< S « O O i 4 g
NARDUS stricta ; spica erecta gracili, flosculis secundis.
NARDUS strict». Lirni. Sp. P l.p .7 7 . Huds. Angl. p. 22. Light/. Scot. p. 90. frith Bot strr
■ 1 1 i n m s g 1 1 u I i i-?. 1 i ü m Tp.iu Smith m. Brit. p. 6 1 . Engl. Bot. t. 390. Dcranrf. Fï. F h a/. 3. ml. 2. » 77 J t n „ li
| B H WT Y r LLal,T ^ : P w /. 1./». 134. ifo tf Graw. wo/. 2”.ƒ>-.S 4y. n .IPfool /.cm. Fl .l.l .Spc.ont. .F .— I. p .Q i.
NARDUS spica setacea recta. i/a//. Heh. ra. 1410.
GRAMEN sparteum juncifolium. Small Mat-weed. R a iiS yn .p . 393.
Dan. Smegnes. Dut. Borstelgras. Fr. Le Ward serré. Germ. D m Barstenen*. It. Port et Snan H l
Nonv. FmmM'cg. R„ss. Belaas. Swed. Angborst. Welsh; C » S P ^
Class an d Ord e r . TRIANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
[Natural Ord e r . GRAMINE/E, Joss., Decani., Br., Hook.]
Ge n . Ch a r . Col. nullus. Cor. bivalvis.
G e n . Ch a r. Cal. none. Cor. two-valved.
Radix perennis, cæspitosa, fibrosa; fibris crassiusculis,
CüLMi numerosi, erecti, subtetragoni, rigidi, spithamæi,
ad basin solummodo geniculati, atque illic squa-
mis oblongis fuscis glabris vestiti.
Folia setacea, longiuscula, subscabra, superne sub lente
canaliculate, patentia, basi vaginantia; vaginis
cylindraceis, lasvibus.
Spicatriuncialjs, erecta, stricta, gracilis: Rachis dorso
convexa, facie superna alternatim excavata, ,
apiçe acuminata.-
Floscüli secundi, primum arete rachi appressi, de-
mum subpatentes: Calyx nullus: Corolla bivalvis;
valvula exteriore purpureo-viridi, striata, scabri-
uscula, lanceolate, longe tenuiterque acuminata,
margine insigniter i'nflexa; interiore minore, ob-
longo-lancqolata, obtusa, bifida, membranacea,
. albida.
Stamina tria.
PiSTiLLUM : Germen oblongum, viride : Stylus unicus,
erëçtus, pubescens, pallidus.
Root perennial, cajspitose, fibrous; the fibres thickisb
Culms numerous, erect, subtetragonous, rigid, about a
span high, jointed at the base only, and there
clothed with oblong brown glabrous scales.
L eaves setaceous, rather long, subscabrous, when seen
under the microscope grooved above, patent
sheathing at the base, with the sheaths cylindrical,
smooth. . . J
Sp ik e three inches long, erect, straight, slender: Rachis
convex on the back, on the anterior side alternately
excavated, acuminated at the extremity.
Florets secund, at first closely appressed to the rachis
at length subpatent: Calyx none: Corolla of two
valves; the outer valve purplish green, striated,
slightly scabrous, lanceolate, much acuminated*
with the margin remarkably inflected ; the inte^
nor valve smaller, oblongo-lanceolate, obtuse
bifid, membranaceous, white.
Stamens three.
P is t il : Germen oblong, green: Styles single, erect*
pubescent, pale coloured. ° ’ ’
% I f Portion of a rachis with four flowers. Fig. 2 . Single flower. Fig. 3. Inner view of an outer dome
.2%. 4. Pistil. .- '4 •" ®
LinriiPn^’Ji'P^ andL unPr°fitable grass, plentiful in heathy and■ mountainous situations; known in SmnlanH
goats and ^ by na“ e of 0 ld Man's Beard, and in Pithcea by that of Hog's Bristles Nevertheless
S tufted H cro"'= ,° H .1 i? "P f°'- * e sake of the Lets that th e f find among .
I H K ' W copiose c ra a t. ascemum rctardat, iescensnm coco „drum in madam accelent" ’