laxam, undique spiraliter
dispositi, sessiles.
Perianthium superum, sexdivisum : foliola tria exté-
riora patentia, æqualia, ovato-lanceolata, obtusa,
concava, bracleas colore texturaque referenda e t
simili modo striata.: interiora tria cumhis alter-
pantia et muscam satis exacte referentià, inæqua-
lia; horüm duo latefalia parvasunt, linearia, an-
gustissima, sub lente pubescentia, atropurpurea ;
tertium, v. labellum, magnum, dependens, con-
vexum, oblongum, intensius atro-purpureum, ho-
losericeum, tripai'titum, segmentis lateralibus mi-
noribus, obtusis, prope basin macula glabra nota-
tis ; intermedio apicem versus dilatato, bifido,
macula ad basin subcoerulea.
Anthera terminalis, subrotunda, truncata, bilocularis,
loculis prominentibus, per totam longitüdinem om-
nino distinctis, longitudinaliter dehiscentibus, singulis
basi saccatis, ad pollinis pedunculum reci-
. : piendum. .
Pollen trianguläre, flavum, in massam ovatam pedun-
culatam arcte congestum ; pedunculo gelatinoso-
elastico, pellucido, basi in glandulam disciformem
Varium oblongum, costatum, floris longitudine.
Stylus fere nullus.
Stigma concavum, virens, glutinosum.
The Root consists of two roundish bulbs, and a few
thickish fibres affixed to the upper part of it.
Stem half a foot or even a foot in heights round, erect,
smooth, leafy principally at the base, pale green.
L eaves of the same colour as the stem, few, about two
inches long; the radical ones rather larger, patent
and obtuse, the cauline ones nearly erect,
more acute, all of them, ovato-lanceolate, thickish,
shining, striated, slightly carinate, sheatiling
a t the base.
BractetE lanceolate, somewhat foliaceous, striated,
green with darker strife, longer than the germens.
Flowers from six to eight, disposed on every side
loosely in a spike, sessile.
Pe r ia n t h above, six-partite; the threee exterior
leaflets patent, equal, ovato-lanceolate, obtuse,
concave, resembling the bractess in colour and
texture, and striated in a similar manner: the interior
ones alternating with these, and pretty exactly
resembling a fly, unequal; of these the'two
lateral ones are small, linear, very narrow, under
a microscope pubescent, blackish purple; the
third, or labellum, is large, hanging down, convex,
oblong, deep blackish purple, velvety, tripartite,
with the lateral segments smaller, obtuse,
near the base marked with a smooth spot; the
intermediate one is widened towards the apex,
bifid, with a blueish spot at the base.
An t h e r terminal, roundish, but truncate, two-celled,
having the cells prominent, distinct throughout
their whole length, opening longitudinally, and
each is saccate a t the base for the reception of the
footstalk of the pollen.
Pollen triangular, yellow, closely connected into an
ovate, pedunculated mass; the peduncle gelatinous
and elastic, pellucid, at the base expanded
into a disciform glandule.
Ovary oblong, ribbed, about equal in length to the
Style scarcely any.
St igma concave, green, glutinous.
ritiml. V V ?' ,TJ ° fl,ower?’ the one. seen in front, the other sideways: a. a. a. the three exterior folioles of the Pe-
o.a N H H l le f ’ree mtenor ones. Fig. 3. Anther, Stigma, and the two lateral interior folioles of the Perianth:
maw... °!, o Polien-masses: 9 l>. the sacks; one to each cell, for tile reception of the footstalks of thepollen-
**■ 4- Pullc“ iK <*■ *■ Separate grains of p o llen .-A lL o r e
sembhn!>e Orchidece, no less generally known than admired among naturalists for their curious re-
0. aiiil'p > ° i lnse?t ^.r^ es> ^w0 were long since figured in the Flora Londinensis by Mr. Curtis, one of them,
U at the beginning of that work, the other, O, dranifera,. nearly at its close. Under the latter, much has