EXACUMfiliforme \ foliis sessilibus, caule filiformi dichotomo, pedunculis elongatis. Sm.
EXACUM filiforme. SmHh Engl. Bot. t. £35. With. Bot. A rr. ed. 4. ml. Q. t . 101 Ft Brit
% I8®- H B B t- 630; Deccmd. FI. Fr.ed. 3. ml. 3. p . 663. Ft. Galt.
S yn .p . 34,8. Pen. Syn. PL mL 1 . p . 136. Aiton S o rt. Kew. ed. £ ml. 1 . p 350
GENTIANA filiform!». Linn.Sp. P i p . 335. Hude.AngLp. 103. Oed. FI. Dan. I 324 Haffin
Germ. ed. £. ml. l. P . I. p. 12 3 . w
CENTAURIUM palustre luteum minimum nostras. Rail Syn. p . 286.
Dut. Kogelpyp. Fr. La Gentianellc. Germ. Die Kugelröhre. It. Port.r& Span. Esaco.
C lass a n d Ord er . TETRANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
[Natural Ord e r . GENTIANEÆ, Juss. Decand.]
Gen. Char. Calyx quadrifidus. Corolla hypocrateriformis, tubo ventricoso. Capsula bisulca, mono- bi lorn
Ians, polysperma, apice dehiscens. Stigma capitatum.
Gen. Char. Calyx quadrifid. Corolla hypocrateriform, with the tube ventricose. Capsule marked wifh t«,n
furrows, one- or two-celled, many-seeded, opening at the extremity. Stigma capitate.
Tota planta pallide viridis, senectute fusco-rufescens.
Radix annua, parva, fibrosa.
Caulis digitalis, raro altior, erectus, dichotomus, flex-
uosus, glaber, teretiusculus, basi proecipue fo-
Folia spathulato-lanceolata, integerrima, opposita, basi
connata, carnosa, radicalia majora, sed vix tres
lineas longa, patentia vel etiam reflexa, approxi-
mata; reliqua valde remota, magis angusta, erec- 1
ta, cauli appressa.
Pedunculi terminales lateralesque, erecti, biunciales,
graciles, uniflori.
Calyx quadridentatus, dentibus acutis margine mem-
Corolla persistens, flava, hypocrateriformis. Tubus
. germini arete appressus, ventricosus ; limbo quadripartite,
patente ; laciniis ovatis, planiusculis,
Stamina quatuor, paulo infra faucem corollæ inserta,
et cum ejus laciniis alternantia. Filamenta brevia.
Antheræ paululum exsertæ, flavæ.
Germen ovatutn.
Stylus germinis longitudine, filiformis.
Stigma capitatum.
Pericarpium: Capsula calyce corollaque persistenc
e s tecta, oblongo-ovata, acuminata, unilocula-
ns, bivalvis, longitudinaliter dehiscens.
ilECEPTACULA e valvarum marginibus introflexis.
emina numerosa, fusca, ovata, subangulata, punctata,
lntegumentum crus taceo-coriaceum.
albumen semini conforme, album, carnosum.
lmbryo mtralbutninosa, oblonga, recta.
OTYLEDONES breves. Radicula umbilicum spectans.
The whole plant is of a pale-green colour, becoming by
age of a brownish red. 6 J
Root annual, small, fibrous.
Stalk rarely exceeding a finger’s length in height, erect
dichotomous, flexuose, smooth, nearly round'
leafy, especially at the base.
Leaves between spathulqte and lanceolate, entire opposite,
connate a t the base, fleshy, the radical
ones the largest, yet scarcely three lines long
patent or slightly reflexed, approximated; the
others very remote, more narrow, erect, placed
close to the stalk.
P eduncles terminal and lateral, erect, two inches in
length, slender, one-flowered.
Calyx four-cleft, the segments acute, membranaceous
at the margin.
Corolla persistent, yellow, hypocrateriform. Tube
closely appressed to the germen, ventricose; the
limb four-partite, patent; the segments ovate
plane, obtuse.
Stamens four, inserted a little below^the orifice of the
corolla, and alternating with its segments. Filaments
Anthers a little exserted, yellow.
G e rm en ovate.
Style the same length as the germen, filiform.
St igma capitate.
P e r ica rp • Capsule covered with the persistent calyx
and corolla, oblong-ovate, acuminated, one-celled
two-valved, splitting longitudinally.
Receptacles formed by the inflexed margins of the
Seeds numerous, brown, ovate, slightly angular, dotted
Integument between crustaceous and coriaceous ’
Albumen of the same figure as the seed, white, fleshy'
.Embryo within the albumen, oblong straight.
Cotyledons short. Radicle looking towards the nm-
■a»“t K n d X r f 11“h ‘, is ratlS r °fscarce occurrence in Britain. The stations for it in the Botanist's Guide
Cornwall • ,,„d-S d’ between Penzance and St. Ives; sand-banks between St. Blazev’s-bridae anrl th J v ™ I
whichlastmpnHUS jaitS of -Devonshire and Dorsetshire; and on Horsham-common,^Sussex*3 abundanri
t r cimens herc figured were « b*;**■
i » * — ■ “«her autljors is called two-celled, is composed in realUyTbut ™ ■ ■ ■
[ ffflra than t0 orn?ed by the jncrassated inflexed margins of the valves. It comes nearer nerhnns i n ir
« i" I — M B ,!>"« «he number of its anthers, the divisions of Bi i l M M W M l°
8 * S'”“, and anthers whose filaments are never spirally twisted. 3 “ wel1