ORCHIS maculatâ; labèllo pläiio trilobo crénato, petâlis superioribuâ conniveritibus, lateralibus pà-
tentibus, cornu cylindraceo germine breviore, bracteis longitudine germinis.
ORCHIS maculate. Linn. Sp. PL p. 1335. Huds. A n g lp . 385. Light/. Scot. p. 51?! With Bot
A rr. cd .4. vol. 2 .p . 27. Oed. Fl. Ban. t. 93 3. Hoffm. Germ. cd. 2 . vol. l. P . II p 174'
W did. Sp. PL vol. 4. p. 31. Smith Fl. Brit. p. 925. Engl. Bot. t. 632 . Swartz de Orchid
p . 18. Becand. Fl. Fr. cd. 3. vol. 3. p . 252. FL Gall, Syn.p. 170. Pers. Syn. PL vol. 2.'
V; 5° 5- Aï L HorL Kew- ed- 2- vol. 5. p. 190. Wahl. FL. Lapp. p . 215. Richard in Mém.
du Mus. vol. 4. p. 55-.
ORCHIS radicibus palmatis, caule solido, labello trifido, serrato, medio segmente acuminate Hall
Helv. m 1278. t. 32.
ORCHIS palmate speciosiore thyrso, folio* maculate. The Female-handed Orchis, or Female Satvrion
Royal. Raii S yn .p .3 8 1 . J
Dan. Gudshaand. Dut. Gevlakt standelkruid. Fr. H Orchis à feuilles tachetées. Germ. B ie ge-
Jleckte Orchis. Norw. Marihaand. Russ. Stagatschka. Swed. Jungfru Mari'd hand. Welsh.
legeirian manog byseddog.
Class a nd Ord e r . GYNANDRIA MONANDRIA (DIANDR. lin n .).
[Natural Ord e r . ORCIIIDEÆ, ƒ » , Decani., Brawn. D iv . I. Anthara adnata, subterminalis, parsistens.
Pollinis-massæ e lobulis angulatis elastice cohærentibus; basi affixa. Pr.]
Gen. Char. Corolla ringens. Labellum basi subtus calcaratum. Glandulce (1-2) pedicellorum pollinis inclusæ
cucullo unico. Br. in Hort. Kew.
Gen. Char. Corolla ringent. Labellum spurred a t tbe base beneath. Glands (1-2) of the footstalks o f the pollen
inclosed in one common little pouch.
Radix e bulbis duobus, palmatis, fibrisque paucis, sim-
plicibus, flexuosis.
Cadlis pedalis, erectus, strictus, sulcatus, gracilis, solidus,
foliiosus, viridis.
Folia alterna, carinata, læte-viridia,maculis nigris picta ;
inferiora ovato-lanceolata, obtusa ; media lanceolate,
subacuminata, fere palmaria, patentia, basi
vaginatà; superiora sensim minora, attenuate,
fere subulate.
Spica densa, ovata, multiflora.
Bkacteæ subulato-lanceolatæ, germen subæquantes.
Flores albidi vel mbicundi, maculis lineisque purpureis
varie picti, raro immaculati.
Petala auguste ovata, tria exteriora patentia, duo in-
teriora conniventia, galeata : Labellum amplum
figura mire variât, nunc rotundatum, crenatum,
obtuse-trilobum (jig. 3.), plerumque obcordatum,
trilobum, lobis lateralibus latioribus, integris, vel
emarginatîl, intermedio longiore, ovato : Calcar
subulatum, obtusum, germinis longitudine.
Columna brevis.
•Anthera terminalis, auguste ovata, erecta, bilocularis,
basi attenuate, unisaccata : Massæ pollinis ob-
scure-virides, pedicellatæ, basi glandulis minutis,
distinetis, rotundatis.
ermen lineari-oblongum, tortuosum.
oTigjia subquadratum.
Root consisting of two palmate bulbs, and of a few simple,
flexuose fibres.
St em a foot in height, erect, straight, furrowed, slender,
solid, leafy, green.
L eaves alternate, keeled, of a lively green, marked with
black spots ; the inferior ones ovato-lanceolate,
obtuse ; the centre ones lanceolate, slightly acuminated,
nearly a span long, patent, sheathing at
the base ; the superior ones gradually smaller, attenuated,
nearly subulate.
Sp ik e dense, ovate, many-flowered.
Bracteas subulato-lanceolate, equalling the germen m
Flowers white or red, marked variously with spots or
streaks of purple, rarely being without spots.
Petals narrowly ovate, the three exterior patent, the
two interior connivent, helmet-shaped : Labellum
large, varying remarkably in figure, sometimes
roundish, crenate, bluntly three-lobed($g-. 3.) generally
obcordate, three-lobed, tbe lateral lobes
the broadest, entire or emarginate, the intermediate
one the longest, ovate : Spur subulate, obtuse,
the same length as the germen.
Column of fructification, short.
An th e r terminal, narrowly ovate, erect, bilocular, attenuated
at the base, in one little pouch: Pollen
masses dark-green; pedicellate, at the base
furnished with round, minute, distinct glands.
Germen between linear and oblong, twisted.
St igma subquadrate.
anthSl!a|,B^ . ^ ^ rent aPPearauces of the flower* FiS- 4- Single pollen-mass removed from a cell of the
latt!r n0,maa!?a an uncommon plant by the sides of roads and fields, in woods and old pastures, flowering the
variation w BP *11 anA ab!e P ^um e , and are remarkable for no inconsiderable degree of
speciesLm n / he/ r//-r r ^ At aU H ho'vever> e,ven. the form of the labellum will distinguish this
Our nl- ,0?1 , ■ latifolia> ,t0 which It comes the nearest, and with which it also agrees in the palmate bulbs shortenhan th ^ °Wever’ a solicl stalk> 'a n d 's far more slender; and has the bracteie as short as, or perhaps even
^ e s p e dm e n i^ f i1’6 ,arSer than when the plant grows in poorer and drier soils; and on that account
P cimen here'figured has its blossoms probably rather exceeding the usual size.