CINERARIA campestris; floribus umbellatis, caule simplice, foliis tomentosis; radicalibus oval is sub-
Crenulatis; caulinis lanceolatis integerrimis. Willé.
CINERARIA campestris. Retz. P ro ir. Fl. Sctmi. ei. 2. n. 1027. IVilli. Sp. PI. vol 3 p 2081.
Decani. Fl. Fr. ei. 3. vol. 4. p. 1G9. Fl. Gall. Syn. p. 284. H o f 'm. Germ e i 2.
_ vol. 1. P . II. p. 150. P en . Syn. . PI. vol. 2. p. 440. Alton in Hort. K m . ei. 3.
vol. 'ISilp. 74.
CINERARIA integrifolia. With. Bot. Arr. ei. 4. vol. 3. p. 712. Smith Fl. Brit. p. 895. Ertsl.
Bot. p. 152. ' °
CINERARIA integrifolia (3. palustris. Jacq. Austr. tab. 180. (fide Willd.)
CINERARIA alpina y . integrifolia. Linn. Sp. P l. 1248. Huds. Angl. p. 370.
SENECIO foliis imis petiolatis cordatis, obiter dentatis, caulinis lingulatis sessilibus. Hall. Helv
I 68.
JACOBjEA pannonica, folio non laciniato. Raii Syn. p . 178.
[Natural Order. COMPOSITE. D iv . III. CORYMBIFERA2, Decand. CORYMBIFERjE, Juss^
Gen. Char. Receptaculum nudum. Pappus simplex. Cal. simplex, polyphyllus, aiqualis, cylindricus. Smith.
Radix e fibris numerosis fuscis.
Caulis erectus, simplex, spithamseus et ultra, striatus,
füsco-viridis, albo-tomentosus.
Fol ia: radicalia horizontaliter disposita, elliptico-ob-
longa, obtusa, subcoriacea, planiuscula, basi (in-
ferioribus)• subpetiolata: caulina sensim minora,
alterna, distantia, lanceolata, erecta, appressa,
omnia vix denticulata, superne viridia, pubescen-
tia, inferne tomento denso albo vestita, nervo
dorso prominente.
Flores in umbellam terminalem simplicem subsexflo-
ram, aurei. Pedunculi basi bractea subulata in-
Calyx cylindraceo-hemisphasricus, pubescens, viridis,
apice fuscescens, squamis subulatis sequalibus.
Receptaculum nudum, punctatum.
Flosculi radii numero .incerti, calyce longiores, fce-
minei, infeme tubulosi, superne in ligulam ob- i
longam patentem lineatam, apice tridentatam, ex-
pansi: centrales tubulosi, quinquedentati, herma-
Stamina quinque, coadunata, flava.
Pistillum : ovarium oblongum, striatum, scabrum.1
Stylus longus. Stigma bifidum, segmentis line-
aribusj récurvis.
Pericarpium : Achenium oblongum, fuscum, sulcatum,
scabrum. Pappus pericarpio longior, sessi-
liS) sub lente scaber.
Semen achenio conforme, glabrum.
Root consisting of many brown fibres.
Stem erect, simple, a span or more in height, striated,
brownish-green, with a white down.
Leaves : the radical ones horizontally disposed, ellip-
tico-oblong, obtuse, somewhat coriaceous, plain,
a t the base (in the inferior opes) subpetiolated :
the cauline ones gradually smaller, alternate, distant,
lanceolate, erect, appressed, all of them
scarcely toothed ; above green, downy, below
elothed with a thick white downy substance, on
the back having a prominent nerve.
, Flowers in a terminal, simple, somewhat six-flowered
umbel, golden colour. The peduncles furnished
a t the base with a subulate bractea.
Calyx between cylindrical and hemispherical, pubescent,
green, brownish a t the tip, with equal subulate
scales. Receptacle naked, dotted.
Florets o f the radius uncertain in number, longer than
the calyx, female, below tubular, above expanded
into an oblong, patent ligule, marked with lines,
and having at the apex three te e th ; the central
florets are tubulose, five-toothed, hermaphrodite.
Stamens five, coadunate, yellow.
P istillum : ovary oblong, striated, rough. Style short.
Stigma bifid, with the segments linear, recurved.
P e r ica rp : an achenium, oblong, brown, sulcate, rough.
Pappus longer than the pericarp, sessile, under
the microscope rough.
Se ed of the same shape as the achenium, smooth.
Fig. I Floret of the circumference. Fig. 2. Floret of the disk. Fig. 3. Calyx cut open, deprived of its florets
to show the receptacle. F,g. 4. Head of seed-vessels. 1%. 5. Seed-vessel, with its pappus. Mg. 6. Single
han oi the pappus. Fig. 7. Seed-vessel cut open to show the seed and embr y o a l l more or less magnified.
if r ïd t t r 1 H H i"1de',led for fine flowering specimens o f this rare though not elegant plant, gathered in
■ » ■ B S PortsMu. Sussex, earl, in the month of June. It is also to be met with on the Jov-Magog
Wbton H am ïr hlrC: T ™ of I?,od T d Huufltledon Hills in Dorsetshire; near Basingstoke, AndJver, and winton, Hampshire; and at Mungewell and on Burford Downs, Oxfordshire.
i R H p ant,!S the & pratensis of the Cineraria integrifolia o f Jacquin; not the «, which is a distinct
S S k inWiL W >dc n0W> aDf tlVC 0f Ge™any and Switzerland, and which still retains the name o f C. in-
ww F W W , ] den°-W S SpT eS f lantarum:. The present species was called campestris by Retz in his Prodro-
s p lores ocandmavus, and we have accordingly retained that name.
lyx is c T e r e d n ? r the o hite d,°wny.1lsubstance ^with which the MBlglB leaves and stems, and in some measure the ca- A "?e"üoned by.Snuth as a native of Anglesea, but which I have never seen, has the
the pp reesseenntt upllaatfee,’ „anTd Vthe“ r adicaTl o“ne’ s» somBetime sB wideHly-too othneeds,. larger and smoother above than the subJject of