GYMNADENIA conopsea.
GYMNADENIA conopsea. Br. in Hort. Kezo. ed. 2. vol. 5. p. 191. Hooit. FI. Scot. P . I. ».251.
Rich, in Mém. du Mus. vol. 4. p. 57. ,
ORCHIS conopsea, Linn. Sp. PI. p. 1335. Huds. Angl. p. 385. Light/. Scot. p. 5 18. Fl. Dan.
t. 224. With. Bot. Arr. ed. 4. vol. 2. p. 28. Hoffm. Germ. ed. 2. vol. 1.
P . l l . p . 175. Willd. Sp. PI. vol. 4. p. 32. Stnith Fl. Brit. p. 926. Engl. Bot.
t. 10. Decand. Fl. Fr. cd. 3. vol. 3. p . 252. Fl. Gall. Syn. p. 170. Pers. Sim.
P I. vol. 2. p. 505. Wahl. Fl. Lapp. p. 215.
ORCHIS radicibus pahnatis, calcare longissimo, labello trifido, obtuso, unicolore. Hall. Helv n 1287
t. 29.
PALMATA rubella cum longis calcaribus rubellis. Red-handed Orchis with long spurs. Rail Sun
p. 381. 6 1 s ‘
[N atural Ord er . ORCHIDEÆ, J uss., Decand., Br., Hook.]
Gen. Char. Cor. ringens. Labellum basi subtus calcaratpm. Glandules pedicellorum pollinis nudæ approximate.
GïN. Chah. Car. ringent Lip spurred beneath at the base. Glands of the stalks o f the pollen naked and
Radix ebulbis duobus palmatis fibrisque paucis simpli-
cibus carnosis teretibus.
Caulis subpedalis, erectus, teres, striatus, simplex,
Folia angustelanceolata, erecto-patentia, acuta, carinata,
substriata, pallide viridia; superiora sensim
minora, bracteiformia.
Spica oblonga, subacuminata, multiflora.
Bracte/e lineari-lanceolat®, acuminate, inferiores pr®-
cipue germinibus longiores.
Flores purpurei, immaculati, raro albi, odorati.
Petala tria exteriora patentia, margine reflexa, quorum
superius ovatum, duo lateralia obovato-cuneata;
interiora (duo) ovata, approximata, antheram te-
gentia: Labellum deflexum, trifidum, segmentis
obtusis,intermedio paululumlongiore: Cornufili-
forme, flexuosum, germine longius.
Germen lineari-oblongum, sulcatum, subtortuosum,
Columna perbrevis.
Stigma subquadratum, concavum.
Anthera terminalis, late ovata, basi utrinque appen-
diculata (anther® abortiv®), bilocularis, loculis
basi perforatis, longitudinaliter dehiscentibus.
Masse P o l l in is clavat®, flav®, basi glandulos®; glandules'
oblongis, approximate, nudis.
■%. 1. Side view of a flower. Fig. 2. Back view of a
petals. Fig. 4. Anther. Fig. 6. Pollen-mass.
Root composed of two palmated bulbs and of a few
simple, rounded fleshy fibres.
Stem about a foot high, erect, rounded, striated, simple,
■ leafy.
Leaves narrow lanceolate, erecto-patent, acute, cari-
nated, substriated, pale green; the upper ones
gradually smaller and resembling the bracteas.
Sp ik e oblong, subacuminate, many-flowered.
Bracteas linear-lanceolate, acuminate, the lower oues
especially longer than the germens.
F lowers purple, spotless, rarely white, sweet-scented.
T h r e e exterior petals patent, reflexed at the margin, o f
which the upper one is ovate, and the two lateral
ones obovato-cuneate; inferior ones (two in number)
ovate approximate, covering the anther:
Lip deflexed, trifid, with the segments obtuse,
the intermediate one a little the longest: Spur
filiform, flexuose, longer than the germen.
Ge rm en linear-oblong, furrowed, somewhat twisted,
Column very short.
St igma subquadrate, concave.
An th e r terminal, broadly ovate, appendiculated on each
side at the base (abortive anthers), two-celled,
with the cells perforated below, opening longitudinally.
Pollen Masses clavate, yellow, glandular at the base;
with the glands oblong, approximate, naked.
flower. Fig. 3. Flower seen in front deprived of its
m j g f f l W M M f f l B f° ‘- lhe delightful fragrance of its flowers, is found in moist and hilly pas-
especiallv the H i Ï Ï l t f n° whore PerImPs “ »re abundantly than in the mountainous districts,
^fragrance is 1BB1IS Üand' F ° ftc" f rows ,a ta S"»1 dova,'°" “P™ the mountains ; and in the Hebrides
ThA-t ' s Perc®Püble as you walk along from the great profusion of plants that are met with.
the sh n c tn S T fte flower ““ hi reS?“ bla" ce: a t sight, to the Orchis p y ramidalis ; but a slight inspection of s d F r~
The d i f e fr0m ‘he Habmaria of Mr'