n iT R n « r UiS tematis S'abrius?l,lis> % ellis reptantibus heibaceis, panicula paucifloni.
11U13US snxatihs. L m n .S p .P lp , 708. Huis. A n g l.a. 221. L ig h t/S c o t, p 265 With L o t dm
■ B FI Dan. t. 134. Hofm. G c n u . ïA H P L p iS l m m
Sp. PL ml. 2. p. 1088. Decani. FI. Fr. ed. 3. ml. 4. a. 473. FI Gall S v n p 338 Smith
FI. Brit. p. 544. Engl. Bot. t. 2233. Pers. Sm. PI. m l i , A i t I f L T
'i t 27°- WahL* * & « .ppi.;:i sf-iZZnirZ:
r B l M m » ™ 1” ’ f°IiiS 8labris’ ternatis' acii,is paucissimis. Hall. Heh. n. 1111.
CMAMdillLTBUS saxalilis. Stone-Braaible, or Raspis. Rail Spn. p. 26.1.
Germ- ^ Non, ■ Tegcboer.
[.n a tu ra l Ord er. ROSACEÆ, Juss., uecand., Hook.]
H H B H B H BaCCa “"P““’ C0mp0sita f l Pli™"-, monospcrmis.
alga Jive-cleft. Fruit superior, composed of many single-scaled! juicy drupes.
Radix perennis, longe repens, filiformis, li<mosa hie
.. lllic fibrosa, flagellifera ; flagellis longissiinis/pro-
cumbentibus, aphyllis vel foliosis. -
t/AULis l'EUTlLis erectus, simplex, spithamæus et ultra,
gracilis, subangulatus, pubescens, hie illic seti-
gei us, interne squamosus, squamis ovatis, con-
cavis, imbricatis, fuscis.
Folia pauca, distantia, longe petiolata, ternata; petiolis
setis vel aculeis rectis minutis instructis, basi sti-
pulis duabus ovatis, viridibus, minutis, foliolis
ovatis, acutis, venosis, subpubescentibus, dupli-
cato-serratis, lateralibus basi insequalibus, sessi-
libus, terminali magis minusve petiolato, omnibus
læte-viridibus, subtus pallidioribus.
P aniculæ terminales, axillaresque, subumbellatæ, so-
litanoe vel binæ, pauciflone.
Calyx quinquepartitus, segraentis lanceolatis, erectis,
demum reflexis, persistentibus, viridibus.
Corolla pentapetala; petalis parvis, vix calycis seg-
mentis longioribus, oblongis, albo-viridibus ; mar-
gme mtegerrimis.
Stamina calyci inserta, numerosa; Filamenta erecta,
alba, persistentia; Antheræ parvæ, flavæ.
Pistillum : Germina plenimque sex ad octo, ovata,
vmdia; Stylus breviusculus, filiformis; Stigma
parvum, obtusum, rubrum.
Perica rpium : Fructus magnus, ruberrimus, acidus ; e
drupis vel acinis rotundatis, distinctis, maiuscu-
lis, nitidis, una ad decern.
Nux oblonga, compressa, erecta, transversim ru^osa
pulpi prope basin immersa.
Semen oblongum, pendens, fuscum.
Embryo semini conformis ; Albumen nullum.
Gotyledones planiusculi ; Radicula supera, ad hilum
seminis versa.
Root perennial very much creeping, filiform, wood,
here and there fibrous, bearing runners, which
are very long, procumbent, leafless or leafy
Fe r t il e Stem erect, simple, a span and more long, .
slender, slightly angular, downy, here and there
setigerous, below scaly, the scales ovate, concave
imbricated, brown. ’
L eaves few, distantly placed, ternate, borne on lone
footstalks, which are furnished with little erect
bristles or prickles, having at the base two ovate
green, small stipules; the leaflets ovate, acute
veined, slightly downy, doubly serrated, the labial
ones unequal at their bases, sessile, the terminal
one more or less petiolate, all bright green
paler underneath. a 6 ’
P a kicles op Feowess terminal and axillary, some-
r * umbelled, solitary or in pairs, few-flowered.
CALYX of five divisions, the segments lanceolate,"erect
subsequently bent back, persistent, green *
Corolla of five petals, which are small, rather longer
than the ca l,cu e segments, oblong, greenilh-
white, their margins entire.
Stamens inserted on the calyx, numerous; Filaments
erect, white, persistent; Anthers small, yellow
Pistil: Germens generally from six to eight In number,
ovate, green; Style very short, filiform;
otigma small, blunt, red. - ’
Pericarp : Fruit large, very red, acid, composed of
from one to ten round, distinct, shining largish
drupes or acini. *** 13 “
Kroblong, compressed, erect, transversely wrinkled
«Jrrra 1"imersed the PU,P and near the base. ’
oEED oblong, pendent, brown.
Embry° of the same form as the seed; Albumen none.
Coi yledons flattish; Radicle superior, turned to the
. scar of the seed.
• » S * ! - cPei? '- . *• Sagmant of the calyx, with its stamens. Fig 3 Pistil n , „ ,
a™ 9 . .
»y »» - m i alpine, ns its congener
and, and Scotland. It is also a native I l i H W M of England, Irebe
seen m the greatest plenty and perfection, and where the nlants r„Th SItu^tl0n> however, where it may
of Darnaway, W ayshire, where acres o f g r o u n d § athered’5s ia the forest
size than I have ever seen it to do elsewhere. These berries or druoe/nrp ndh wheie th.e fruit attains to a larger
B U B B “ d 1