NARTHECIUM osiifrUgams racemo simplice, pedicello bibrncteato, bractea una ad basin altera mi-
nuta ad extremitatem pedicellorum.
NARTHECIUM ossifrrajm. 145. TFitk. Sot. Arr. si. 4. ml. R p 33s Smith
Fl. B n t.p . 368. Engl. Sot. t. 535. P en . Syn. PI. ml. 1 . p 370 WaU Fl
Lapp. p , 78; Hook. FI. Scot. P . I. p. 103. '■ P -o iu . iront. Jtl.
ANTHERICUM (Msifragum. Linn. Sp. P i. p, 446, OE i. Fl. Dap. t. 42. Lightf. Scot p 181
HoPn.Germ. ed. 2. ml. I. P . I. p . 16 1 . m ild . Sp. PI. m l A p . 14/ . H f l
Hort. Kao. ed. 2. vol.Q.p. 270. 1 .
ABAMA ossifraga. Decawrf. .F/. Fr. ed. 3. 1 1 3. ». 171. Fl. Gall. Syn. ». 153
ASPHODELUS Lancastrian G er. F wl p. 95.
PHALANGIUM Anglram palustre Iridis folio. Lancashire Asphodel or Bastard Asphodel. S a il
Dan. Beenbrud. Dut. Beenbreekeni Antherium. Fr. Le Brise-os. Germ. Das Beinhrechsrras
It. et Span. America ossifrago. Nom . Sturgroes. Swed. Hagrâfet. Welsh. Llafn y hlaiur. ‘
Class a n d Ord er . HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA,
[Natural Ord er . JUNCEiE, Decani., Broom, Hook.]
Gen. Char. Perianthium profunde sexpartitum, coloratura, persistens. Filamenta subulata, hirsute. Calrnla
supera, sub-trilocularis, semi-tnvalvis. Semina scrobiculata, utrinque insigniter attenuata. ^
OEN.CllAit. Perianth deeply sexpartite petaloid, persistent. Filaments subulate, hairy. Capsule suneriof
erf L S “ ’ ' “8 lH>8th d"lded ln,° ^ ValVe3- Seab «L h i^Z eS «
Radix perennis, subrepens, albida, fibrosa, fibris sim-
plicibus basi nigro-tomentosis.
Caulis spithamasus et ultra, basi subdecutnbens, dein
erectus, teres, parum foliosus.
Folia radicalia tri- vel quadri-pollicaria, linearl-en-
siformia, equitantia, striata, acuta; caulina latiora,
breviora, obtusa, complicato-carinata, inferiora
imbricata, reliqua reniota, superne sensim minora.
Flores flavo-aurei, in racemum laxum terminalem dis-
Pedicelli floribus longiores, erecti, alterni, bracteati,
bracteis parvis lanceolatis, viridibus, una ad basin
pedicellorum, altera et rainore ad extremitatem
sub perianthio.
Perianthium simplex, profunde sexpartitum, foliolis
lineari-obiongis, concavis, patedtibus, extus linea
viridi notatis, glabris.
Stamina sex, perianthii longitudlne, erecto-patentia:
Filamenta subulata, flava, pulcherrime hirsuta,
pilis horizontalibus, flavis: Anthera oblonga,au-
rantiaca, bilocularis.
Pistillum superum, staminibus brevius, ovato-acumi-
natum : Germen ovatum, sulois sex, longitudina-
libus, flavo-viridibus, trilocularibus: Stylus bre-
viusculus: Stigma acutiusculum.
Pericarpium : Capsula oblongo-acuminata, rufo-fus-
ca, perianthio persistente concolori cincta, trilo-
cularis, semi-trivalvis, valvis medio septiferis.
ECEptaculum ad basin cujusque dissepimenti, incras-
satum, spongiosum.
lmina parva, oblonga, erecta, scrobiformia, utrinque
insigniter longissimeque attenuata, subulata, pel-
Root perennial, inclined to creeping, whitish, fibrous, the
fibres simple, furnished at their base with black
F lower-stalk a span and more in height, rather decumbent
a t the base, afterwards erect, cylindrical,
a little leafy.
Radical-leaves three to four inches long, between
linear and ensiform, equitant, striated, acute;
those of the stem broader, shorter, obtuse, com-
plicato-carinated, the lower ones imbricated, the
rest remote, gradually smaller upwards.
Flowers golden yellow, disposed in a terminal lax ra-
P edice l s longer than the flowers, erect, alternate, brac-
teated, with the bracteas lanceolate, green, one
at the base o f the pedicels, and another smaller
one at the extremity beneath the perianth.
P e r ia n th simple, deeply six-cleft, with the leaflets linear
oblong, concave, patent, externally marked
with a green line, and glabrous.
Stamens six, as long as the perianth, erecto-patent:
Filaments subulate, yellow, beautifully hairy,
with the hairs standing out horizontally, yellow:
Anther oblong, orange-coloured, two-celled.
P ist il superior, shorter than the stamens, ovato-acumi-
nate: Germen ovate, with six longitudinal furrows,
yellow green, three-celled : Style shortish:
Stigma rather acute.
P e r ic a r p : Capsule oblongo-acuminate, reddish brown
surrounded by the persistent perianth of the same
colour, three-celled, half-three-valved, with the
valves bearing dissepiments in the middle.
Receptacle at the base of each dissepiment, thick
Seeds small, oblong, erect, scrobiform, at each extremity
very much and remarkably attenuated, subulate,
X S m £ V ^ ‘ c .p S e T f
ha^.bee(n separated from‘the Anthericum of Linnteus, consists only of two soecics-
I «'» «»acquainted ’except' f r o m R ™ in the b T ' ^ T m to. New World. With thT la te
f w h e c i l (Anthericum) glutinosum of H 1 1
S'i'SL » 10 I fT i dfescri<’li°: M H B H M W M M M B |
«noli pedicels whfch h«vJfb,BnC !fd °J raceme> smaller flowe,s> stamens with shorter hairs and pubescence
St* The anthers mo a“ £ n oK r a n ^ o u r a d ? " 6 “ ^ *ta ° tlKr <*“ "“ le of the Howe,-I
» n j flowers.K c o t la S rw h L Cdl!“ Ze“8 “ the monlhs months of of J “lj thC t" a‘August 5'd“ it ° muTch"f "en“livesn Is t hmea dnrye aPr»yr lssc eonfe rByr ibtayi nit,s pbarirgthi-t
'« meShTc!;^ IT’,|5 "ot.c“mI?le% three-celled, since the dissepiments do
T”e '5 r a n ^ irAPellm? , inte8Um' n*’ th0Se ° f ^ i ^ a n d p “ ^ J y“
Ur., ”"6 -“'e nunc
the power of
" ithenng observ.
This plant Hn#»« tnpait a yellow colour to the h air of the girls who wash themselves with it
"»«“laaot.ccee min wthhiiechh tits SflowersI areH produceId, tshe exiperBiment wIoul d1 ,b“e dw' e“ll woHrth the It»ria. l«. ?■ ornnmenral fro •
sccdlS rMemWW&ose^f af ° [ J,mS’ls * an i(? first would lead us to suppose; and there are some species of the latter