------- ‘»iviuuuuä uv>ianui 1», i,ci unuau aeeanaröi
MONOTROPA HypopRhys Linn Sp. PI. p. 555. Huds. Angl. p. 175. Lightf. Scot. p . 214
With. Bot Arr. cd. 4. vol. 2. p. 389. Oed. Fl. Dan. t. 232.Hoffm Germ ed 2 WÊÊêêê mBÊÈÊmm S"M »• ilH B l &k%i,Dp è r-* s-mi-4-p-m- n H I * *, ■
HYPOPITHYS Europea. Nuttall PI. Amer. vol. \ .p . 2 7 1.
HYPOPITHYS spica florida nutante. Hall. Helv. n. 1002
HYPOPITHYS lutea. Rail Syn. p . 3 17.
Dut- Buropische Bladloos. Fr. Le S,ice],i«. Germ. D e r Mchtemaager. Swed. Lungört.
[Natural Ord e r . MONOTROPEÆ, tfuttall. Genus incerta sedis, Just. Decani.]
GEN. Char. Bcriantliiim simplex, quadri-quinque-petalum, petalis basi cuculialis. Anther* uniloculares hn
moniales, bilabiatte.^ Shgma orbiculare, peltatam. Capsula quadri- quinque-locuIuris, quadri- quimuMaWs
Semina numerosa, minuta, anllata. J 1 4UU14UC vaivis.
Gen. Char. Perianth simple, o f four or five petals, petals cucullate at the base,
zontal, bilabiate. Stigma orbicular, peltate. Capsule four- or five-celled, four-"or
rous, minute, arillate.
Anthers one-celled, hori-
five-valved. Seeds nume-
Herba tota succulenta, sordide-straminea, odorata,
siccitate nigricans.
Radix parva, squamosa, radicibus plantarum aliarum
parasitica (?) ;-
Caulis solitarius, nunc plurimi ex eadem radice, spi-
thamasus ad dodrantalem, carnosus, erectus,
flexuosus, teres, primum ad apicem nutans, de-
mum post florescentiam erectus, plerumque simplex,
nunc quasi innovationibus subramosus.
Foliorum loco Squamie numeros®, inferiores minores,
magis imbricat®, superiores majores, distantes,
prtesertim in plantis adultis, omnia ovatie, con-
caviB, appress®, undique insert®, non raro apice
fuse®.' Squam® florales, vel Bracte®, caulinis
Fiores in racemum laxum, elongatum dispositi, pe-
dicellati, pedicellis squamatis. (H® squamae calyx
Perianthium simplex, in flore terminali pentaphyllum,
lateralibus- tetraphyllum, foliolis oblongo-ob-
ovatis, obtusis, erectis, conniventibus, apice pa-
tentibus, crenulatis, basi in sacculo vel cucullo
Stamina, floribus perianthio pentaphyllo, decern, in
reliquis Octo, .alternatim longiores, omnia pi-
stillo paululum breviora. Filamenta erecta, alba.
Anthera reniformis, bi vaivis, transversim aperiens,
Pollen spharicum.
Germen ovatum, quadri- vel quinque-lobum, lobis ;
medio longitudinaliter sulcatis, basi glandulis
octo vel decern, staminibus alternantibus. Stylus
brevis, cylindriciis. Stigma magnum, peltatum.
Capsula late ovata, nigro-fusca, ut in germine' sulcata,
quadri- *vel quinque-locularis, quadri- vel
quinque-valvis, polysperma, vaivis medio septi-
eceptaculum centrale, tetra- vel penta-gonum, spon-
giosuin, stylo persistente terminatum.
DEMINA numerosa, minutissima, ovata, fusca, arillo.(?)
clavato-saccato, membranaceo, pellucido, reticulata
Root small, scaly, parasitic on the roots of other plants?
Stem generally solitary, but sometimes many from the
same root, from seven to nine inches high, fleshy
erect, flexuose, round, originally nodding a t the
apex, but subsequently erect after flowering, commonly
simple, but sometimes slightly branched,
as it were, with innovations.
Scales numerous, occupying the place of leaves the
inferior ones the smallest, and most imbricated,
tnesupenor ones larger and more distantlyplaced
particularly on the old plants, all ovate, honcave!
... oppressed, growing from all sides, not unfre^
quendy brown at their points. Floral scales, or
Eracteas, similar to the cauline ones.
Fidw ers disposed in a lax, elongated raceme, upon
footstalks, the footstalks scaly. (These scales are
the calyx o f authors.)
P e r ia n t h simple, of five leaves in the terminal flower,
of four in the lateral ones, the leaves oblonso-
ovate, obtuse, erect, connivent, patent a t the
points crenulated, the base lengthened out into
a small pouch.
Stamens, in the flower which has five petals, ten in
number, in' the other flowers eight, alternately
longer, all rather shorter than the pistil. Filaments
erect, white. Anther kidney-shaped, of
two valves, opening transversely, one-celled.
JrOLLEN spherical..
Ge rm en ovate, four- or five-Iobed, the lobes furrowed
longitudinally down the middle, having at die
base eight or ten glandules, which are placed
alternately with the stamens. Style short, cy-
lmdncal. Stigma large, peltate. '
Capsule broadlyovate, blackish-brown,sulcated l i e the
germen, four- or five-celled,, four- or five-valved
many-seeded, the valves opening down the mid-
Receptacle central, four or fiye-sided, spongy termi-
Dated by the persistent style. '
Seeds numerous, very minute, ovate, brown, included
m a clavato-saccate, membranaceous, pellucid
reticulated anllus ( ? ) 1 ’
% 10. Seeds. Mg. ■ ■
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